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Who would that be translate French

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Who would that be?
Qui ça peut être?
Who would that be?
Qui est-ce?
And who would that be?
Et de qui s'agirait-il?
Who would that be?
Qui donc?
If it is proved that for a period of not less than seven years... no news of a person has been received... by those who would naturally hear of him if he were alive... then he may be legally presumed dead.
Si pendant une période de sept ans la personne n'a donné aucune nouvelle, il est possible de la déclarer légalement décédée.
And then there were those who said that there'd be a tiny little foot and ankle, and then it would grow till it got to be full sized.
D'autres optaient pour un petit pied de bébé qui grandirait normalement.
I got a very good job as a secretary... and my job brought me in contact with a lot of nice men... one of whom might have turned out, I thought, to be the one... who would give me all the things that you dream about when you ´ re 20 and lonely.
J'étais très heureuse de mon travail de secrétaire, cela me permettait de rencontrer des tas d'hommes charmants, l'un d'entre eux aurait bien pu devenir, me disais-je, celui qui m'aurait offert toutes les choses dont on rêve à 20 ans quand on est seule.
Who would have thought that I would be having lunch with my nephew's concubine!
Qui aurait dit que je déjeunerais avec Ia concubine de mon neveu.
Who would that be?
That would be the one who is so much like her mother when she was a girl.
Celle qui ressemble à sa mère à son âge...
Who would ever have thought that she'd still be here, In Venice... that house.
Qui pouvait imaginer qu'elle était toujours vivante, ici à Venise dans cette maison?
Do you remember saying to me that Madeleine would be a treasure for anyone who wanted to get on?
Ne m'as-tu pas dit toi-même que Madeleine était un trésor pour qui voulait réussir?
● Who would be silly enough to believe that? ● Yeah.
Qui serait assez bête pour croire ça?
Would those people who shall be nameless be apt to have additional copies of that which I did you know what with this morning?
Ces individus anonymes auraient-ils un double de vous-savez-quoi?
I know some women who would be very grateful to a man who did just that.
Certaines épouses seraient reconnaissantes.
I knew right away that you would be the only one who could help us.
Je savais que vous étiez le seul capable de nous sauver!
Who would say that my debut night would be the last night of that poor circus?
Qui aurait dit que la nuit de mes débuts serait aussi la dernière de ce pauvre cirque?
Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman?
Qui est assez barbare pour refuser d'être romain?
A journalist in Switzerland met with a German scientist who stated that your project would be an incredible breakthrough in anti-Godzilla operations in Japan when completed.
Cela pourrait être une incroyable découverte... pour les opérations anti-Godzilla au Japon, lorsqu'il sera terminé.
When I began to realise that I'd fallen in love with a woman who would never be able to love me, my first reaction was to disappear.
Quand j'ai réalisé que j'étais amoureux de toi, qui ne pourrait jamais m'aimer, j'ai décidé de disparaître.
If I knew that, then I would be... the almighty God, who knows everything.
Si je le savais, alors je serais... Dieu tout-puissant, qui sait tout.
Who would've dreamed that he'd have to be sold as a slave?
Qui aurait pu croire qu'il serait vendu comme esclave?
Wonder who that would be.
Je me demande qui c'est.
For three years, you've worked as sort of an emissary for a would-be group of reformers who think that juvenile delinquency can be curtailed if we treat these hoodlums with kid gloves.
Pendant trois ans, vous avez travaillé comme émissaire pour un groupe de réformateurs qui pense que la délinquance peut être guérrie si nous traitons ces jeunes avec des gants de velours.
I would even, I decided, be nice to that ugly girl who'd been annoying me.
Je décidai même d'être gentil avec cette fille horrible.
I presume even in the Far Eastern Department they have some idea who that aggressor would be likely to be.
Je présume que, même vous, avez quelque idée... sur cet agresseur éventuel.
Might I ask who would be giving you an idea like that? My uncle.
Pourrais-je demander qui vous a donné pareille idée?
Who would have thought that I, Oskar Binding, would be... an art collector!
Qui aurait imaginé que moi, Oscar Binding, je deviendrais amateur d'art?
Who would have thought that it was so wonderful to be in love?
Que c'est beau d'être amoureuse!
That must be what it is. Who would want to haunt me?
Qui voudrait me hanter?
Who would ever have believed that human beings would be stupid enough... to blow themselves off the face of the Earth?
Qui aurait pu imaginer l'être humain suffisamment stupide pour se faire disparaître lui-même de la Terre?
And who would that someone be?
Et qui le nommerait?
A long, agonizing route through a maze of bottles. Al Denton, who would probably give an arm or a leg or a part of his soul to have another chance. To be able to rise up and shake the dirt from his body and the bad dreams that infest his consciousness.
Al Denton, qui pourrait donner un bras, une jambe, ou son âme... pour avoir une seconde chance, pour se relever, et nettoyer la boue qui le souille, pour éloigner les vapeurs d'alcool qui embrument son esprit.
Tell me, Father, what if he had made it back from Germany too, instead of just his wife that Jewish friend of yours who entrusted you with everything, what would you be today?
Dis-moi, papa, s'il était revenu d'Allemagne avec sa femme cet ami juif qui t'a tout confié, où en serais-tu aujourd'hui?
To change, I would be able to to present you to a publisher... who would insure a work intelligent that can interest you instead of writing in these ducks half fascist...
Pour changer, je pourrais te présenter à un éditeur... qui t'assurerait un travail intelligent qui puisse t'intéresser au lieu d'écrire dans ces canards à moitié fascistes...
However, I would be failing in my duty if I did not admit to you that there are many others who believe it could have been.
Toutefois, je manquerais à mon devoir en refusant de reconnaître que d'autres scientifiques prônent cette théorie.
Who would've thought that one day our kids would be, well, engaged sort of?
Qui aurait cru qu'un jour nos enfants seraient presque fiancés?
Stay away... these are the invaders - the tiny beings from the tiny place called earth who would take the giant step across the sky to the question marks that sparkle and beckon from the vastness of a universe only to be imagined.
Gresham et moi... Ne vous approchez pas. U.S. AIR FORCE
I never expected that anyone who was so successful in that field would be well, as young as you, Mr. Stephens.
Je ne pensais pas qu'un publicitaire avec autant de succès puisse être aussi jeune que vous.
Amigo, who would have thought the night we got out of jail... that we would be here like... a rich man, heh?
Qui aurait cru quand on était en prison qu'on atterrirait ici en hommes riches?
Why, there isn't an editor in the country who would dare to be that despicable.
Aucun rédacteur en chef de ce pays n'oserait être aussi méprisable.
Uncle Skylock. even though we didn't get to spend too much time together you were magnificent. Your efforts to rescue me proved to me that you would be the kind of father who would watch out for me.
Oncle Skylok, bien qu'ayant passé peu de temps ensemble... les efforts déployés pour me libérer, prouvent votre capacité à me protéger!
They're betting on who'll see your body first, and I bragged that it would be me.
J'ai parié avec les gars que je serais la première à te voir torse nu.
In the face of growing hunger riots, it is very possible that dwindling supplies of food would finally be kept as a form of bonus, for those who perform the precarious maintenance of law and order.
Au vu du nombre grandissant d'émeutes, il est possible que la nourriture, sans cesse plus rare, soit réservée comme récompense à ceux chargés d'assurer l'ordre public vacillant.
Who's the droll fellow that thought this little stunt would be amusing?
Qui est l'imbécile qui a cru que cette mascarade serait drôle?
Hey, you wouldn't be his wife, would you, that one who had "Lucille" tattooed on his arm?
Celui qui a ce tatouage. Non, ce n'est pas mon mari.
Perhaps it would be fairer to say that the men who challenge the master keep me that busy.
Il serait plus juste de dire que ce sont les hommes qui défient le maître, qui me donnent du travail.
- Well, you said we'd be perfectly safe. - Yeah, well, who knew that they would...
- Tu as dit qu'on était en sécurité!
Who do you suppose would be able to kill that renegade?
Qui pensez-vous pourrait tuer ce renégat?
That is why it would have been good for Refusis to be inhabited again by life and the signs of life, provided that the beings who come to take our place are peaceful.
Il aurait donc été bien que Refusis soit de nouveau peuplée de vie et de signes de vie, à condition que les êtres venus prendre notre place soient pacifiques.
Girls, I would like to point out that the one that is elected beauty queen will be given the honorary task of presenting this gift to our former chairman, who will be eighty-six years old.
Mesdemoiselles, je vous annonce que celle qui sera élue Miss Pompiers aura l'honneur de remettre ce précieux cadeau à notre président d'honneur à l'occasion de son 86e anniversaire.

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