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Who would it be translate French

900 parallel translation
- Who would it be, but myself.
- Ça peut être que moi.
When two countries are at war and one is attacked... who would it be but the enemy?
Pourquoi? C'est tout à fait normal quand deux pays sont en guerre.
Who would it be then?
Qui cela pourrait-il être alors?
If you chose the most fabulous character in English literature, who would it be?
Quel est, selon vous, le personnage le plus fabuleux de la littérature anglaise?
I was saying that it would be better to think less about him and a bit more about someone who suffers because of you.
Je disais qu'il vaudrait mieux penser moins à lui et davantage à quelqu'un qui souffre à cause de vous.
Well, it was horrible enough for Jimmy to write such a terrible play but any man who would finance such an outrage should be tarred and feathered.
C'est déjà affreux que Jimmy ait écrit un horrible spectacle, mais l'homme qui le finance mérite d'être mis au pilori.
Only it occurred to me that the man who laid the air track to Rio when the whole world said it couldn't be done, and did a lot of other things that nobody else would tackle, well, that man would hardly be the one to wait for a piece of paper
Mais je me disais que le premier homme à atteindre Rio quand tous disaient que c "était impossible, et qui a accompli tant de choses que personne n" a osé faire, eh bien, que cet homme ne serait pas du genre à attendre un bout de papier
It would be a disgrace to me a man of serving land to have a son who's a soldier!
J'aurais honte étant riche et ayant de la terre d'avoir un fils soldat.
And the future of our families, the young men who one day want to be called the pride of England, it's not that they would hiss and boo that harlot, no, they applaud her!
Et la fine fleur de notre jeunesse, les garçons qui seront la fierté de l'Angleterre, croyez-vous qu'ils huent cette courtisane? Non, ils l'applaudissent!
Now, who else would they be trusting to it but me and old McPherson.
Qui d'autre que moi et le vieux McPherson oserait essayer?
However, would you be able to tell me the name of the person who wrote it?
Excusez-moi, qui a écrit cette lettre?
It would be very embarrassing for you to know who I am.
Ce serait très gênant pour toi de savoir qui je suis.
It is suggested that a warm drink in a thermos... would be of great comfort to small children... who might have to be awakened at an unusual hour.
Pour les tout petits, un thermos de boisson chaude, car on risque de les réveiller!
I'm sorry in a way because it would be so pleasant... to buy lovely "nonsensities" for somebody who'd never had them.
J'en suis désolé, d'une certaine façon, car il aurait été si bon d'acheter des choses extravagantes à quelqu'un qui n'en a jamais eu.
It would have to be a man who knew exactly what I wanted.
Parce que cet homme aurait su exactement ce que je voulais.
- Who else would it be for?
- Vous dites ça pour moi?
Who else would it be?
Qui d'autre serait-ce?
If it is proved that for a period of not less than seven years... no news of a person has been received... by those who would naturally hear of him if he were alive... then he may be legally presumed dead.
Si pendant une période de sept ans la personne n'a donné aucune nouvelle, il est possible de la déclarer légalement décédée.
And then there were those who said that there'd be a tiny little foot and ankle, and then it would grow till it got to be full sized.
D'autres optaient pour un petit pied de bébé qui grandirait normalement.
- Not too young. Would it be indiscreet of me to ask who this young man is?
Puis-je vous demander qui c'est?
It would be an extraordinary coincidence wouldn't it if more than one Naval lieutenant in Washington were to become engaged in the last few days to a girl from New York who's aunt was giving them the reception?
Quelle coincidence ce serait de voir deux lieutenants de la Navy se fiancer, ici, à une New-Yorkaise
You know, Lawson, if my kids and all the other kids who are in this thing could fix it so this would really be the last one, your kid would get quite a break, wouldn't he?
Si mes enfants et tous les autres enfants impliqués dans cette guerre pouvaient faire en sorte que ce soit la dernière, votre enfant serait sacrément tranquille, n'est-ce pas?
If you bought the uniform for Lottie, and I can't imagine who else it would it be for then why shouldn't she wear it?
Tu l'as bien acheté pour Lottie, car je ne vois pas qui d'autre... pourrait le porter.
It would be much more to the point, Hardin to produce one witness who knows he was not where he says.
Ce serait bien mieux, Hardin, d'amener un témoin qui saurait qu'il n'y était pas.
After seeing how ugly your husband was, you thought it would be fun to see the guy who's pining for you! So look at me!
Après avoir vu ton mari tel qu'il est, tu as pensé que ça serait amusant de regarder l'homme qui souffre pour toi.
It takes one who'd marry her, so all the others would be settled.
Juste un pour se marier, et d'autres pour l'enlever.
See, there's a lot of kids just like you who are Jewish and if you said it, it would be admitting there was something bad in being Jewish and something swell in not.
Il y a des enfants comme toi qui sont Juifs. Si tu disais ça, ce serait admettre que les Juifs sont mauvais et que les non Juifs sont mieux.
I have many rich friends who would be willing to help us if it were necessary.
J'ai plusieurs amis riches qui m'aideront volontiers.
Why, who else would I be wearing it for, Ross?
Pour qui d'autre le porterais-je?
[Groans] I tried to figure it out. But he says he knows a man in England who would gladly give his life... to know of such a wonder, so there must be something to it.
J'ai essayé de comprendre mais il a dit connaître un homme en Angleterre qui donnerait sa vie pour connaître un tel prodige.
We've had an anxious day, Captain, wondering if it would be you or the police who would call on us.
Nous avons eu une journée agitée, capitaine, à se demander si ce serait vous ou la police qui viendrait.
The Department of Justice would investigate, This would be a bit annoying, because it is we who are investigating them.
Le Département de la Justice ferait une enquête, ce qui serait un peu gênant, car c'est nous qui enquêtons sur eux.
- I couldn't be sure if it would be you who came.
N'importe qui aurait pu entrer.
It would be a good trophy to show to those who still waver.
Ce serait un bon trophée pour ceux qui hésitent.
- Who else's would it be?
À qui veux-tu qu'elle soit?
Anybody who saw it would be reassured.
N'importe qui serait rassuré.
Would it be bad manners to ask who tipped off the police... at the flower market?
Et qui avait appelé la police au Marché aux Fleurs?
He said it's people like us who would make this country what it should be.
Il disait que les gens comme nous feraient de cette région ce qu'elle mérite.
It would be her who'd throw herself at him.
Elle va pas tarder à se jeter sur lui!
It would be easier to stop Karswell's demon... than a woman who has her mind made up.
Contrecarrer une femme décidée? Plutôt arrêter le monstre de Karswell!
It would be very bad for a torero who speaks English.
C'est très mauvais pour un torero de parler anglais.
Who would have thought that it was so wonderful to be in love?
Que c'est beau d'être amoureuse!
That must be what it is. Who would want to haunt me?
Qui voudrait me hanter?
Just think about it... Who would Zèphe be likely to show it to? Oh, to be rid of Zèphe and the Malorets!
- Qu'il la montre seulement, le Zèphe... et y a plus de Zèphe, plus de Maloret!
Tell me, Father, what if he had made it back from Germany too, instead of just his wife that Jewish friend of yours who entrusted you with everything, what would you be today?
Dis-moi, papa, s'il était revenu d'Allemagne avec sa femme cet ami juif qui t'a tout confié, où en serais-tu aujourd'hui?
Now, you wouldn't have thought it was going to be your own father... Who would be responsible for this change in my attitude?
Auriez-vous pensé que ce serait votre propre père qui serait responsable de mon changement d'attitude?
However, I would be failing in my duty if I did not admit to you that there are many others who believe it could have been.
Toutefois, je manquerais à mon devoir en refusant de reconnaître que d'autres scientifiques prônent cette théorie.
"It would be strange indeed if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the state for these lesser sacrifices in order to prevent our being swamped by incompetence."
"Il serait absurde qu'il ne puisse exiger de ceux qui l'affaiblissent un sacrifice de moindre portée afin d'ôter à la nation le poids de leur incompétence."
Who knows, maybe there was a country where he would be accepted for his heart, and where he would had been able to forget everything he had learned... and then learn it again without embarrassment or offense,
Qui sait, peut-être il y avait un pays où il serait accepté pour son coeur, et où il aurait pu oublier tout ce qu'il avait appris puis réapprendre sans embarras ou injure, d'une façon douce et naturelle comme ça aurait dû se faire.
If we had won the war, it would be their kids with blue eyes who play the shamisen.
Si on avait gagné la guerre, ce serait leurs gosses aux yeux bleus qui joueraient du shamisen.
Tell him it would be very helpful if he could tell us who they are.
Dites-lui que ça nous aiderait de savoir qui ils sont.

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