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Why shouldn't they translate French

137 parallel translation
Of course, they found it. Why shouldn't they?
Bien sûr, ils l'ont trouvée.
If they're going to the café, why shouldn't I?
les autres ils vont bien au café. pourquoi j'irai pas moi aussi?
In case someone wants to start a lawsuit against you they ask the court to direct you to show cause why they shouldn't be granted relief.
Si quelqu'un veut entamer un procès contre toi... il demande au tribunal de t'ordonner de te justifier en vue de réparation.
Why shouldn't I? Aren't they?
Pourquoi ne le seraient-ils pas?
Well, why shouldn't they get acquainted?
Ah bon! Et pourquoi on pourrait pas faire connaissance?
I don't see why they shouldn't be.
Pourquoi pas?
- Why shouldn't they marry if they want to?
- Pourquoi pas?
- Why shouldn't they? - It's their affair. Yes.
Comment peux-tu dire ça?
Why shouldn't they?
- Pourquoi pas?
Why shouldn't they do it?
Pourquoi pas?
If there is anyone here who can show why they shouldn't be joined in holy wedlock let him speak now or forever hold his peace.
S'il ya quelqu'un ici qui peut dire pourquoi ils ne doivent pas être joints dans le saint mariage Qu'il parle maintenant ou pour toujours ou se taise à jamais.
- I hope they'll be happy. - Why shouldn't they be happy?
J'espère qu'ils seront heureux.
Well, why shouldn't they look cute together?
Pourquoi ne le seraient-ils pas?
And why shouldn't they be?
Mais c'est bien naturel.
Well, I was just telling Mr. Crocker here, as long as the kids love each other, why shouldn't they be married?
Je le disais à M. Crocker, puisqu ils s'aiment, qu'ils se marient!
Ask Franz. Why shouldn't they?
Pourquoi ne m'auraient-ils pas crue?
They're so sweet and nice, why shouldn't I watch'em?
Ils sont adorables, pourquoi je ne les aurais pas regardés?
Why were they after you or shouldn ´ t l ask?
Que vous veulent-ils?
Of course they do. Why shouldn't they?
Pourquoi est-ce que tout le monde ne s " aimerait pas?
Why shouldn't they be?
Pourquoi pas?
Why shouldn't they celebrate?
Il y a de quoi.
Why shouldn't they?
Pourquoi pas, du reste?
- Why shouldn't they?
C'est ce qu'on leur raconte...
Why does anybody do anything that they shouldn't?
Pourquoi fait-on tous des choses qu'on ne devrait pas?
But why shouldn't they come here?
- Mais... pourquoi ils viendraient pas?
They're always together, why shouldn't they get along?
Que dites-vous? Ils sont toujours ensemble.
That's why they shouldn't know!
C'est pourquoi ils ne doivent rien savoir!
Why shouldn't they believe you?
Pourquoi ne te croiraient-ils pas?
Why shouldn't they see you?
Pourquoi ils doivent pas te voir?
Why shouldn't they?
- Why shouldn't they be? - Eh?
Qui est l'idiot?
Why shouldn't they've been chasing him?
C'est normal qu'ils l'aient suivi!
- Why shouldn't they be, sweet?
- Quel est le problème?
That's right. - That's what they think of all of us. - And why shouldn't they?
Et voilà ce qu'ils pensent de nous.
They shouldn't be. Why?
Il ne le faut pas, pourquoi?
Why shouldn't they?
Pourquoi n'en serait-il pas de même pour eux?
Why shouldn't they?
Pourquoi pas?
Why shouldn't they be happy?
Ils ne peuvent qu'être heureux.
Why shouldn't they answer?
Pourquoi refuseraient-ils de répondre?
And why shouldn't I be, I think that sleep and death are alike they both give you peace.
Sommeil et mort sont semblables. Tous deux te donnent la paix.
They interrupted Rembrandt, why shouldn't they interrupt me?
On interrompait bien Rembrandt, pourquoi pas moi?
Why shouldn't they?
Normal, non?
Why shouldn't they act the way they do if they get away with it
Pourquoi ne devrait pas ils interpréter la voie Ils font s'ils y échappent
Why shouldn't they?
Pourquoi tu dis ça?
As long as people enjoy it... and it gives them pleasure, why shouldn't they have it?
Tant que ça plait pourquoi le refuser?
The illusion that the world has always taken advantage of him. - Why they shouldn't have it?
L'illusion que le monde lui en veut...
If they can do it to me, why shouldn't I be able to do it to them?
S'ils peuvent me faire ça, pourquoi je ne pourrai pas leur faire? Tu pourras.
Why? Six months ago some kids skin diving... where they shouldn't off Kahoolawe, they found some wreckage.
Il y a six mois, des plongeurs ont trouvé une épave vers Kahoolawe.
- Why shouldn't they?
- pourquoi qu'ils reviendraient pas?
I've mates who'd be lucky to run the hundred in twelve and they're going, so why shouldn't you?
J'ai des potes qui s'estiment heureux de courir le 100 en douze secondes et ils y vont, alors pourquoi tu devrais pas?
- Why shouldn't they?
- Pourquoi ne le feraient-ils pas?

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