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You've grown up translate French

237 parallel translation
You've grown up, too.
Vous êtes adulte, maintenant.
Betsy, you've grown up.
Betsy, tu as grandi.
You know, you've grown up a bit since I last saw you. It's no wonder...
Vous avez grandi depuis la dernière fois...
Well, I hope you'll meet them all when you've grown up.
J'espère que tu verras tout ça quand tu seras grand.
I've always known you must have grown up in a lovely house like this.
J'ai toujours su que tu avais grandi dans une belle maison comme ça.
And, of course, since then you've grown up.
Et, bien sûr, depuis, vous avez grandi.
Jane, dear, I'm terribly proud of the way you've grown up.
Jane, je suis très fière de toi.
Sorry, now that you've grown up...
Pardon. Souvent, maintenant que j'ai grandi...
You've all grown up so since the bishop and I lived in this parish.
Vous avez tellement grandi depuis que nous sommes partis d'ici.
You've grown up.
Vous avez tellement changé.
You've grown up to be a handsome, strapping young man.
Tu es un beau et solide gaillard.
Son, when you've grown up
Mon fils, quand tu seras grand
Unless, maybe, you've got twins and a job of your own... and grown up with your husband and friends.
Vous, vous avez des enfants, un métier, des amis.
You don't seem to realize it, but I've grown up.
Tu ne te rends pas compte que j'ai grandi.
We've grown up together, you know, Marge.
On a grandi ensemble, tu sais, Marge.
Can't aunt Anna stand that you've grown up and want a man?
La tante Anna ne supporte pas que tu aies grandi et que tu veuilles un homme?
You've grown up and you're even prettier if that's possible. Well thanks.
Tu es devenue encore plus jolie, si c'est possible!
Now you've all grown up
Et maintenant, vous êtes tous des grands.
Being able to recognise that shows how much you've grown up
Tu as de ces expressions! Tu es une femme maintenant.
Sure, you've grown up a foot since I saw you last.
T'as grandi depuis que je t'ai vu!
When you've grown weary of your magnets you can look me up.
Quand vous serez lasse de vos aimants, venez me voir.
Look at how she's grown up in the 20 years you've been gone!
Regarde comme elle a grandi en vingt ans pendant ton absence!
You've grown up.
Tu as grandi.
You've grown up a lot.
Tu as beaucoup grandi.
You've grown up to your grandmother's wedding dress.
Te voilà dans la robe de ta grand-mère.
You've grown up into a fine young woman.
C'est devenu une bien jolie jeune femme.
You've kind of grown up.
Vous avez grandi.
You've grown up, baby, and I never noticed.
Tu as grandi, Evvie. Je ne m'en étais pas aperçu.
You're a very beautiful young girl, considering you've grown up without your poor dear mother.
Tu es une très belle jeune fille, étant donné que tu as grandi sans ta pauvre mère.
I've never really grown up, you see.
Je n'ai jamais vraiment grandi.
I can't even say that you've grown up.
Je ne peux même pas dire que tu as grandi.
Looks like you've grown up too much.
Même un peu trop.
Maybe you're a grown-up, but I've been trying to help you...
J " ai pas dit ça!
Indeed, you've grown up and almost caught up with me.
- En effet, tu as grandi et tu m'as presque rattrapé.
You've grown up a lot, haven't you?
Tu as beaucoup changé.
You've grown up while I was away.
Tu as bien grandi pendant mon absence.
later, you, my mother and the children once grown up you'll understand what I've done
Plus tard, toi, ma mère, et les enfants devenus grands vous comprendrez ce que j'ai fait
I've heard about you, but you've grown up to become quite a beautiful girl!
Clan Doman On m'avait donné de tes nouvelles. Tu es devenue une vraie femme, de plus en plus belle.
But now you've grown up, you can do by yourself.
Mais tu grandis. Tu peux le faire tout seul.
How busy and grown-up you've become.
Vous avez grandi bien vite.
I keep forgetting you've grown up.
J'oublie comme tu es grand.
You've really grown up!
Comme vous avez grandi!
I've grown up in this circle and like you, others see me as merciless
J'ai toujours traîné dans ce milieu. Vous pensez tous que je suis un homme cruel.
But now you've grown up, you please dad, and I want to buy you one.
Maintenant, tu as grandi et ton papa est heureux de te l'acheter.
I've grown up- - especially after getting rid of a fool like you!
J'ai vieilli. Surtout après m'être débarrassée d'un idiot comme toi.
But you see, Jonathan, I'm... I've grown very tired of waiting for you to step up behind me one day and relieve me of existing.
Vois-tu, j'ai fini par en avoir assez d'attendre que tu te glisses derrière moi et que tu m'ôtes la peine de vivre.
- You've grown up. You have a beard.
T'as du poil au menton.
Now that you've grown up
Mais je dois y aller!
Nonsense, you've grown up and should marry.
Des âneries! Un homme adulte doit se marier.
And you, a grown-up man, should've known better than that.
Toi, un adulte, comment pouvais-tu?
- Twiggy. You've grown up. You look like your father.
Tu es le portrait de ton père.

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