You come back translate French
19,238 parallel translation
You can give us a job when you come back.
Tu pourras me donner un boulot quand tu reviendras.
Will you come back?
Tu reviendras?
So, a guy comes in, says he wants a Sherpa, you come back here, tell this dude he's got a customer. Is that right?
Un gars entre en disant qu'il veut un Sherpa, vous revenez ici et lui dites qu'il a un client.
Why did you come back for us?
Pourquoi êtes vous revenus pour nous?
You will now leave, and if you come back without a warrant...
Vous partez, maintenant, et si vous revenez sans mandat...
Then you come back and stay if you want.
Et après tu pourras revenir si tu veux.
The Lord let you come back for a reason.
Le Maître a choisi de vous laisser revenir.
You come back here, Justine.
Reviens ici!
I sent you to hell... and you come back with superpowers.
Je t'ai envoyé en enfer, et tu es revenu avec des superpouvoirs.
Yeah? It'll be a lot worse for you if you come back empty-handed.
Ça sera pire pour toi si tu reviens les mains vides.
When you come back, I'll take you on as a mariner. Eh?
À ton retour, je t'engage comme matelot.
You go win this war and you come back to me, otherwise I might just find myself another bad boy.
Gagne cette guerre et reviens-moi,
Why didn't she come back with you?
Elle est pas là?
I'm just waiting for you to come back.
J'attendais que tu reviennes.
The work has stalled, I need you to come back.
Le travail n'avance pas. J'ai besoin que tu reviennes.
But the crazy thing is, you come home after work, kiss your wife, your kids, back to work the next day.
Le plus dingue, c'est que tu rentres chez toi après le boulot, tu embrasses ta femme, tes enfants, et retournes bosser le lendemain.
Come back and work for us, and I'll make you the head of your own department.
Revenez et travaillez pour nous. Et je vous nomme chef de votre propre département.
Why don't you come on back?
Pourquoi ne venez-vous pas par ici?
- Hey, you can't... No, you need to come back from there!
- Hé, Vous ne pouvez... non, vous devez revenir de là!
Sir, you need to come back! Oh, shit.
Monsieur, vous devez revenir!
Just chill here, you know. She's gotta come back down.
Restez là, elle va redescendre.
You'll just go back home, you'll walk into the old bar, and you'll wake up with one of those plaid-wearing dirtbags leaning against the pool table, he'll come up and buy a drink,
Tu rentreras simplement chez toi, tu entreras dans un vieux bar, et tu te réveilleras avec une de ces vieilles chemises à carreau penchée sur la table de billard,
Would you have come back for me?
Seriez-vous revenus pour moi?
You can't come back.
Vous ne pouvez pas revenir.
I need you to come back with me.
Reviens avec moi.
Mom says you can come back now.
Maman a dit que tu pouvais revenir.
You can come back here any time you want.
Tu pourras venir ici quand tu voudras.
and spend the rest of my life with, and maybe if we can just find a way for me to remember her, then, bam, it'll all come rushing back to me, and the hairs on the back of my neck will stand up, and I can save you.
et avec qui je dois passer le reste de ma vie, et peut-être si je trouvais un moyen de me rappeler qui c'est, ben, bam, tout me reviendrait d'un coup et les cheveux de ma nuque se hérisseraient, et je pourrais te sauver.
Come back, you can have it!
Revenez, il est à vous!
I don't think you'll come back to Paris.
- Tu reviendras pas à Paris, non?
You're gonna be so happy with these weapons you're gonna come back for more.
Tu seras tellement satisfait que t'en redemanderas.
I need you back on the floor. They told me what to do. Come on!
Il faut t'allonger, on m'a dit quoi faire.
Come on. You can have an escort there and back.
Venez, nous allons vous escorter.
Can you explain to them that if this bullshit ends up costing American lives, I'm gonna come back here and cut all their throats myself, starting with him.
Explique-leur que si leurs conneries coûtent des vies américaines, je reviendrai moi-même leur trancher la gorge en commençant par lui.
You'll come back to the club in a few days when it opens.
Vous reviendrez au club dans quelques jours, à la réouverture.
What the hell did you even come back for, man?
Pourquoi tu reviens ici, mec?
( woman ) Amberle, I need you... come back.
( femme ) Amberle, je besoin de vous... reviens.
I'm gonna leave this garage, you idiots, and never come back.
Je quitterais ce garage, bande d'idiots, et je ne reviendrais jamais.
I thought you no come back.
Je pensais que tu ne reviendrais pas.
Well, then finish up, I'll come back for you.
- Je viens vous chercher quand vous aurez fini.
If I don't watch over you, Father's ghost will come back and murder me.
Si je te protège pas, le fantôme de Père va revenir pour me tuer!
Lord Commander Mormont thought you'd never come back to Westeros.
Le commandant Mormont a pensé que vous ne reviendrez jamais à Westeros.
If you ever come back this way, I will execute you myself.
Si jamais vous revenez ici, je vous exécuterai moi-même.
You come back to us.
As soon as I find them, we'll come and help you get Genewen back.
Dès que je les ai trouvées, on viendra t'aider à récupérer Genewen.
I'll come back for you, I promise.
Je reviendrai pour toi, c'est promis.
I'll run home, get money, come back, pay you.
Je vais le chercher et je reviens.
You just go home, get your money, then come back and get your coffee.
Non, rentrez, allez chercher votre argent, puis revenez prendre votre café.
You turn your ass around and you walk through that door and don't you ever come back here, so help me God.
Fais demi-tour, franchis cette porte, et ne reviens jamais. Ou gare à toi!
You can come back to Madrid whenever you like.
Tu pourras toujours revenir à Madrid.
Just yesterday you said you'd rather not come back.
Hier, tu disais ne jamais vouloir revenir à Madrid.
you come back here 58
you come here often 33
you come here 98
you come with me 211
you come in here 39
you come with us 44
you come to me 54
you come too 22
you come home 20
you come 82
you come here often 33
you come here 98
you come with me 211
you come in here 39
you come with us 44
you come to me 54
you come too 22
you come home 20
you come 82
you come on 37
you come in 30
you come out 23
come back 2373
come back soon 95
come back home 27
come back now 25
come back tomorrow 117
come back later 87
come back to me 182
you come in 30
you come out 23
come back 2373
come back soon 95
come back home 27
come back now 25
come back tomorrow 117
come back later 87
come back to me 182