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Translate.vc / English → French / [ Y ] / You wanna talk

You wanna talk translate French

3,553 parallel translation
- So, what are you wanna talk about?
Je ne comprends pas cette dame. - De quoi voulez-vous parler?
You wanna talk about Damian.
Tu veux parler de Damien.
I don't wanna talk to you when you wanna talk.
Je ne veux pas parler à qui que ce soit.
And if you wanna talk to me, you will show me some respect.
Si tu veux me parler, fais preuve de respect.
You wanna talk about it, or are you just gonna act weird? There's nothing to talk about.
Tu veux qu'on en parle ou continuer à agir bizarrement?
Do you wanna talk about it or...?
Tu veux m'en parler?
What do you wanna talk about?
- Tu voulais me parler de quoi?
You wanna talk about it?
Tu veux en parler?
Why do you wanna talk to a hot girl?
Mais pourquoi lui parler?
You wanna talk to Alex, yeah?
Vous voulez parler à Alex?
You wanna talk, Danny?
Tu veux parler, Danny?
If you wanna talk to me, arrest me.
Vous voulez me parler? Arrêtez-moi.
If you wanna talk to the new { \ * * building } owner, { \ * you should } call Nate and schedule an appointment.
Si tu veux parler au proprio, appelle Nate et prends rendez-vous.
You wanna talk?
Tu veux parler?
Well, what do you wanna talk about?
De quoi veux-tu parler?
- Do you wanna talk about what- -? - No, not to you.
- Tu veux en parler?
Yeah, maybe, but don't you wanna talk to a lawyer first?
Peut-être, mais parle d'abord à un avocat.
Anything else you wanna talk about, Stephen?
Il y a autre chose dont t'aimerais parler, Stephen?
And I met you here early because I'm hiding from my dad, because I don't wanna talk to him or to you or to Grace.
Et je suis venue tôt, car j'évite mon père. Je ne veux pas parler. Ni à lui, ni à Grace, ni à toi.
Do you wanna talk about it?
Tu veux en parler?
Kenzi, wait. I don't wanna talk to you.
- Kenzi, attends.
I wanna talk to you about Fashion Week when you have time.
Je veux te parler de la Fashion Week quand t'auras un moment.
You're gonna wanna talk to the ladies over on Fremont.
Vous allez devoir parler aux dames sur Fremont.
I just wanna talk to you.
Je veux te parler.
"Hey, chief." What do you wanna talk about?
- Tu m'as appelé "chef".
- I don't even wanna talk to you.
- je ne veux même pas vous parler.
I wanna talk to you about a job.
Je veux te parler d'un travail.
We wanna talk to you about your boyfriend.
On veut parler de votre petit ami.
I wanna talk to you about something, but I don't want you to get mad.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire, mais tu ne dois pas t'énerver.
I don't wanna talk to you about your girlfriend.
Me parle pas de ta copine à la con.
She may wanna talk to you guys again.
Elle voudra sans doute vous reparler.
Well, she doesn't wanna talk to you.
Elle ne veut pas vous parler.
I don't wanna talk to you.
Je veux pas vous parler.
If you don't wanna talk about it, that's okay.
Je comprends si tu ne veux pas en parler.
- She don't wanna talk to you.
- Elle ne veut pas vous parler.
You never wanna talk about anything.
Je veux pas en parler. Tu ne veux jamais parler de rien.
I just wanna talk to you about everything that happened.
Je veux te parler de ce qui s'est passé.
These detectives wanna talk to you.
Ces détectives veulent te parler.
Maybe he doesn't wanna talk to you.
Et s'il ne veut pas vous parler.
You know what, all I wanna do is talk.
Je veux juste discuter.
I'm glad you're here. I wanna talk to you.
Content de te voir, je voulais te parler
What do you wanna talk about? Oh, yeah.
De quoi veux-tu parler?
Hey, you, uh, wanna talk about what just happened or no?
Tu veux parler de ce qui vient d'arriver ou pas?
What did you wanna talk to me about?
Que me voulais-tu?
Hey, do you wanna, like, talk or whatever?
Tu voudrais qu'on discute?
- I wanna talk to you.
- Je veux te parler.
I want you! - Huh? I mean, I wanna talk to you right now, so now is a good time!
Je veux te parler maintenant, c'est un bon moment!
That's why I wanna talk to you about Zithromax, okay?
- Ça suffit!
I just wanna talk to you, just for two minutes.
Je veux juste te parler deux minutes.
I understand that you don't wanna talk.
Je comprends que tu ne veuilles pas me parler.
I wanna talk to you about something.
Je veux te parler de quelque chose.

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