And at that moment translate Portuguese
594 parallel translation
And at that moment, I felt something in my heart for you.
E, nesse momento, senti algo no meu coração por ti.
And I realized at that moment my dad never even wanted kids.
Nesse momento percebi que o meu pai nunca quis ter filhos.
at that very moment the Great Death came to an end, and the shadow of the death bird was gone... as if obliterated by the triumphant rays of the living sun.
A Grande Mortandade terminou na mesma hora e antes dos triunfantes raios do sol vivo, as trevas do pássaro da morte tinham-se dissipado.
But still I felt it must be wonderful just to jump into that bubbling pot and be a member of all those who are believers and who are very happy at that moment.
mas achava que devia ser bom poder participar naquele fervilhar, ser crente como todos eles que estavam tão contentes.
Are you sure that at no time you left the room for a moment... that a maid or bellboy mightn't have slipped in and been alone with the body?
De certeza que não deixou a sala por um momento, em que entrasse uma criada ou um paquete que ficassem a sós com o corpo?
At the 5th minute of the flight, at 80 km from Earth, Academician Sedych switched off the rocket engines and at that very moment the austronauts became weightless
Aos cinco min. do vôo, a 80 Km da Terra, o Académico Sedikh desconectou os motores e os astronautas sentiram os efeitos da microgravedade
At that point, he will excuse himself for a moment and vanish into the night solvent and with a new lease on life.
Nesse ponto, ele pede licença e desaparece na noite... com um novo prazo de vida.
And this same Sidney Kidd, ladies and gentlemen of America this protector of American democracy and homes and firesides was at that moment entertaining this South Carolina Mata Hari on his yacht.
E este mesmo Sidney Kidd, cidadãos e cidadãs americanas, este protector da democracia americana, dos lares e das lareiras, estava, nesse instante, a receber no iate a Mata Hari da Carolina do Sul!
It was just at that moment before night ends and day begins when the whole world seems to tremble in the balance.
Foi só então quando extremidades noite e dia começa... Quando o mundo inteiro parece cambalear entre um e outro.
It would be an agreeable feeling of revenge for his cruelty to Mama. And, further, it had not failed to occur to me that there was, at the moment, a vacancy in the banking house.
Seria uma vingança pela sua crueldade para com a mãe, e ocorreu-me que havia uma vaga no Banco.
You're happy when you're with him and the child but I also know that today right at this moment we are happy here together
Fica feliz quando está com ele e com a menina. Mas também sei que hoje, neste momento... estamos bem aqui, juntos.
That night in front of the nurses'quarters and then again at the pier I forgot for the moment why we split up but you reminded me, and the trouble came charging back.
Naquela noite, à minha porta, e depois no molhe esqueci-me do que levou à nossa separação mas tu lembraste-me e o problema voltou.
But now I need money. It is at this moment that my elusive papa concludes... that his duty is done... and that there should be no more cakes and ale... for his mischievous youth.
Mas, agora que preciso de dinheiro o meu ilustre pai... decide que as suas obrigações acabaram?
At this moment, that is the only military force between the Mexican army and the Sabine river.
Sao, actualmente, os unicos combatentes entre o exercito do Mexico e o rio Sabine.
And I am especially conscious at this moment that beauty is not confined to any one race.
E estou especialmente consciente neste momento que a beleza não se limita a uma só raça.
But the relations between Austria and Italy are at the moment so bad that one must make every sacrifice to better them.
Mas as relações entre a Áustria e a Itália estão neste momento tão más que se devem fazer todos os sacrifícios para as melhorar.
However, the defense will be pleased to learn that, at the last moment, a witness has come forward, and that the prisoner had been seen wearing this coat and this hat.
Entretanto, a defesa ficará satisfeita ao saber... que, no último instante, apareceu uma testemunha, que tinha visto o acusado usando esta capa e este chapéu.
And that at a moment when a witness,
Tudo isso numa altura em que uma testemunha,..
But over and above that, at the moment there is a situation on the Russian-Chinese border to which both parties have sent troops... there's already been disturbance.
Mas, ainda por cima, neste momento há uma situação na fronteira Rússia-China... para onde ambos os países mandaram tropas, e já houve alguma perturbação.
because at that moment and even afterwards - - yes, I can even say afterwards - -
porque nesse momento, e mesmo depois...
To think that at a moment like this I've no pad and pencil to record it all.
Um momento como este pensar que não tenho papel ou lápis para imortaliza-lo.
It may fortify your courage to know... that Pompey is at this moment encamped some 20 miles to the west of us... and that the army of Lucullus approaches from the south... by forced night march.
Talvez vos anime saber... que Pompeu está acampado a cerca de 30 km para Ocidente da nossa posição... e que o exército de Lucullus se aproxima a Sul... por marcha forçada de noite.
Well, you tell Swanee, Boden's apt to snap back to sanity at any moment... and when that happens - I'll crack that jigsaw.
Diga ao Swanee que o Boden não irá demorar a ter o seu lampejo de sanidade. Quando isso acontecer, eu construo o puzzle.
Explain that. At 20, before he lost his teeth and took on that ageless look common people have, he may have been handsome. He may have had one night of love, one moment when he was a king and shed his fear.
Bem, aos 20 anos, antes de envelhecer... ele teve uma noite de amor, um momento sem medo.
Gentlemen, it is a supreme irony that the worldly Becket, the profligate and libertine, should find himself standing here at this moment.
Senhores, é uma grande ironia... que o ardiloso Becket, o profano e libertino... encontre-se aqui neste momento.
In that Lord Gilbert has rendered no act of contrition or repentance and is at the moment at liberty in the land, we do here and now separate him from the precious body and blood of Christ and from the society of all Christians.
Entretanto, Lord Gilbert não se arrependeu... e continua livre nesta terra... nós aqui, o separamos do precioso Corpo... e Sangue de Cristo e de toda sociedade cristã.
Now, Miss Simpson, having established a climate of suspense, intrigue and romance, we've arrived once more at that magic moment.
Agora, Menina Simpson, tendo estabelecido o suspense, intriga e romance, repete-se o momento mágico.
He tore her dress off. And at that precise moment... the door opened... and somebody shot him.
Arrancou-lhe o vestido e nesse momento, a porta abriu-se e alguém atirou sobre ele.
I couldn't help thinking of the happiness and relief that must be running through the ship at this very moment.
Não pude evitar pensar na felicidade e alivio... que deviam sentir em todo obarco, naquele momento.
Jerusalem appears in the story told by Matthew at the moment in which Christ's preaching, till now solely religious not by Christ's direct will nor that of the apostles but due to objectively historical events becomes a public and political fact as well as a religious one.
Jerusalém aparece na história contada por Mateus no momento atual em que a pregação de Cristo, até agora estritamente religiosa não pela vontade direta de Cristo nem aquela dos apóstolos mas devido a eventos objetivamente históricos torna-se um fato público e político tanto quanto religioso.
And it was supposed to provoke hatred not of those who crucified Him, but of those who loved Him, if they had been with Him at that moment.
E deviam despertar ódio não naqueles que o crucificaram, mas naqueles que o amaram, se estivessem com ele naquele instante.
And does Mr. Gerhard know that I have got to be in Leningrad at any moment?
E Mr. Gerhard sabe que tenho de partir em breve para Leninegrado?
The scene can best be described as mayhem. Mayors of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Miami, Along with the governors of several eastern and midwestern states have indicated the national guard may be mobilized at any moment, but that has not happened as yet.
Os presidentes da câmara de Pittsburgh, Filadélfia e Miami, juntamente com os governadores dos estados a este e oeste, disseram que a Guarda Nacional pode ser mobilizada a qualquer instante.
And it is to this faith that at the moment of death mastering all doubts I shall surrender myself.
É a esta fé que no momento da morte ultrapassando todas as dúvidas me renderei.
And actually at any moment now, we should be seeing the car... that will complete the first half of the El Dorado, the run for the gold.
Não tarda nada, deve chegar algum carro... que complete a primeira parte da El Dorado, na corrida pelo ouro.
At the moment, I believe... that we're looking for a mad and highly dangerous medical adventurer.
Por enquanto insisto que procuramos um fanático da medicina, demente e perigoso.
I ask the assembled personnel to look at Dr. Janice Lester and visualise that historic moment.
Peço ao pessoal aqui reunido que olhe para a Dra. Janice Lester e visualize esse momento histórico.
At that moment, I really was crazy, and I was darn near off that cliff when... The time had come to look the devil in the eye and send him to hell where he belonged.
Nesse momento, eu estava realmente louco, e estava mesmo à beirinha do penhasco quando... tinha chegado a altura de olhar o Demo nos olhos e de o mandar para o inferno, que era o lugar dele,
And at this moment I know everyone must be doing just that.
E eu sei que por esta altura, toda a gente deve estar a fazer justamente isso.
Emelius Browne, do you know you could be warm and cosy in that house at this very moment?
Emilius Browne, sabes que podias estar confortável?
It's typical. you don't know when he's thought of that whether it was at the moment or driving the hour and a half to the location in the morning.
E você não sabe quando ele pensou nisso, se foi naquele momento ou horas antes, dirigindo até a locação de manhã.
At the moment, all that can be said is that Parliament and the press are looking for someone to blame.
Mas, agora, o que se pode dizer é que o Parlamento e a imprensa estão a tentar arranjar um culpado.
At that moment... the shooter, a guy in his thirties, came like a snake near us... and threw the gun at Anteo's feet shouting, "It's him, it's him!"
E um sujeito, exactamente quem disparou, veio sorrateiro e atirou a arma aos pés de Anteo a gritar : " Foi ele!
For example, when I left for the war, I had to cut to the nails and the hair e to write my will, therefore from that moment ours life was at the hands of the Emperor.
Por exemplo, quando parti para a guerra, tive de cortar as unhas e o cabelo e escrever o meu testamento, pois a partir daquele momento a nossa vida estava nas mãos do Imperador.
But you can be certain that my brothers and I we will turn at every moment.
Mas pode estar segura de que os meus irmãos e eu estaremos a seu lado em cada momento.
( translator ) The next day, reports came in, and it was now clear to him that the Russians could break in at any moment.
No dia seguinte, chegaram relatórios e era agora claro para ele que os russos podiam aparecer a qualquer momento.
Frankenstein, tell me how it feels when, at that electric instant, at 200 mph, life and death coexist at the moment of scoring.
Como se sente após seguir seu instinto feroz e ter estado... conduzindo a uma velocidade de 200 milhas por hora desejando... encontrar alguém para conseguir pontos?
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like at this moment... to announce that I will be retiring from this program in two weeks'time... because of poor ratings.
Senhoras e senhores, gostaria de anunciar que vou deixar este programa dentro de duas semanas, por causa dos baixos níveis de audiência.
Let us just say for the moment... that I'm your host and that I will do everything in my power... to make your stay here at Mondschien Castle as pleasant as possible.
Vamos dizer pelo momento... que sou seu anfitrião e farei qualquer coisa que esteja ao meu alcance... para manter suas estadias aqui no castelo Mondschien a melhor possível.
At that moment, anyone in that space could only be considered an alien provocateur. And maybe they were, after all.
O atentado contra a vida de Rudi Dutschke marca a era para os alemães
When I saw it all at 06 : 30AM, at that moment a door woman came out in her robes to look at all this, and the poor woman started crying.
Uma barricada é para se proteger. Mantenham-se atrás da barricada. Não em cima dos carros, mas atrás.
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at 97
and at last 16
at that moment 137
that moment 19
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and at the moment 21
and at 97
and at last 16
at that moment 137
that moment 19
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all that stuff 21
and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all that stuff 21
and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and all because of you 16
and after 142
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and all because of you 16
and after 142