And she was like translate Turkish
1,693 parallel translation
The other day she found that sock and she was like, "What's this?"
Senin çorabını buldu ve hemen şöyle dedi, "Bu ne?"
And she was like, you know, "Get away, you stinky man."
"Git başımdan leş kokulu adam." Diyordu.
And she was like...
Ona benziyordu...
Well, it seems like the dead female Steno was still able to carry a healthy baby, and mazel tov, she had one.
Şey, görünüşe göre ölü dişi steno hala sağlıklı bir bebek taşıyabiliyormuş ve tebrikler, bebeği oldu.
Like she was out hiking, Lost her footing, and fell.
Dağa tırmanırken ayağı kayıp düştüğünü düşünülmesini istedi.
I met this young publicist the other day and for some reason she lifted her arm, and I could see these light blonde hairs and it was like a moment out of Proust
Geçen gün şu genç yatırımcıyla tanıştım ve bir sebepten kollarını kaldırdı ve şeffaf sarı kıllarını gördüm aynı Proust'tan bir hikâye gibiydi.
My Gran lived and died in that house and now it's like people who are the exact opposite of everything she was are...
Büyük annem o evde yaşayıp o evde öldü ve şimdi onun mizacına tamamen ters olan bu insanlar onun hatırasını...
* she like to dance at the hip-hop spots * * and she cruise to the crews like connect the dots * * not just urban, she likes to pop * *'cause she was living la vida loca *
* Gözlerinde şeytani bir bakış var tabi * * Seviyor hip-hop tarzı dans etmeyi * * ve geziyor aramızda noktaları birbirine bağlar gibi * * Sadece popüler değil, pop müzik de seviyor *
I did this on one little girl and it turned out that she was allergic, and her eye came up like a red egg.
Bunu bir kıza daha yapmıştım ve alerjisi olduğu ortaya çıkmıştı gözleri kan çanağına dönmüştü.
She was beautiful, cheerful, and smelled like a dining car.
Güzel ve şen şakraktı. Sanki yemek gibi kokuyordu.
And she was soft like ice cream.
Ve bir dondurma kadar sevgi doluydu.
She's a model from Wilhelmina. And I was right about to close the deal. Like, right, right, right there.
Wilhemina'dan bir mankendi ve işi kapatmaya şu kadarcık kalmıştı,... neredeyse olacaktı ve sonra arabam olmadığını öğrendi.
She was looking all rosy and smiley like she had just gotten it so good.
Yanakları al al olmuştu ve gülümsüyordu sanki daha yeni içine almış gibi.
She was gonna take this situation into her own hands, and you didn't like that.
İpleri kendi eline alacaktı, bu da hoşuna gitmiyordu.
Oh, by the way. That girl I asked you for the advice about? Took her to the beach, and though I was completely just trying to be friends with her, she took her top off because she's, like, Polish, and she turned blue.
Bu arada, senden hakkında tavsiye istediğim kızı sahile götürdüm,... ve sadece arkadaş olduğumuzu düşünüyordum,... Polonyalı olduğu için üstünü çıkardı ve maviye döndü.
Monk, if she was pushed... and it's looking like she was pushed... it happened out here.
Monk, eğer kadın itildiyse - ki itilmiş gibi görünüyor... Olay burada olmuştur.
I gotta say when I first met her, I didn't care much for her, because, like 99 % of the people in any given day of my life, she was very belligerent and disagreeable.
Aslında onu ilk gördüğümde çok önemsememiştim çünkü herhangi bir günümdeki insanların % 99'u gibi o da münakaşaya hazır ve anlaşması zordu.
and then she was like " Oh, yeah,
ve sonra o şöyle dedi ; " Evet,
And she was, like, totally busted.
O sırada, tam "halim duman" modundaydı.
She was like, "all you need in this world... Basic morals, values, and respect."
Şöyle derdi " bu dünyada tek ihtiyacın olan temel ahlâki değerler ve saygıdır.
So that morning, it just felt like I wasn't one of the gang. And I was annoyed with Sarah Jane because it was like she hadn't taken me seriously.
O sabah kendimi ekipten biri değilmişim gibi gördüm ve Sarah Jane'e sinirlendim çünkü beni ciddiye almıyor gibiydi.
'It felt like I wasn't one of the gang.' Oh, right. 'And I was annoyed with Sarah Jane'because it was like she hadn't taken me seriously.
O sabah kendimi ekipten biri değilmişim gibi gördüm ve Sarah Jane'e sinirlendim çünkü beni ciddiye almıyor gibiydi.
I was hoping she'd split the holidays, like you said... I'll do Thanksgiving, and you could have Christmas. Or we could... whatever.
Dediğin gibi tatilleri aramızda bölüşüp Şükran Günlerini ben, Noelleri sen almalısın alsında ya da her neyse.
That dog was like my best friend, and when she died...
O köpek benim en iyi arkadaşımdı ve öldüğü zaman- -
Well, it looks like she was killed off-site, then brought here and staged.
- Ölüm vakti?
"Sitting back and plotting." Sounds like she thought he was dangerous.
İşte asıl suçun bu Arkaya yaslanıp dalavere çevirmek... - Adamın tehlikeli olduğu düşünüyor gibi.
Well, that makes sense if she was hiding from Death and trying to stay off the grid, like Sky said.
"Ölüm" den saklanmak istediyse ve Sky'ın söylediği gibi ortada gözükmek istemediyse oldukça mantıklı bir yol.
I-I know this sounds like something out of a Baldacci novel or something, but... Tracy was dead, and now she's alive.
Kulağa sanki Baldacci romanından fırlamış bir şey gibi geliyor, biliyorum ama Tracy ölmüştü şimdiyse hayatta.
And second of all, if Ariel really- - if she was like- - irresponsible in that way, do you think that she'd allow herself to miss out on college?
İkincisi Ariel öyle bir sorumsuzluk yapsa bile sence koleji elinin tersiyle iter mi? Hadi ama Ariel yapmaz.
She was only 18 and shined like a star...
Sadece 18 yaşındaydı o zamanlar çok genç ve alımlıydı...
And she was an idiot to stay with a man like that.
And she was an idiot to stay with a man like that.
Öyle bir herifle yaşamaya devam edecek kadar salaktı.
Yeah, because I was being a jerk and I made her feel like she was alone, which is why I have to go apologize.
Neden bu işi Bu kadar büyütüyorsunuz? Dixon, otur. Evet, adi olduğumdan ve onu yalnız hissettirdiğim için, Zaten bu yüzden özür dilemeliyim.
It's like she was held down and drowned.
Kafasından suya bastırılıp, boğulmuş gibi gözüküyor.
But Tariq stepped up and supported us, treated Elly like she was his own.
Ama Tarık gelip bize destek oldu Elly'e kendi kızıymış gibi davrandı.
I thought the last day of the election she was gonna pop the Prada and be like... yeah!
seçimin son günü birden "Prada" sını açıp şöyle yapacağını düşünüyordum... " evet!
And she was so pale she was, like, almost green.
Soluk bir teni vardı. Neredeyse yeşil gibiydi.
Nadia was born into culture where women were treated like animals. beaten and discarded. She was thrown into world of violence.
Nadya bunun için doğmuştu Dünyanın vahşetini yaratan kişi oydu
And she feared being around someone like me, someone who was smart and shared her blood.
Ve benim gibi birinin ortalıkta olmasından korktu, zeki ve kendi kanından olan birinin.
She was breathing and laughing and watching TV and thinking she might like a boyfriend, and now she's dead- - in the ground, cold and dead.
Nefes alıyor, gülüyor, televizyon seyrediyor ve erkek arkadaş arıyordu, şimdiyse bir ölü. Soğuk bedeni yerin altında yatıyor.
I was telling Clarice just the other day about how all the guys like you are already taken and that she's a very lucky woman.
Geçen gün Clarice'e senin gibilerin kapıldığını çok şanslı bir kadın olduğunu söylüyordum.
And she was all like, "No."
O da "Hayır" diyip durdu.
was dropped into my ear by a passing stranger, and soon after, I decided to take her along to miss, um, uh, Canvenini or something like that, which was the name of the lady vet that she kindly gave me.
Yabancının tavsiyesiyle Onu Bayan Canvenini'ye götürmeye karar verdim.
Aslında gitmek istemedi ama çok ısrar ettikleri için mecbur gitmek zorunda kaldı.
And then I was all, "No way!", and she was all, "Yes, way," and I was like...
Ve sonra ben hep "Hayatta olmaz!" derken o "Elbette olur." derdi. Ve ben...
- Normally I don't like these new modern things but I took a photo of my mother when she was just waking up and now I love to take surprise photos of people.
Normalde şu modern şeyleri pek sevmiyorum ama bir sabah annemi uyanırken çekmiştim ve artık insanları ansızın çekmeye bayılıyorum.
Because when she gets excited, she has like a dental erection and it grows, like if she was a wolf.
Çünkü heyecanlandığında, bir tür ağız ereksiyonu yaşar ağzı dışarı fırlar, kocaman olur.
She was like this famous singer, I know, and she died, but no one ever told me anything about it.
Ünlü bir şarkıcı gibi bir şeymiş ve ölmüş ama hiç kimse bana bundan bahsetmemişti.
It's like falling in love, it's just lucky that you were there on that night, and she was there, and it was luck that bought you together.
Âşık olmak gibi. Senin ve o kızın o gece şans eseri orada olman ve sizi bir araya getiren şey de şanstır.
She was, like, copying the snake, and it was, like, right here.
Sanki yılanı taklit ediyor gibiydi. Ve sanki böyle... tam burada o sanki...
She just seemed like everything was out of control for her, and since she's been on this fast, why, things are starting to take shape in her life, where she has some control over her weight
Herşey kontrolünden çıkıyordu ki, bu perhize başladı ve herşey tekrardan düzene girdi. Kilosunu kontrole aldıktan sonra, davranışlarını ve uykusunu da kontrol altına aldı.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she loves you 21
and she's right 30
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she knows it 30
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she loves you 21
and she's right 30
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she knows it 30
and she's dead 32
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she 275
and she is 39
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she was 85
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she 275
and she is 39
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she was 85
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27