Bring her up translate Portuguese
361 parallel translation
All right, Spider, bring her up.
Muito bem, Spider, trá-la para cima.
Bring her up to 55 feet, keel depth.
Subir para os 16 m, à profundidade da quilha.
- Bring her up smartly.
- Subir depressa.
These Nez Perce bring her up mighty strict.
Perces trazem um número muito restrito.
- I'll bring her up, Lou.
- Vou buscá-la, Lou.
Bring her up easy.
Subir devagar.
Well, look, if you stay, you'll get a chance to meet her because Ed's gonna bring her up.
Se ficares, poderás conhecê-la, o Ed vai trazê-la.
Level off and bring her up to periscope depth!
Nivelar e façam-no subir até â profundidade do periscópio!
She can't possib... I couldn't bring her up here.
Não a posso trazer cá para cima.
Bring her up.
- Bring her up to my room.
- Leve-a para o meu quarto.
Ooh, bring her up on two.
Põe na câmara dois.
So you bring her up in what they call... the bourgeois, American-type-society family.
E tu a crias naquilo que eles chamam... de burguesia, família de sociedade-típica-americana.
- Bring her up.
- Faça o navio subir.
- Bring her up, sir.
- Sim, senhor.
All right, bring her up slowly :
Muito bem, subam-na devagar.
- Chef, wait a minute. - Bring her up.
Tenham calma.
Bring her up alongside.
Trás para o lado.
Bring her up easy. Planes on zero.
Subir devagar, Proa a 10 graus,
- Bring her up to 150 metres.
- Subir para os 150 metros,
Bring her up to 150 metres! Full ahead!
Subir para os 150 metros, Em frente a toda a velocidade!
Bring her up 150 metres, chief!
150 metros! Vamos! 150 metros, chefe!
Maybe bring her up here,
Talvez a traga para aqui, não sei.
He had nο idea hοw tο bring her up.
Este teria sido desastroso. Meu pobre Walter.
I told you not to bring her up that way.
Disse-te para não a criares dessa forma.
You can bring her up.
Traga-a aqui.
Reckon if I was to go up to Augusta and find her she'd let me bring her home?
Achas que se fosse para Augusta e a encontrasse, ela voltava para casa comigo?
Well, since you bring it up, Toby, I haven't had the nerve to ask her.
Bom, já que falas nisso, Toby, não tive coragem de lhe pedir.
I was cleaning her up a bit, then I were off to bring her back.
Estava limpando-a um pouco, e ia levá-la em seguida.
Well, if it concerns this case, why, bring her on up here, Dave.
Bem, se está relacionado ao caso, traga-a aqui, Dave.
You will go ashore, pick up Tinker Bell and bring her to me.
Vais a terra, vais buscar a Sininho e vais trazer-ma!
Now get her up and bring her around and explain to her that one phony and she's got a kid with his throat cut.
Levantem-na e tentem que se recupere. Apenas um movimento em falso e corto o garganta ao miúdo.
It might even bring on the lung fever, getting her all heated up like that.
Poderia lhe dar febre pulmonar com o calor.
I guess I'll call Mrs. Drayton. Tell her we're back. She can bring up Hank.
Vou ligar para a Sra. Drayton, para trazer o Hank.
Tell her we'll bring him in easy as soon as he's rested up.
Avisem que o levaremos, assim que tiver descansado.
Just wait - now she'll bring up her husband again.
Vais ver que agora volta a falar do marido?
Bring her on up.
À superfície.
Ed, bring her on up.
Ed, sobe.
But, see, the point I'm tryin to bring up to you was, do you think I'd be tryin'to force her because it's my religion, see?
Veja bem o que estou tentando fazer você entender. Acha que a estaria forçando, por se tratar da minha religião?
She's talented, but her mother always forgets to pay for her lessons, and I don't dare bring it up.
Ela é talentosa, mas a mãe esquece-se sempre de pagar as aulas, e eu não ouso mencioná-lo.
Now its your turn, your turn 8 your turn She is waiting for you to wake her up 8 bring her to consciousness Come 8 see
Há um homem que anda como um coxo se não é ele o ladrão vou parar a minha escassa respiração, com minhas próprias mãos!
- Bring her in, take her up.
- Está bem, tragam-na e icem o pilar.
We give her a shot and bring her here until the doctors fix up her leg, then we take her right out.
Trouxe-a para aqui até os médicos lhe tratarem da perna e depois levamo-la daqui.
She asked me to bring her mail up but she wasn't answering.
Ela pediu-me para lhe levar o correio, mas não atendia.
Anyhow, Leo saw her in one of those films... and asked me to bring her and the other girl up to the house.
De qualquer maneira, o Leo a viu num dos filmes... e pediu para eu levar ela e uma outra garota até a casa dele.
Mrs Bailey said I should bring this up. To save her legs.
A senhora Bailey disse para trazer isto... para lhe poupar as pernas.
It was some years before Golda could bring herself To face up to the failure of her marriage.
Passaram alguns anos antes que Golda pudesse... reconhecer o erro do seu casamento.
We'll tell New York to pick her up and bring her in for questioning, okay?
A esquadra em Nova Iorque vai buscá-la e trazê-la a interrogatório.
Yeah, well, just don't bring your rumbling little stomachs around come Thanksgiving because after today Mommy has hung up her oven.
Não venham cá pedinchar no dia de Acção de Graças. Porque a partir de hoje, a mãe deixou de cozinhar.
Why do you bring her up?
Porque a metes na conversa?
Somebody will call you up on the house phone to bring her down.
Alguêm vai ligar para trazê-la para baixo.
bring her 47
bring her to me 58
bring her back 80
bring her here 52
bring her in 128
bring her out 21
bring her down 17
bring her home 16
up here 454
update 59
bring her to me 58
bring her back 80
bring her here 52
bring her in 128
bring her out 21
bring her down 17
bring her home 16
up here 454
update 59
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
up against the wall 84
up to you 126
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
up against the wall 84
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up to me 18
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up to me 18