Bring them back translate Portuguese
693 parallel translation
Well, this morning, the bees left the hive and we had to bring them back.
Bom, esta manhã, as abelhas saíram da colmeia e tivemos de as trazer de volta.
Burke, go and get them, bring them back as fast as you can.
Burke, va buscar reforços, traga-os o mais rapido que puder.
If I could bring them back to life, I'd do it.
Gostava de os conseguir ressuscitar. - Mentiroso!
I wish I could bring them back to life, even Don Ricardo who cursed me.
Gostava de os poder trazer de volta, até o Don Ricardo que me amaldiçoou.
Hire a moving van to take things out, then bring them back when it's over.
Contrate um camião de mudanças, para levar tudo por um dia.
Well, you bring them back and make your act of contrition.
Diz cinco Pais Nossos e uma Avé Maria. Acto de contrição.
You see, we have to bring them back.
Você vê, temos trazer eles de volta.
No, I'll bring them back.
Não, eu os trarei de volta.
Bring them back.
Tragam-nos até cá.
But how soon a tide would bring them back?
Mas, com que maré estariam outra vez de volta?
- Bring them back.
- Traga-os de volta.
Give me time to reach the officers of the law... and bring them back with me.
Dê-me tempo para ir falar com as forças da lei e traze-los comigo.
To train new troops and bring them back.
Para treinar novas tropas e levá-las. - E nós?
Let's not make a fuss. We'll bring them back ourselves. Nobody need know.
Vamos trazê-los nós mesmos, ninguém precisa de saber.
- I don't understand you, but you've got to help me do something. Warn them, bring them back.
Não percebo por que não avisa os homens para que os tragam rapidamente de volta.
Right. Tell Mr. Singleton, bring them back immediately.
Diga ao Sr. Singleton para trazê-los imediatamente.
No, they didn't bring them back right now, they brought them back while I was waiting for my sister-in-law...
As chaves, não mas trouxeram agora. Trouxeram-mas quando eu ia para casa da minha cunhada.
Then suppose you and your men set out and overtake them... and bring them back?
Então supõe que tu e os teus homens os prendem e os trazem de volta.
- Nobody can bring them back.
- Ninguém pode trazê-los de volta.
I'll bring them back, all right, because they must see this.
E vou trazê-los de volta, porque eles têm de ver isto.
Posey will remain with orders to bring them back here if you don't return in three days. - Is that clear?
Posey ficará no comando com ordens para os trazer de volta se não regressar dentro de três dias.
Don't worry, I'll bring them back here.
O 86 e o 90! Trago-lhe isso em seguida!
I'll go look up the Johnsons in a couple of days... and I'll bring them back with me.
Num par de dias irei procurar os Johnson e os trazerei aqui comigo.
You mean, we just go, and we grab them, and we bring them back, and we get the medals?
Então nós vamos apanhá-los, e trazemo-los de volta, e ganhamos as medalhas?
I'll bring them back.
Eu trago-tos de volta.
Perhaps I can bring them back to their senses.
Tentarei falar com eles para os fazer ver a razão.
They're on their way, and no one can bring them back. "
eles vão a caminho e nada pode fazê-Ios voltar. "
But since they don't, we try to bring them back by reminiscing.
Mas, como acabam, tentamos voltar ao passado, na nossa memória.
But I thought you would regret what you had done... that you would pacify your loved ones and bring them back!
Mas eu pensei que você ia arrepender-se do que fez que iria fazer as pazes com os seus entes queridos e trazê-los de volta!
I'll pacify them and bring them back.
Vou fazer as pazes e trazê-los de volta.
Traga-os quando já não precisar deles, querida.
Take the boat in the fen, bring them back with you.
Pega no barco que está no pântano e trá-los contigo.
You promised to bring them back!
Prometeste que os devolvias!
Now, señor, because of the Medina, it is we who take things and bring them back to Cocatlan.
Agora, señor, devido aos Medina somos nós que levamos coisas e trazemo-las para Cocatlan.
The one who took the things will bring them back. Not yet!
Quem pegou nos prémios, tem do os devolver.
It will be dark when the lights go out and whoever took the things will bring them back and not the other way around!
quando ficar escuro... quando as luzes se apagarem quem pegou nas coisas... tem de as devolver, e que não seja de outra forma!
Some of the horses were furaþi, and you must bring them back.
Ouvi dizer que os seus cavalos foram roubados e ele quer a ajuda da lei para castigar os ladrões de gado e recuperá-los.
- Why don't you bring them back to my dressing room later. - Nicky!
- Porque não os leva ao camarim?
This is the man who will speak to the poor and bring them back to us.
Este é o homem que falará aos pobres, que os trará de volta à nossa igreja.
Our only chance of getting them back and keeping off... the king's gibbet... is to bring in the heads of Jamie Waring and Billy Leech... with Lady Margaret in good enough repair to bespeak us... as her saviors.
Só nos livraremos da forca do Rei se conseguirmos as cabeças de Waring e Leech e a Lady Margaret em bom estado para ser sua salvadora.
Start them on their way and bring up the half-track on the way back.
Ponham-nos a caminho e tragam o carro de assalto no regresso.
I won't bring men back from missions where they've seen friends killed and make them eat dinner looking at empty chairs.
Estou à espera. Não consentirei que os meus homens voltem das missões onde viram morrer os seus amigos, a jantarem junto de cadeiras vazias.
After I have this cleaned off, I have to clear all those books off the dining room table, bring them here, put them back in the chest, which is where they were in the first place.
Tenho de tirar os livros da mesa da sala de jantar e voltar a pô-los na arca, onde estavam.
It says that we withdraw our complaint... and that they should let them out. Then bring'Ntoni and the rest back with you.
Vamos retirar a nossa queixa e diz-Ihe que o António deve ser libertado e trazido de volta imediatamente.
You bring one of them back like that.
Trouxe um deles de volta assim.
Bring them back, Brady.
Traga-os de regresso, Brady.
- And then what? - Then Mr. Norton asked him to bring Mr. Graves back with us to pick them up.
- Então o Mr.Norton pediu para trazermos Mr.Graves connosco para os ir buscar.
Um, it's going to be hard to bring them men back alive.
Hum, vai ser difícil regressar estes homens vivos.
You could bring them over here, show them how we grow the fruit, process it, let them get a firsthand taste of Hawaiian sunshine, and they'd go back to their territories and sell like they never sold before.
Eles viriam pra ver como isto funciona, tomariam sol havaiano e voltariam cheios de vontade de vender.
And you must send a ship to bring them back.
- Está vivo!
- Lembre-se :
bring them 33
bring them here 32
bring them to me 31
bring them in 88
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
bring them here 32
bring them to me 31
bring them in 88
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
backwards 110
backstage 37
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
backstage 37
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back in business 17
back then 441
back home 188
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back in business 17
back then 441
back home 188
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80