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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ D ] / Did that hurt

Did that hurt translate Portuguese

312 parallel translation
Did that hurt?
Did that hurt you?
- Tem-te feito sofrer?
Did that hurt your balls?
Magoei as tuas bolas?
- Did that hurt?
- Isso doeu?
Did that hurt?
. Isso doeu?
Did that hurt your head?
Magoou-te a cabeça?
Did that hurt.
Isso doeu.Ay.
Did that hurt?
Isso doeu?
Did that hurt, Nokes?
Doeu, Nokes?
Did that hurt you?
Did that hurt?
Oh, did that hurt?
It can't hurt the baby once you're about eight weeks, did you know that?
Não pode fazer mal ao bébé, uma vez que se esteja de oito semanas, sabia disso?
- Did they hurt you that way, son? - No, Ma.
- Maltrataram-te assim, filho?
I don't vvant to hurt you, Chico, but I did not say that.
Não quero magoar-te, Chico, mas eu não disse bem isso.
What's the matter? Did you hear something that hurt you?
Ouviste algo que te magoou?
Wish they'd cut it off like they did the right one. That doesn't hurt at all.
Eu queria que eles tivessem cortado a esquerda igual cortaram a direita.
That didn't hurt, did it?
Isso não doeu, não é?
- That's what you said the last time. - Did it hurt?
Foi isso que disse da última vez.
You're darn right I did. That hurt.
Gritei mesmo, essa doeu.
Hey, now, that didn't hurt too bad, did it?
Não foi muito mau, pois não?
He did not hurt that guy.
Ele não magoou o tipo.
Nobody got hurt but the guy that was supposed to get hurt... and nobody on anything I ever did ended up on death row... which is more than I can say for some I know.
Ninguém saiu ferido além do tipo que era para ser atingido... e ninguém ou nada que eu tenha feito terminou em pena de morte... o que é mais do que eu posso dizer de outros que conheço.
Now, that didn't hurt much, did it?
Já está. Não doeu muito, pois não?
I think I did things to myself, to hurt myself, so that you'd know that I could hurt you.
Acho que fiz coisas a mim própria para me magoar, para que soubesses que podia magoar-te.
Did your mother ever say that to you? That I would hurt you?
Alguma vez a tua mãe te disse que eu te faria mal?
That didn't hurt, did it?
Não doeu, pois não?
- That didn't hurt a bit, did it?
Não doeu nada, pois não? - Não.
You said that if I told what Mommy did the judge and the nice people will protect me and Mommy wouldn't hurt me anymore.
Disse que, se eu falasse sobre o que a mamã fez, o juiz e as pessoas boas me protegeriam, e a mamã não me faria mais mal.
When he said he didn't know how he could live the rest of his life... knowing how much hurt he'd caused that little girl... I really felt for him, I did, right here.
Quando ele disse que não sabia como poderia viver a vida, sabendo quanto sofrimento tinha causado àquela rapariga, tive mesmo pena dele.
Well, that, that did sort of hurt my back a little bit.
Sei que estás a mentir! Vamos ao estúdio. Muito bem.
- Now, that didn't hurt, did it?
- Não foi difícil, pois não?
But the principal is that one did not hurt.
Mas o principal é que não se magoou.
Did you hurt yourself... on that ski slope?
Magoou-se na pista de ski?
That shit did hurt.
Aquela porra dói.
That didn't hurt too much, did it?
Não doeu muito, pois não?
Now that didn't hurt a bit, did it?
Não doeu nada, pois não?
That's didn't hurt, did it?
Não magou, pois não?
Guys that I would kill if they ever did anything to hurt you.
Tipos que eu mataria se te fizessem algum mal.
Mom said that Daddy would hurt Sara if I did anything against him.
A mãe disse que o papá faria mal à Sara se fizesse alguma coisa contra ele.
Oh, did that shotgun hurt you?
Oh, a caçadeira magoou-te?
See? That didn't hurt, did it?
Não doeu, pois não?
You think they hurt her when they did that? Don't do that.
- Achas que a magoaram quando o fizeram?
Did I hurt you when I threw that, um...
Eu não te aleijei quando atirei aquele...
I Begin. you did for This that that I really hurt.
- O que tu fizeste, magoou-me muito
Did that man hurt you?
Esse homem fez-te mal?
Oh! Why did you have to hurt me like that?
Por que me machucou tanto assim?
And all that boy did was hurt that little girl's pussy.
A única coisa que fez foi magoar a bicha da rapariga.
Kitty, did you ever think that maybe your feud with Beatrice has hurt Greg's reationship with her?
Kitty, já pensou que a sua rixa familiar com a Beatrice prejudicou a relação entre ela e o Greg?
Did you know that someone hurt him? Yeah?
Sabes se alguém lhe fez mal?
When your loved one, or ex-loved one by that point... tells you how much you fucked up her life and hurt her... how much she gave to you and tried to help you... and all you did in return was leave her swinging in the wind.
Quando sua amada, ou sua ex-amada para esse momento... diz-te como lhe arruinou a vida e a machucou... quanto te brindou e como tentou te ajudar... e como sua resposta foi deixá-la só e desamparada.

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