He comes back translate Portuguese
967 parallel translation
Get going before he comes back.
Toca a andar antes que ele volte.
Listen now before he comes back.
Por que não ouve agora.
He comes back here, meets this Lois MacFay...
Ele volta aqui, encontra-se com a Lois MacFay...
I'll stay here and shoot him if he comes back.
Eu fico aqui e se ele voltar, mato-o.
You know I told you that Pavlov and I are going to get married... when he comes back from the maneuvers.
Sei que te disse que ia casar com o Pavlov... quando ele voltar das manobras.
He comes back and sits down and holds it across his knee.
Voltou, se sentou e a pôs no joelho.
Well, the man's done been here and put us off and if he comes back and finds us still here he's liable to send us to the chain gang.
O homem acabou de estar aqui e de nos desprezar, se ele voltar e ainda nos encontrar aqui, é capaz de nos mandar prender.
You'll have to wait until he comes back.
Terá que esperar até ele voltar.
- Later on, the gas goes up again. - And he comes back.
- Mais tarde, o gás aumenta de novo.
But what am I going to say to the master when he comes back?
Mas o que vou dizer ao senhor quando ele voltar?
Any message if he comes back?
Quer deixar algum recado?
This is Doc Holliday's town, and when he comes back...
Esta cidade é de Doc Holliday, e quando ele regressar...
When he comes back to the village, we'll be gone, you and the baby and me.
Quando você voltar para a cidade você, eu e a menina vamos embora.
But when he comes back
Mas quando ele volta
But when he comes back That day is fine
Mas quando ele volta É um dia bom
But when he comes back The day is fine
Mas quando ele volta O dia é bom
When he comes back, cry on his lap like a baby.
Quando volta, choro no colo dele feito um bebê.
When he comes back with blood on his hands, then he can hoist his own black flag, but not before.
Quando ele voltar com sangue nas mãos, então pode usar a sua própria bandeira negra, mas não antes.
Then will you tell him when he comes back, please?
Então, pode dizer-lhe, quando ele voltar?
Yes, Father, I'll tell him when he comes back.
Sim, Padre, eu digo-lhe, quando ele voltar.
I said to myself, " I'll put it away for him until he comes back.
Claro que vi logo que era a tua sombra assim que a vi, e disse a mim mesma, vou guardá-la para ele até ele voltar.
Send Marcipor to me when he comes back.
Manda-me o Marcipor quando ele voltar.
I'll get him when he comes back.
Apanho-o quando ele voltar.
Even if he comes back on his knees.
Nem que volte de joelhos.
And when he comes back to claim his property, well, he's goin'to find everything just like he left it.
E quando voltar a reclamar o que lhe pertence... encontrará tudo tal como o deixou.
I hope he comes back to you, Ma.
Espero que ele volte para si, Ma.
- Oh, just to make sure they're here when he comes back.
Acho que queria certificar-se que ainda estarão aqui quando voltarem.
Tell him you'll be waiting for him when he comes back.
Diz-lhe que estarás à espera dele quando ele voltar.
Well, it makes it all the harder for Henry when he comes back. Now, we've got to do something about it. Well, I am doing something.
Vai ser pior para o Henry quando ele voltar, temos de fazer alguma coisa.
You can still leave before he comes back to get up.
Ele não foi, Hardy.
When he comes back, permission will have to have gone through.
Agora mais do que nunca deve ter fé que ele vai voltar...
You tell Pa when he comes back.
Diz isso ao pai, quando ele voltar.
If you are not here when he comes back, you think... I disobeyed him and drove you away.
Se você não estiver aqui quando ele voltar, ele vai pensar... que eu... o desobedeci e mandei-o embora.
No, you'd better watch out for Colorado when he comes back. I forgot to tell him how trigger-happy you are.
Não, tens de ter cuidado quando o Colorado quiser entrar esqueci-me de o avisar de que gostas do gatilho!
When spring comes in that valley, he'll be tracking back again.
Quando a primavera voltar ao vale ele tambem virá.
Leave a man alone for a couple hours... and a lot comes back to him that he couldn't remember before.
Quando se deixa um homem sozinho por umas horas... ele lembra-se de muitas coisas que não se lembrava antes.
When he comes out, tell him I'll be back.
Quando sair, diga-lhe que volto.
I'm sure that when Harvey comes back in the fall he will be a boy that we can all be proud of.
Estou certo de que, quando o Harvey voltar, será um rapaz de que nos podemos orgulhar.
He stays away from home most of the time... and comes back smelling of some strange perfume.
Ele passa muito tempo fora, e volta com outro perfume.
When Carraclough comes back, he can spend a month's pay shipping him home.
Quando o Carraclough voltar, poderá gastar o salário a mandá-lo para casa.
I'll be back before long... and he'll get over it when the railroad comes through.
Daqui a pouco estarei de volta... e isto passa-lhe quando o caminho-de-ferro estiver feito.
- If he comes back here...
- Se ele voltar...
When Edwards comes back, tell him he's being shipped out.
E...? - Sai mais umas vezes com ela.
I hope he never comes back.
Espero que não volte nunca.
And I'm not coming back until he comes and gets me.
E näo voltarei até que ele vá buscar-me.
Hurry, before he comes back.
- O que estás a tentar fazer?
Get back, Helen! Here he comes.
Para trás, Helen!
Some have boasted they killed him. But always he comes gliding back. Huge and white and secret-like.
Alguns gabaram-se que a tinham matado, mas ela sempre voltou, enorme, branca e furtiva.
I don't care if he never comes back!
Quero lá saber que ele nunca mais volte!
If he says yes, he's to bring 50,000 in U.S. Scrip to a place up back on the Sasabe. And he comes alone.
Se disser que sim, terá que levar 50.000 dólares... a um lugar perto de Sasabe, porém sózinho.
He'll be back, don't worry about that. Clint always comes back.
Ele vai voltar, não se preocupe.
he comes 28
he comes and goes 18
he comes in 22
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
backwards 110
he comes and goes 18
he comes in 22
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
backwards 110
backstage 37
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back in business 17
back to school 26
back home 188
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in business 17
back to school 26
back home 188
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16