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He wouldn't say translate Portuguese

374 parallel translation
Yet he wouldn't say a word to explain.
Mas não me contava nada.
- He wouldn't say.
- Não quis dizer.
I should say he stood about 5'11 ", wouldn't you, Doc?
Acho que devia medir cerca de 1,80 m, não acha, Doutor?
He wouldn't say that.
Não diria isso.
What did he say? He complained of the persecution and said he wouldn't have any dealings with a mediaeval maniac.
- Ele se queixa das repercussões... e não quer tratar com um maníaco da Idade Média.
I wouldn't undertake to say what exactly... but he was kind of in a mess.
Não posso dizer o que exactamente, mas ele estava desarranjado.
I knew he wouldn't say a word.
Sabia que não diria nada.
And if he is who you say, he wouldn't be easily persuaded, would he?
Isso o livraria de sofrimentos que o senhor... nem pode imaginar.
He wouldn't say how Long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can Help.
Ele não disse quanto tempo demoraria, mas é lógico que, sendo o seu tempo tão valioso, não demorará mais que o necessário.
Hey, Al, bright boy says he wouldn't say what he thinks it's all about.
- Al, o rapaz esperto diz que não se atreve a dizer o que acha que isto vem a ser.
He wouldn't say why.
Não quis dizer para o que era.
He wouldn't know what to say to Ulrich.
Mesmo que pudesse falar não saberia o que dizer a um homem como ulrich.
He hoped I'd speak badly of Russia so he could say no. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
Estava à espera que eu dissesse mal da Rússia para ter argumentos contra mim.
- He wouldn't say nothing.
- Ele não iria queixar-se.
I tried to make him understand I wouldn't say anything, but I guess he wasn't listening.
Tentei fazê-lo entender que não ia dizer nada. Parece que não me ouviu.
He used to say, "I wouldn't be a society gadabout" "if they promised me I could live forever."
Ele dizia : "Não serei um desses vagabundos da sociedade, nem que me prometam que viverei eternamente."
For instance, Wally Eberhard was in twice... and called three times, but he wouldn't say about what.
Por exemplo, Wally Eberhard veio duas vezes e ligou outras três. - Mas ele não quis dizer o que sentia
He wouldn't say anything until I started to phone his mother.
Ele não dizia nada, então decidi ligar para a mãe dele.
Now, you wouldn't say a man was outside the law because he draw pictures, would you?
Diria que um homem é um fora da lei por fazer desenhos?
He wouldn't want me, he would say I was...
Ele não deixaria, chamar-me-ia...
Well, I'd say that's because he was run some, wouldn't you?
Eu diria que é porque já andou um, bom bocado, não é?
Wouldn't you say he drank to excess?
Diria que ele bebia em excesso?
What did you say? I said he could come as one of the Borgias. Then he wouldn't have to explain his cousin.
Disse-lhe que viesse de Borgia, assim não tinha de explicar o primo.
I... wouldn't say that. I call him'Dad'because he's old.
Trato-o por Paizinho porque é velho.
Either way, murder or suicide, I'd say he deserved it, wouldn't you?
Seja como for, homicídio ou suicídio, digo que ele merecia, não acha?
But I wouldn't say how long he's gonna live.
Mas não sei quanto tempo ele vai viver.
Well, I... I wouldn't say that he was ugly.
Bem,... não diria que seja feio.
You wouldn't say that if he was here.
Não dirias isso se ele aqui estivesse.
He wouldn't say any more unless he was called out of the cellblock.
Ele não dirá mais nada de dentro do pavilhão.
He wouldn't say, sir.
- Não disse, senhor.
- I don't know. He wouldn't say.
- Não sei, não me disse.
I told him you'd be angry He said he'd explain... and wouldn't say anything.
Eu disse-lhe que ias ficar zangado, mas ele disse que depois explicava... e tu não dirias nada.
If he already paid, I wouldn't say he owed me, would I?
Se tivesse pago eu não diria que me deve, diria?
He wouldn't say anything to Urko.
Não diria nada pro Urko.
Look, if he was dying, he wouldn't bother to carve "Aaargh." - He'd just say it.
Se estava a morrer não se ia preocupar a gravar "A-a-a-argh." Dizia-o apenas.
I would say he's made, wouldn't you, Jonathan?
Acho-o bem constituído. Não achas?
- Why? Wouldn't you say he was slightly off-balance?
- Não o acha desequilibrado, Dra.?
He wouldn't say.
Não disse...
Bet he wouldn't say no if I invited him in here.
Não se ofenderia se o convidasse para a minha cama.
And I didn't say he did it, just that it wouldn't surprise me.
A propriedade em que está é famosa pelos convidados que recebe.
They say "If you hadn't fled he wouldn't have died". But I ran away after Aziz was shot and he fell.
Em realidade, eu me salvei depois de que o pegaram e ele caiu ao chão.
I wouldn't take too seriously what he has to say.
Eu cá não levava muito a sério o que ele tem para dizer.
He dismantled it, and before you say anything else, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here right now.
E antes que diga algo mais, se não tivesse sido ele, eu não estaria aqui agora.
Normally he wouldn't say...
Normalmente, não diria...
He wouldn't say.
Ele não disse.
You'd say hi and when he left... you'd cut him up so your friends wouldn't think you really liked him.
Voce vai falar oi e quando ele sair... vai zoá-lo e todos os seus amigos vão achar que voce realmente não gosta dele.
- I'd say he's a cop. Wouldn't you?
- Diria que é um chui.
- Darling, he didn't say he wouldn't do it.
- Querido, ele não disse que não o faria.
He wouldn't say what.
Ele não falou o quê.
He wouldn't do it if it was from a colleague, and I couldn't say it was a secretary's notion.
Não ia analisá-la se fosse dum colega e eu não ia dizer que era duma secretária.
He would say that, wouldn't he?
Nada com que se preocupar.

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