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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I should've

I should've translate Portuguese

7,162 parallel translation
I should've stayed.
Eu devia ter ficado.
I should've made sure.
Devia ter garantido.
I never should've put him there.
Ele não devia lá estar.
Jo's pregnancy's the best news that we've had in a little while, and I feel like I didn't react in the way that I should have.
A gravidez da Jo é a melhor notícia que tivemos em muito tempo, e eu acho que não reagi da forma que devia ter reagido.
I just thought you should know they've got a treatment for frostbite at the research center, and I've brought Liam here.
Apenas queria que soubesses que eles têm um tratamento para queimaduras de gelo no Centro de Investigação, e eu trouxe o Liam para cá.
I should've known.
Eu já devia saber.
- I ever did, eating Percocet, was raise kids because there was lots of conversations that I should've had that I didn't have.
A coisa mais estúpida que fiz, a tomar Percocet, foi criar filhos. Porque houveram muitas conversas que devia ter tido que não tive.
I should've listened to your deadbeat father, gotten rid of you before you were even born.
Devia ter dado ouvidos ao sacana do teu pai e acabado contigo, ainda antes de nasceres.
I suppose I should be grateful you've seen any path at all, given the threats we face.
Suponho que deveria estar grato por teres visto qualquer caminho, dadas as ameaças que enfrentamos.
Melanie... I should've just cocooned you, like the others!
Melanie... Devia ter-te colocado nos casulos como fiz com os outros!
I never should've given up.
Nunca devia ter desistido.
I never should've been a part of that hostile takeover.
Nunca devia ter participado naquela OPA hostil.
I do. No, you don't and you need to stop asking. 'Cause in a minute, you gonna be asking for a new job somewhere else, see,'cause I should've fired your dumb ass, like, ten times alre...
Não tens e para de pedir isso porque, daqui a nada, vais pedir trabalho a outro sítio.
Rosa, I should've listened to you.
Rosa, devia ter-lhe dado ouvidos.
I've always told her she should be more open.
Sempre lhe disse para ter uma mente mais aberta.
I should've stayed in that hole.
Deveria ter ficado naquele buraco.
I should've made it more clear that it wasn't me.
Devia ter deixado mais claro que não fui eu.
I should've been there.
Eu devia ter estado presente.
By now, Claire should've given a statement, but she can't, because I set a bomb under the only radio tower on that side of the city.
Por esta altura, a Claire já devia ter feito uma declaração, mas não pode fazê-lo, porque rebentei a única torre de rádio daquele lado da cidade.
Yeah, it's kind of stupid how much I'm in love with you. You should've seen how fast I came down that mountain.
Devias ter visto a velocidade a que desci aquela montanha.
I should've nobly stepped aside, watched you guys flop around for years gasping for air, shopping your little regional product door-to-door like Thin Mints?
Que eu devia ter-me afastado, ver-vos estrebuchar durante anos com falta de ar, a venderem o vosso produto porta-a-porta, tipo bolachas? Vemo-nos em tribunal.
I never should've suggested working with Keates.
Não devia ter sugerido trabalhar com a Keates.
I should've been more supportive of you being the face of NCIS, because you're my friend.
Eu... Devia ter-te dado mais apoio, por seres o rosto do NCIS, porque és meu amigo.
I should've been more Gilroy Libbs.
Devia ser mais tipo Gilroy Libbs.
I-I probably should've discussed it with you.
Se calhar devia ter discutido isso contigo.
I'm sorry, you came all the way out here and I should've waited a day to give you an answer.
Desculpa, vieste de tão longe até cá e... eu devia ter esperado um dia para te dar uma resposta.
What I'm trying to say is we've both been through a lot and... we should probably take the time and think about what we want.
O que estou a tentar dizer é que... nós as duas passámos por muito. E... deveríamos talvez tirar um tempo para pensar no que queremos.
I should've told her.
Eu devia ter-lhe contado.
I should've removed him but you were already in love with him.
Devia tê-lo afastado, mas já estavas apaixonada por ele.
Perhaps I should've told you he doesn't like that name.
Talvez eu devesse ter contado que ele não gosta desse nome.
I mean, I should've stopped her, but I didn't.
Eu devia impedi-la, mas não impedi.
So I've thought it over, and perhaps you should go ahead and show that letter to the commissioner.
Pensei no assunto e talvez deva mostrar a carta ao comissário.
I've got friends and neighbors who've already left, and I'm thinking we should do the same.
Tenho amigos e vizinhos que já partiram - e acho que devíamos fazer o mesmo.
I would've hired a quartet or a soloist or a damn mariachi band to start playing the minute you said yes, because a proposal should be romantic.
Tinha contratado um quarteto ou um solista ou o raio de uma banda para começar a tocar assim que dissesses "sim", porque um pedido de casamento deve ser romântico.
You're gonna be okay. Hey. Sorry, I should've called.
Vais ficar bem.
I should've kept you and Callie out of this.
Devia ter-te mantido a ti e à Callie fora disto.
Sorry, I should've told you I wouldn't be back last night.
Desculpe, devia-te ter dito que não voltaria ontem à noite.
I'm keeping him safe from you just like you should've been kept safe from your father!
Estou a mantê-lo longe de ti, tal como tu devias ter ficado longe do teu pai!
I mean, Foster and Foster. I really should've worked that one out.
Foster e Foster, devia ter percebido logo.
I should've told Alesha at the time.
- Devia ter dito à Alesha nessa época.
I've always left it to Simon, but I've realised perhaps maybe I should pay more attention.
Sempre deixei que o Simon tratasse disso, mas tenho de me manter mais atenta a isso.
'I've thought recently maybe I should... 'Should..?
Recentemente tenho pensado em...
I think we've got everything sorted, so I should probably head off.
Acho que já está tudo, é melhor ir andando.
I've always said he should tell you the truth.
Sempre disse que ele devia contar-te.
Maybe my mistake was..... even trying, maybe I should've come to you straightaway, said, "I know we're married, but I'm fucking someone else."
Talvez o meu erro tenha sido tentar. Talvez devesse ter ido ter logo contigo e dizer, "Somos casados, mas ando a comer outra."
I should've been out a while ago.
Eu já devia ter saído.
I'm sure he did, but the problem is he lied, and you should've known it.
Sei que o disse. O problema é que mentiu e devia ter-se apercebido disso.
I've done things i never should have done to keep him safe.
Fiz coisas que nunca devia ter feito para mantê-lo a salvo.
I never should've left him in that awful place, and...
Nunca o deveria ter deixado naquele lugar.
I should've gone to Angela's birthday party.
Devia ter ido à festa de aniversário da Angela.
I never should've come here.
Nunca cá devia ter vindo.

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