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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I told him everything

I told him everything translate Portuguese

206 parallel translation
I told him everything!
Eu contei-lhe tudo!
Yeah, I told him everything.
Sim, contei-lhe tudo.
I told him everything.
Contei-lhe tudo.
- I told him everything.
- Contei-lhe tudo! - O quê?
- I told him everything.
- Contei-lhe tudo!
I told him everything.
Contei tudo a ele.
I told him everything about the hit.
Contei-lhe tudo sobre o ataque.
I told him everything.
Eu já lhe contei tudo.
I told him everything.
Eu contei-lhe tudo.
I told him all that my sisters had done. I told him everything.
Disse-lhe tudo o que as minhas irmãs tinham feito.
I told him everything and he believed it.
Eu disse-lhe tudo e ele acreditou.
As time passed, my father struggled for more to hold onto asking me again and again had I told him everything.
Com o passar do tempo, o meu pai quis saber mais e perguntava-me com insistência se lhe tinha contado tudo.
Okay, Vivian, I told him everything you wanted me to... now give me my piece of pie.
Pronto, Vivian, já lhe disse tudo o que querias, agora dá-me uma fatia de tarte.
- Don't worry about it, I told him everything.
Não te preocupes, disse-lhe tudo.
If I asked him to help me... told him why... would he loathe me if I told him everything?
Se pedisse a ajuda dele e lhe explicasse porquê... Achas que me ficava a odiar se lhe contasse tudo?
I told him everything.
Disse-lhe tudo.
I think it would be better if you called in Inspector Krogh and told him everything.
Acho que seria melhor chamar o Inspector Krogh e contar-lhe tudo.
If I sent for him, told him everything...
Se eu mandar buscá-lo e lhe contar tudo...
- I told him all about you. - Everything?
- Contei-lhe tudo a teu respeito.
Major Hammond is innocent of everything and he would not be here now except that I went to him and told him my husband and his men were torturing his brother.
O major Hammond é inocente de tudo. E ele não estaria aqui, se eu não lhe fosse dizer que o meu marido e os seus homens estavam a torturar o seu irmão.
Donald's a husband who's believed everything I've told him since I was five years old.
O donald é daqueles maridos que crê em tudo o que Ihe digo desde os cinco anos.
You know, I told him this would happen one of these days, the way he leaves everything unlocked.
Sabe, eu disse-lhe o que lhe ia acontecer um destes dias da maneira como ele deixava sempre tudo destrancado.
I told him I knew as a boy in a shop Hundred of Everything.
Hei-lhe dito que conheci a um menino de qualidade em uma loja de Tudo a Cem.
I've already told him everything he needs to know.
Já lhe contei tudo o que ele precisa saber.
I told him to take care of everything, send me the bill, keep my name anonymous.
Disse-lhe para tomar conta do caso, mas para me manter anónimo.
I'll wager this young rat's told him everything.
Aposto que lhes contou tudo.
I told him I knew everything. But I knew he wanted me.
Disse-lhe que sabia de tudo... mas eu sabia que ele me desejava.
I already told everything to him.
Já lhe contei tudo.
I already told everything to him what existed to count.
Já lhe contei tudo o que havia para contar.
I told you you could give him everything but you.
Bem te disse que lhe podias dar tudo, menos tu.
I've written and told him everything.
Eu escrevi e contei-lhe tudo.
Mon ami, already told him that I know everything.
Mon ami, já lhe disse que sei tudo.
But you know, dude started getting all weepy-eyed and everything... so I told him I'd sleep on it.
Mas ele começou a ficar com lágrimas nos olhos e... disse-lhe que ia pensar nisso.
Everything you told me about him made me feel like I knew him.
Tudo o que me disseste sobre ele, fez com que sentisse que o conhecia.
That show Inside Crime did a thing on Mattie and told how I tried to help him and everything.
O programa "Inside Crime" falou no Mattie. Disseram como eu tentei ajudá-lo.
I've talked to your papa and I've told him everything.
Falei com o teu papá e contei-lhe tudo.
I told him her likes, her dislikes, her deepest feelings... everything from her passion for Bora-Bora and Mahler's 4th... to her favourite flower, the African Daisy.
Falei do que ela gostava ou não, dos seus sentimentos escondidos, desde a sua paixão por Bora Bora e pela Quarta Sinfonia de Mahler até à flor preferida, a gerbera.
For what it's worth you should know that I've told Jake the truth about my visit to you, why I brought him here everything.
Fica sabendo que contei a verdade ao Jake acerca da minha visita a ti, porque o trouxe aqui, tudo.
Well, the doctor told me I should stay out of the sun for a couple of weeks... and then I should come back and see him, have another checkup... and if everything panned out, then I can resume my pilgrimage.
Que não devia apanhar sol durante umas semanas, e para ir vê-lo depois para fazer novos exames. Se estiver bem, posso recomeçar a minha peregrinação.
Mike told me everything that afternoon while I helped him pick out sheets... at Bed, Bath Beyond.
O Mike contou-me tudo nessa tarde, enquanto o ajudava a escolher lençóis na Bed Bath Beyond.
I went to Dodd... and I told him that I didn't have any of Jimmy's money... or the drugs... and that this Teddy must have taken everything.
Fui ter com o Dodd e disse-lhe que não tinha o dinheiro do Jimmy, nem as drogas e que o tal Teddy devia ter ficado com tudo.
I already told him everything.
Eu já lhe contei tudo.
- We have told him everything. Well, I've noticed..... the Tok'ra have a tendency to leave out minor details sometimes. - Yeah.
Dissemos-lhe tudo.
Well, like I told you, we tried everything to find that boy and who abducted him, went so far as to bring in a police psychic ten years back...
- Tentámos tudo para encontrar o rapaz. Fomos ao ponto de trazer para cá um vidente da polícia, há dez anos atrás.
Miller wouldn't even let anyone touch the light switch because I told him to leave everything just the way it was.
Miller não deixou ninguém tocar no interruptor porque eu lhe disse para deixar tudo como estava.
Just tell him everything I told you to say.
Só diga tudo que eu disse para você dizer.
I told him that he had one day to pay up what he owed. Make everything right with Jesus. That's it.
Disse-lhe que tinha um dia para pagar o que devia e acertar contas com o Jesus, mais nada.
Then he'd know we were gonna have a boy... and that would spoil everything for him, so I told him :
Então ele saberia que teríamos um rapaz... e isso estragar-lhe-ia tudo, portanto disse-lhe :
I told him you all was gonna set him up and everything.
Disse-lhe que vocês iam arranjar-lhe um negócio.
I followed her around a few days, told him everything I knew...
Eu segui-a durante uns dias, contei-lhe tudo o que sabia...
He has stated in this hearing... that under questioning... Mister Chairman, he has stated in private to my advocat Miss Barcant... that I, in fact, broke and told him everything that he needed to know I gave him information.
Ele declarou nesta audiência... que, sob interrogatório, eu lhe passei informações.

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