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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I told him to

I told him to translate Portuguese

4,113 parallel translation
A couple of nights ago, I went to see Ed, and I told him to leave town.
Há algumas noites, fui ver o Ed e disse-lhe para deixar a cidade.
I told him to stop, but Charlie wouldn't listen to me.
Eu disse-lhe para parar, mas o Charlie não me deu ouvidos.
I told him to get lost.
- Mandei-o embora.
I told him to... be anything but that.
"Eu disse-lhe para ser... qualquer coisa menos isso".
I told him to adjust the lights so the rhinestones would stand out better.
Disse-lhe que ajustasse as luzes para os diamantes sobressaírem mais.
Fitz wanted to be here, but I told him to give you a little bit more time.
O Fitz vem, mas disse-lhe para te dar mais tempo.
Heard about your little mishap on the platform. I told him to wait.
Soube do pequeno acidente na plataforma.
I told him to stay here till I got back.
Disse para ele esperar aqui até eu voltar.
Long ago I told your forefather, Nebuchadnezzar, that I would speak to him only the truth and that if he rather not hear it, he should ask me nothing.
Há muito tempo atrás eu disse ao seu antepassado, Nabucodonosor, que eu falaria com ele somente a verdade e que se ele prefere não ouvi-la, ele não me devia perguntar.
Told him I was walking you to work.
- Disse-lhe que te acompanhava ao trabalho.
Yeah, I also told him if you didn't kill the story, I'll call all the investors I acquired and advise them to pull out.
E disse que se não desistisses, ligaria para os investidores e os aconselharia a retirar o investimento.
I told him I had nothing to give, and I didn't.
Disse-lhe que não tinha nada para oferecer... e não tinha.
Okay, look, I know why you told him to stay away, but you didn't have to treat him like dirt, you know.
Ok, ouve, eu sei porque é que lhe disseste para se manter afastado, mas não tinhas que o ter tratado como lixo, sabias.
He wanted to, but I told him she was gone.
Queria, mas disse-lhe que não estava.
I went to Kopelman, and I told him how much I valued him.
Fui até o Kopelman e disse-lhe o quanto eu o valorizava.
If Harvey had told me, it wouldn't be going behind my back, and I'm not going to blame him for doing what's in his nature any more than I'd blame you for being an asshole.
- Se ele me tivesse contado, não teria sido pelas minhas costas. E não irei culpá-lo pela sua natureza mais do que o culpo por ser um idiota.
No, from what I heard, they missed the ferry, they asked him for a trip to Sorrento, and he told me he wouldn't take'em.
Pelo que sei, eles perderam o barco, pediram-lhe boleia para Sorrento e ele recusou levá-los.
Bloody Harry forgot to lock it again. You don't know how many times I've told him.
O Harry esqueceu-se de fechar a porta e estou farto de o avisar.
I told him not to go back to that Godforsaken town.
Eu disse-lhe para não voltar para aquela maldita cidade.
I want you to be open with him, okay? Just like you told it to me.
Quero que seja claro com ele.
More than happy to tell you exactly what I told him.
Ficaria mais do que feliz em dizer-lhe o que disse a ele. Não, não.
But when I told him that Emma had a juvie file under a different last name, he paid me an extra grand to unseal it.
Mas ao informar que ela tinha registo juvenil com outro sobrenome, ele pagou-me mais 1.000 dólares para abri-lo.
It's none of your business. It is between me and Shepherd, - and I told him everything he needs to know.
Isto é entre mim e o Shepherd, disse tudo o que ele devia saber.
- Well, I told your daughter, who came to me instead of you that if she really wants something meaningful with this guy, she shouldn't have sex with him for at least three months.
Disse à tua filha, que veio ter comigo e não contigo... Que, se ela quer algo especial com o rapaz, não devia de ter sexo com ele pelo menos, durante 3 meses.
I told him his friend Wendy was coming back to play with him.
Eu disse-lhe que a minha amiga Wendy vinha cá para brincar com ele.
So I went and told him I was there to collect the gun.
Fui até lá e disse-lhe que ia recolher a arma.
That's exactly what I said to my dad the night I told him it was okay to die.
Foi exactamente isso que disse ao meu pai na noite em que lhe disse que não fazia mal se morresse.
I told you... I told you to stay clear of him.
Eu disse-te para te manteres afastada.
Told Jeremy to bring the car around so I could drag the kid out, drive him to the hospital.
Disse ao Jeremy para trazer o carro para que pudesse arrastar o rapaz para fora, e levá-lo ao hospital.
I just told him to get the cash back and put a little healthy fear of God in him before he put him on the Trailways bus.
Só lhe disse para ele trazer o dinheiro de volta, e incutir-lhe algum medo divino, antes de o colocar num autocarro de viagem.
I just told you to ask him for the money.
Só te disse para lhe pedires o dinheiro.
Well, I got hold of Connor, told him to take the guns to Wahewa.
Convenci o Connor... disse-lhe para levar as armas para Wahewa.
No, I-I was until Leo pushed some on me, and I told him, 25 grand wasn't gonna be enough to bail us out...
Não, eu estava até Leo arranjar-me, e eu disse, 25 mil não seriam o suficiente.
I've told you what you needed to know to find him.
Disse-lhe o que precisa de saber para o encontrar.
And I told him I didn't like him to come out here, but...
Eu disse-lhe que não gostava que ele viesse para aqui, mas...
I told him 50 times to keep out of my field.
Disse-lhe 50 vezes para ficar fora do meu terreno.
I told him your life was far too complicated to have to deal with his drama.
Eu disse-lhe que a tua vida já é demasiado complicada para lidar com mais este drama.
I told Rita to offer him a sales job in Texas.
Pedi à Rita que lhe oferecesse um emprego de vendas no Texas.
I told Rudy we would take him out to celebrate.
Disse ao Rudy que o levávamos para celebrar.
I don't know. My job was to feed him the leads, but he never told me - which house he was gonna hit.
O meu trabalho era fornecer as pistas, mas ele nunca me disse qual casa é que ia roubar.
I told you to stay away from him.
Disse para ficares longe dele.
The officer told him to stop, and he didn't, and I think...
O polícia mandou-o parar, e ele não parou, e eu penso...
Helen, you let the damn kid do whatever he wants. I told him not to play with my stuff.
Helen, tens de deixá-lo fazer o que ele quiser.
I went to the printer and told him to print one of each, then I'd choose.
Disse ao homem que queria um de cada para escolher o que queria.
I told him my life is not conducive to making myself available every time someone else was in crisis.
Disse-lhe que a minha vida não me deixa ter tempo para alguém em crise.
I told him that I couldn't see him again, and... he got angry, and... he came to see me...
Eu disse-lhe que não podia vê-lo de novo, e... Ele ficou com raiva e veio ver-me.
I told you to just play him like Father Christmas.
Eu disse-te para o representares como o Pai Natal.
He's turning something, and we're having a little party at the house... and when I asked him who he would like to perform at the party... he told me he wanted you.
Sei lá. Ele vai fazer anos, e vamos fazer uma festa em casa. E, ao perguntar quem ele queria que se apresentasse na festa, ele disse-me que o queria.
Jason Baldwin called me and he asked if I could go to West Memphis with him, and I told him no.
O Jason Baldwin ligou-me, perguntou se eu ia com ele até West Memphis e eu disse que não.
I told you, whatever the fuck you say to him, he's gonna use against you, don't you understand?
Já expliquei, tudo o que lhe disser ele vai usar contra você, entende?
How many times have I told you not to pump him full of sugar before you drop him off?
Quantas vezes já te disse para não o atafulhares de açúcar antes de o trazeres?

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