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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / If i knew

If i knew translate Portuguese

4,143 parallel translation
If I knew you would throw it away, I would have kept it.
Se soubesse que ias deitar fora, tinha ficado com ela.
You know, if I knew that sending you to Chamberlain was going to trigger this I would have sent somebody who's better equipped.
Se eu soubesse que mandá-la para Chamberlain ia dar nisto, teria enviado alguém mais bem equipado.
But maybe if I knew more about the woman herself...
Mas talvez se eu soubesse mais sobre a própria mulher...
She asked if I knew you.
Ela perguntou-me se o conhecia.
If I knew the answer to that would not be lost right?
Se eu soubesse a resposta para isso, ela não estaria perdida, certo?
Porque nunca me teria envolvido, sabendo que estavas a ser processado!
Damn it, if I knew more, I'd tell you.
Porra, se soubesse mais, já teria dito.
I swear! If I knew, I would tell you!
Se eu soubesse alguma coisa, eu diria.
Please, if I knew, I would tell you.
Olha, se soubesse dizia, vamos lá!
I wouldn't have done it if I knew you then like I know you now.
Não o teria feito, se te conhecesse então como te conheço agora.
If I knew who the guy was or where he was, I'd break his fucking legs. I call him.
Se soubesse quem ele é, onde está, partia-Ihe as pernas.
It helps if I knew them well before it happened.
É mais fácil se os viste antes de acontecer.
If I knew where he was, don't you think I would tell you?
Se soubesse onde ele está, não acha que lhe diria?
Hey, look, I've washed my hands of this, but I still have to live in this city, and I'd feel better, at least, if I knew it was being run right.
Olha, lavo daí as minhas mãos, mas ainda tenho que viver nesta cidade. E sentiria-me melhor se souber que estão a gerir isso bem.
Look, if I knew any more, I'd tell you.
Ouça, se eu soubesse mais, eu dir-lhe-ia.
If I knew, I wouldn't be standing here.
Se eu soubesse não estaria aqui parado.
So you didn't think that you could trust me with the truth, that if I knew that we had killed civilians somehow I wouldn't lobby as hard as you thought.
Então, pensaste que não me podias confiar a verdade, que se soubesse que tínhamos matado civis, de algum modo, não me empenharia tanto quanto imaginavas.
I would have put on makeup if I knew company was coming.
Eu teria me maquilhado se soubesse que tinha companhia.
If I knew, I'd tell you.
Se eu soubesse, dizia-te.
If I knew, I would've said, " oh, yeah, right.
Se soubesse. teria dito " sim, certo.
If I knew, I would tell you.
Se eu soubesse, dizia-lhe.
I know I should told you, but... I was afraid, if you knew... That you wouldn't want to be with me...
Sei que já devia ter dito, mas tive medo que, quando soubesses, deixavas de querer ficar comigo.
I don't know if any of you knew that.
Não sei se sabiam disso.
If you knew what you were doing, I wouldn't have to be out here telling you, would I?
Se soubesses, não teria de estar aqui a dizer-to, não é?
If only I knew what a micro fish looked like.
Se soubesse o aspecto dessa "microfixe".
I followed you down here because I knew if I didn't... it was likely somebody was gonna get away with murder.
Segui-o até aqui porque sabia que, de contrário, alguém se ia safar com um homicídio.
And I knew that if I just concentrated hard enough, believed hard enough,
E sabia que se me concentrasse o suficiente, acreditasse o suficiente...
But three months ago he started to threaten me and my daughter, and I knew that if I delivered him the complete works, I would be dead.
Mas há três meses atrás ele começou a ameaçar a mim é a minha filha, e eu sabia se eu Ihe entregasse as pesquisas completas, eu estava morto.
Listen, if we knew that he was going to be here I would have warned you.
Se soubéssemos que ele estaria aqui, eu tinha-te avisado.
But then what if he knew who I am
Mas e se ele descobre quem eu sou
Because if he knew I was still alive, he'd be after me.
Porque se ele sabia que eu ainda estava vivo, ele estaria atras de mim.
But I knew if they arrested him, he'd still have the resources to come after me.
Mas eu sabia que, se o prenderam, ele ainda teria os recursos para vir atras de mim.
If they did it, then I knew it but we've nothing that can prove it
Se o fizeram, eu sabia! Como provo que o fizeram
Oh, no, I was just asking if anyone here knew anything about the accident last night out on the interstate.
Não, só te pergunto se alguém sabe do acidente de ontem, na Interestatal?
If you knew I was the driver, why didn't you just turn me in, huh?
Se sabia que eu era o condutor, porque é que não me entregou?
If I'd just acted sooner, done what I knew in my heart was right, maybe... maybe I-I could have saved her.
Se pelo menos tivesse feito antes... O que eu sabia no meu coração ser certo. Talvez...
I knew you were eaten up with guilt, and I just thought if she knew... then it would be over and you and I could be together without all this guilt... and you'd be at peace.
Sabia que ias sentir-te muito culpado, e pensei que, se ela soubesse depois a vossa relação acabava e podíamos estar juntos sem culpa e tu estarias em paz.
Very good, Detective. I knew if I spelled it out for you, you'd catch on eventually.
Muito bem detective, mostrei-lhe todas as pistas, você ía descobrir.
I never knew if he was going to come out from behind a bush, or a car, and just start shooting.
Não sabia se ele ia sair de trás de um arbusto, ou de um carro, e desatar a disparar.
If you knew someone like that, I'd be very curious as to what they had to say.
Se conhecesses alguém assim, eu estaria bastante curioso em saber o que tinham para dizer.
Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I told them everything I knew about you and your activities.
Hey, se te faz sentir melhor, eu disse-lhe tudo o que sabia sobre as tuas atividades.
I knew if I bit him again, he would beat me.
Já sabia, se lhe mordesse outra vez, ele batia-me.
Beth, if you knew the day I just had...
Beth, se soubesses o dia que tive.
If I woulda knew somebody, I wouldn't have had... to do it to myself.
Se conhecesse alguém, não o teria feito a mim mesmo.
If you knew how much I don't want you to be a fake...
Nem imagina como desejo que não fosse uma fraude.
If you knew you were ready to look... I don't understand.
Se sabias que estava pronta para ver...
You finished my sentences for me as if you knew what I was thinking.
Concluíste as minhas frases como se soubesses o que estava a pensar.
- If you knew how much I felt like putting you down right now, you'd keep it shut.
- Se soubesses o quanto me apetece faze-lo agora estavas calado.
I knew if you insisted a bit she'd give way.
Eu já sabia que se insistissem, ela lá cederia.
Because I don't think you'd talk to me if you knew I was trying to get you back.
Porque não achei que falasses comigo se soubesses que te estava a tentar reconquistar.
It'll be a red flag if you say you knew him and I say I don't.
Será uma bandeira vermelha se tu disseres que o conhecesses e eu disser que não.

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