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It was just a translate Portuguese

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It was just a mistake.
Foi só um erro.
It was just a joke.
Era só uma piada.
It was just a little argument.
Foi só uma discussão.
It was just a voice, but he knew everything about me.
Era apenas uma voz, mas ele sabia tudo sobre mim.
I threatened to electrocute him till I realized it was just a hired gun.
Ameacei que o ia electrocutar até que percebi que era apenas um assassino contratado.
It was just not a good time for us.
Não foi uma boa altura para nós.
And it was quite far from the circus, from the unit base, so we had a trailer that we just sat in, and we shared.
E era bastante longe do circo, da base da unidade, por isso, tínhamos uma caravana em que nos sentávamos e que partilhávamos.
It was probably just a prank call.
Devia ser uma partida.
It was just cold, so I borrowed his sweatshirt.
Estava com frio e ele emprestou-me a camisola dele.
I just thought it was a good picture.
Achei só que era uma boa fotografia.
By the time Terry got involved, it was supposed to be ramping down, but the drugs just got crazier.
Quando a Terry se envolveu, devia ter diminuído, mas as drogas pioraram cada vez mais.
Does it make you want to call the radio station and find out who the band they just played was? Think back.
Vão ligar para a rádio a perguntar que banda acabou de passar?
It was just to raise money for our music thing, and it became a big party.
Era só para juntar dinheiro, para a nossa cena da música, e a festa cresceu.
He says there was a forest and he saw the house, but just briefly, he doesn't remember it.
Diz que havia um bosque e que apenas viu a casa por um instante. Não se lembra.
All right, I knew as I was saying it that I should just keep my mouth shut.
Eu sabia, como estava a dizer, que devia era ficar calado.
It's just that my brother was in a bad way
É que... tenho um irmão que estava muito mal.
It's just weird'cause, like, I was with somebody else a few years before that, and so it's just like, I feel like I'm, like... leap-frogging, you know, from, like, one long-term thing to the next.
Só é estranho, porque estive com uma pessoa alguns anos antes disso e sinto-me como se andasse a saltar de uma relação longa para outra relação longa.
Everybody just came out and went on the side of the hill, and me and my dad was face to face, and I fold my fists, and he saw, and it pissed him off even more, and he was, like, "yo, you wanna hit me?"
Todos saíram e foram para o lado do monte. Eu e o meu pai ficámos frente a frente. Fechei os punhos e ele viu.
So going into that race, it was pretty much a dog fight, it's like I'm out there just for my life, you know what I mean?
Aquela corrida foi uma luta de cães. Fui lá pela minha vida.
Yes, Kent. It absolutely is my job, and I was just about to leave, so, um, thank you guys so much.
É a minha obrigação, estava prestes a ir, muito obrigada, meninas.
No, I'm good. It's just that the PTA was the only good thing in my life and now I've lost that, too.
É só que a Associação de Pais era a única coisa boa na minha vida e até isso perdi.
- Why? Em, it was just time for a break.
Em, era simplesmente hora de fazer uma pausa.
- Aldous... She just walked into my club and I can't tell if it was a coincidence or not.
Aldous, ela veio ao meu clube e não sei se é coincidência ou não.
If it was something crazy, I was just gonna put my hand on the glass.
Se fosse algo perigoso, apenas colocaria a mão no vidro.
It means that whatever I was doing just doesn't sound right when I say it out loud.
Queria dizer que seja lá o que estivesse a fazer já não parecia correto quando o disse em palavras.
If it was Amy, wouldn't she just come to the front door?
Se fosse a Amy, ela não entraria pela porta da frente?
Well, if it was just smoke, they'd issue a denial...
Se fosse apenas fumo, emitiriam um comunicado.
No, Andri just wanted us to know that it was a possibility and I think it's good for us to be prepared
Não, o Andri só quer que saibamos que pode haver uma possibilidade. Acho bom estarmos preparados.
It'd be a whole lot easier if you'd just take a swig of whatever that was that you made Mimi drink.
Seria muito mais fácil se bebesses um bocado do que fizeste a Mimi beber.
I know. I know it was a... incredibly generous gift, I just...
Sei que foi uma prenda muito generosa.
It's like it was saved just so I could shoot this video here.
Parece que a casa foi poupada para eu filmar o videoclipe aqui.
Man, I get it. It's just that that's where I was hoping that Freda's verse would go.
Eu percebo, mas esperava que a Freda rimasse aqui.
That was just a movie. Okay, it was a story, make-believe.
Era um filme, uma história falsa.
He didn't know what the fuck he was doing, he just did it.
Não sabia o que estava a fazer, simplesmente fê-lo.
[Steve] It was incredible, what was happening with just one person.
Era incrível o que estava a acontecer só com uma pessoa.
And it was this mix of the craziest combinations of people suddenly finding champagne on their face and cakes in their hair and it's not just politics, but getting involved in the city.
E foi uma mistura da combinação mais maluca de pessoas a levarem com champanhe na cara e bolo no cabelo e não é apenas política, é envolver-me com a cidade.
Whether it was Dim Mak Records, to me starting to DJ, starting to produce electronic music, that was all just being here.
Quer fosse a editora DIM MAK ou o facto de começar a pôr música e começar a produzir música eletrónica, tudo se deveu a estar aqui.
If all this was about the kid needing the truth about his brother, why not just give it to him?
Se tudo o que o miúdo precisava era a verdade sobre o seu irmão, porque não lha deste?
Greer said it was a kill switch, just not what we were expecting.
O Greer disse que era um botão para matar, mas não exactamente o que estávamos à espera.
And it was pretty much just awful for a while.
E foi mau por uns tempos.
I was just starting to think you were okay, but you blew it.
Eu começava a achar-te porreira, mas estragaste tudo.
It was just my father and I in a big, lonely house.
Éramos só eu e o meu pai numa casa enorme e solitária.
Just get this into your head, boy... it was Bella that wanted you here, not me.
Mete isto na cabeça, rapaz : era a Bella que te queria aqui, não eu.
You fill it out, it goes upstairs, and then they make you fill out a new form, just to confirm it was you that filled out the first form.
Preenchemo-lo, vai para o andar de cima e fazem-nos preencher outro, só para confirmar que preenchemos o primeiro.
He's been making it just like this since I was a kid.
É feita assim, desde que eu era miúdo.
It's a bare-knuckles brawl. I was just doing...
- É uma luta e...
Katie was home when it happened. This wasn't just about scaring me.
A Katie estava em casa quando aconteceu.
I was just judging it by its colour.
Só a estava a julgar pela cor.
It was just a joke!
Era só uma piada.
It was all just a little bit much, with the moving from the tables, here and there.
Foi demasiado para mim, com a troca de mesas, aqui e acolá.
When Whitney came back into my life, it was like the sky opened up and I had my very own ray of sunshine just... beaming down on me.
Quando a Whitney voltou à minha vida, foi como se o céu desabrochasse e eu tivesse o meu próprio raio de sol só para... iluminar-me.

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