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It was just like translate Portuguese

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And it was just like banging it.
E estava uma brasa.
Look, it was just like it used to be.
Foi exactamente como antes.
But we kept it really low key,... and, um, it was just like with a Justice of the Peace kind of thing.
Mas, fizemos uma coisa discreta e foi uma coisa apenas com o notário.
Everything was fine, it's like it's just come out of nowhere.
Estava tudo bem, aquilo veio não sei de onde.
It was just shocking... kind of like seeing a baby smoke on the Internet. That wasn't a judgment.
Não era um juízo de valor, só estou chocada.
And I was just starting to like it here.
E agora que começava a gostar disto aqui.
It was weird and awkward and it was like he didn't want to have anything to do with me, and I just don't get it.
E foi como se ele não quisesse saber de mim, e eu não percebi.
Roslund's device just made it look like he was hanged.
O dispositivo do Roslund fez parecer que foi enforcado.
He was just strange all weekend, or at least it seemed like it to me.
Ele estava estranho durante o fim-de-semana, ou ao menos, assim me pareceu.
You touched it just like that when I was unconscious.
Tu tocaste-a, exactamente como fizeste comigo inconsciente.
To just make it look like Victor was abducted?
Apenas para parecer que o Victor foi raptado?
It just felt like something evil... Some kind of spirit... Was upstairs in our house at that time.
Senti algo demoníaco... uma espécie de espírito... estava no andar de cima da nossa casa naquele momento.
Well, it looks like Paul was pissing off more people than just us.
Bem, parece que o Paul estava a irritar mais pessoas além de nós.
And the power of the buffalo, the way he just threw this wolf around like it was a rag doll.
E a força do bisão, a forma como atirava o lobo... como se fosse um boneco de trapos.
Like, just walking product out of the house like he was cutting it himself.
Tipo, a passar o produto de dentro da sua casa como se produzisse ele mesmo.
I just know that it was something that was very ugly and disheartening, and the family didn't like it at all.
Sei que foi uma coisa muito feia e perturbadora e que a família não gostou nada.
Normally I'm like... really good at giving gifts... and I thought that was romantic but it's just so creepy. - Ha-ha-ha. - You know what?
Sabes que mais?
Just in that last moment. It was like....
Naquele último momento, foi como...
It just felt like... we were so different, and I was depressed.
Sentia que éramos diferentes, e eu estava deprimida.
We have tried to introduce just a little bit of sugar... and it was like going off the rails of the crazy train.
Tentámos introduzir um pouco de açúcar e pareciam um comboio fora de controlo.
I just want everything to be like it was before.
Eu quero tudo ser como antes.
Well, you see a black glove with a gun in it pointing up, you know... there was nowhere else to go in the kitchen...'cause we just, like, at the wall.
Quando vês uma luva preta a apontar uma arma, tu sabes, não havia nenhum lado por onde fujir na cozinha porque estavamos junto à parede.
Uh, well, you know, originally, it was people just like you went to the opera.
Bem, originalmente, eram pessoas como tu que iam à ópera.
Smells like it was just cleaned.
Cheira a lavado.
Like you said. It was just us, and it was really different.
Foi apenas connosco... e foi realmente diferente.
And it was like messed up and I looked at Ryan... He was just watching the game.
Foi um desastre, eu olhei para o Ryan e estava a ver a partida.
It looks like one of those naked ninjas was cooking up more than just a skin feast.
Parece que um dos ninjas nudistas estava a preparar mais do que uma festa de nudistas.
And then my daughter is talking about going to school in New York City and she wants to run across the country, which is really terrifying to me because then she's not gonna be near me and I don't know how quickly this all happened because it feels like she was just a baby a couple of months ago.
A minha filha quer ir para a Universidade em Nova Iorque, para o outro lado do país, o que me assusta imenso, pois não estará perto de mim e não sei como isto aconteceu tão depressa, porque parece que ela ainda era um bebé há meses.
I made eggs just the way you like them, and I used turkey bacon, which was on sale, but I know it's still good.
Fiz ovos do modo que tu gostas e usei bacon de peru, que estava em promoção, mas está na validade.
She introduced me to my boyfriend, and it just felt like everything was starting.
Ela apresentou-me ao meu namorado, e era como se tudo estivesse a começar.
So, you thought it was fair to just pretend like we didn't exist?
Então, pensaste que era justo apenas fingir que não existias?
I guarantee you, whatever it was like, it did not "just happen."
Garanto-te, seja lá como tiver sido, não foi "apenas aconteceu".
It's like, when he was here, I felt like I could just do anything.
Quando ele era vivo, eu sentia-me capaz de fazer qualquer coisa.
And it felt like I was just letting go of something.
Senti-me como se estivesse a deixar escapar algo.
- It was just, like, a second ago.
- Foi há um segundo atrás.
And he told me it just like ( hat, like he was telling me what to pick up from the store.
E me disse assim, como se estivesse a dizer-me o que levar de uma loja.
I mean, your life was been on pause, for so many years. I just feel like it's time for you to push the play buttom.
Quer dizer, após tantos anos, está na altura de premir o "Play".
Just like it was brought here.
Assim como ele foi trazido aqui.
are surveillance cameras and pictures like these of the exploded car... just before it was parked... that the police hoped to catch the man who did this... and devastation left behind in Time Square.
São câmaras de vigilância e imagens como esta do carro que explodiu... pouco tempo após ter estacionado... que a polícia esperava encontrar o homem que tanto queria... aumentar o número de cadáveres em Times Square.
'Cause we've been driving for like a half hour, and you just said it was a couple miles.
Porque já estamos a andar há meia hora, e você disse que eram uns três quilómetros.
Like I said, I'm not sure that any of this really happened or if it was just a dream, but maybe the truth is whispered to us through our dreams, like a message from a friend that arrives at exactly the right time,
Tal como disse, não tenho a certeza se isto aconteceu ou se foi apenas um sonho, mas talvez a verdade nos seja sussurrada através dos nossos sonhos, como uma mensagem de um amigo que chega exactamente na hora certa, que diz-nos exactamente o que precisávamos ouvir.
And I was, like : "It's just not my day."
E pensei, hoje não é o meu dia...
If it was a song, it would sound just like this.
Com música, iria soar mais ou menos assim...
We always talked about him coming back like it would never happen, like it was just me being paranoid.
Nós sempre falámos de ele voltar, que nunca iria acontecer, que era só paranóia minha.
Sorry, for just showing up like this, but Joe said it was the only way I might get to meet you. I'm Luke Ford.
Desculpe, por aparecer assim, mas o Joe disse que era o único modo de o conseguir conhecer.
The coroner said it was like, um, you know, when young athletes just collapse on the field.
O médico legista disse que foi como quando jovens atletas morrem em campo.
I just... I always felt like it was so much... Easier to blame you for...
Eu só... sempre senti como se fosse... mais fácil culpar-te por... as coisas não terem funcionado... do que apenas... admitir que talvez eu tenha estragado tudo.
When I came to in the hospital and she was there, it was like the whole world just split wide open and come back together new.
Quando cheguei ao hospital, e ela estava lá, foi como se o mundo inteiro se abrisse e e voltasse a junta como novo.
It was--it was like she wanted me to leave so she could just spend all summer with him.
De certeza que não é o caso. Ela ama-te.
Why don't you just tell us what it was like?
Porque não nos dizes como foi?
And I was just stuck, like driving around with these jerks, trying to figure out how I'm going to break it off.
E ali estava eu, entalada, a dar-me com aqueles palermas, e a tentar perceber como ia acabar com aquilo tudo.

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