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It was just me translate Portuguese

3,117 parallel translation
No, sir, but like I said, it was just me.
Não, senhor, mas... era apenas eu.
I mean, you gotta understand, back then, it was just me and my baby brother growing up.
Tem que entender, na época, éramos eu e o meu irmão mais novo.
No one- - it was just me.
- Ninguém, era só eu.
Come on, walk with me. You know, I knew this was always in you. It just took being stuck
Tiveste que ficar no meio do oceano para encontrar, mas...
I just remember it was an enormous relief after a lot of the flailing around visually that we'd done with Dark Side Of The Moon.
Só me lembro que ele foi um grande alívio depois de todo o estardalhaço visual que fizemos com Dark Side Of The Moon.
And I remember him being right like this, and looking in his eyes, and it was just like...
Lembro-me que estava assim.
It was in the back of the closet, and I'm just hoping maybe there's something in here that'll tell me where he is, like a clue, a hint, anything.
Estava no fundo do armário, e tenho esperança de que, talvez, haja alguma coisa aqui que me diga onde é que ele está, como uma pista, um dica, qualquer coisa.
I remember it, just like it was yesterday.
Lembro-me, como se fosse ontem.
And it wasn't just her ; it was all of us. We were all scared we were gonna get yelled at, humiliated. What, you think because you've got your own office, and your name's in the papers, you can tell me what to do?
Hewes e Parsons sabem que dei dinheiro à organização do McClaren.
In fact, if it was up to me, you'd stay on forever... - Phil, Phil... - But it is not just up to me, is it?
De facto, se dependesse de mim, ficarias para sempre... mas não depende só de mim, portanto...
I know it was my turn with Emma tonight, but crab cake Chloe just invited me over to get to know each other a little better, if you know what I mean.
Eu sei que era a minha vez de ficar com a Emma esta noite, mas a bolinhos Chloe convidou-me a ir a casa dela para nos conhecermos melhor, se percebem o que quero dizer.
So you can't blame me or none of the rappers For it because we was just put here.
Não me podes culpar ou aos rappers por isso, porque nós só fomos colocados aqui.
The pile vial from Saldua's desk, I know it was taken into evidence. I was just on my way out. I need you to find it for me.
Sei que o frasco de comprimidos na secretária do Saldua foi levado para as Provas, preciso que mo encontre.
I wouldn't have cared if it was just ashes, I... kind of wanted to be able to look up in the sky and know where Sarah was before the buildings came down.
Não me importava que fossem apenas cinzas, eu... gostaria de puder olhar para o céu, e saber onde se encontrava a Sarah antes dos prédios ruírem.
I was on the phone with Michael when it happened, and the next thing I knew, I was at the airport. I had just driven there on autopilot, but Langley grounded me.
Estava ao telefone com o Michael quando tudo aconteceu, quando dei por mim estava no aeroporto, fui para lá automaticamente mas o Langley impediu-me.
And it just slipped my mind that I was supposed to say something to you about it.
Esqueci-me que te devia avisar.
You know, I was just around and settling in, and, uh, I left the room for a second, I came back, and there's this statue on the TV when I didn't put it there.
Já sabes, estava eu aqui a instalar-me e tal, e dai do quarto por segundos, e quando regressei, e ai estava essa estátua a beira da TV, quando nem sequer tinha-la posto ai.
Just wanted to make sure your day was as relaxing as you'd hoped it would be.
Só quis certificar-me que o seu dia foi tão bom como esperava.
Now, are you gonna help me find out what it was or are you just gonna stare at your vain-ass self all night?
Agora, vais ajudar-me a descobrir o que era ou vais apenas olhar para ti toda a noite, convencido?
Well, she wouldn't tell me, but I had the feeling it was more than just us she was upset about.
Não me disse, mas havia mais alguma coisa a preocupá-la.
It's just Carly and me. Was there anything missing from her room?
Alguma tinha desaparecido do quarto dela?
I it made me feel as if I wasn't just there as a voyeur that was enjoying other people's misery and possible deaths.
Mas fez-me sentir bem. Fez-me sentir como se não estivesse ali como um mero espetador que se divertia com a miséria e a possível morte das outras pessoas.
As I recall it, he actually had to fall to his knees quickly to get it because he just sensed it was coming.
E lembro-me, que ele teve de se colocar rapidamente de joelhos para a tirar, porque conseguiu sentir que ia acontecer.
It just - He was staring in my face while I did it, and what I read there was, â € œDo it.
Ele estava a encarar-me enquanto o fazia, e o que li dele foi " Faça-o.
I know I should've said something earlier, it's just, James told me to keep my head down, and then all of a sudden, he was dead. And I didn't know what to do. It's okay, Buck.
Sei que devia ter dito alguma coisa antes... mas o James disse-me para ficar quieto e do nada, ele estava morto, não sabia o que fazer.
You weren't telling me what it was that you wanted at all, so I was just trying to guess what you wanted.
Não estavas a dizer-me o que querias. Estava a tentar adivinhar.
It is clear to me that I was always there, somewhere in my ancestors'DNA, just waiting to be born.
Para mim é claro que estive sempre lá, algures no ADN dos meus antepassados, à espera de nascer.
It was really just an afterthought to ask you about my mother's personal life. It just came out of feeling very comfortable with you and thinking, "Why not ask him what he knows?"
Só me lembrei de te perguntar se sabias alguma coisa sobre a minha mãe porque me senti à vontade contigo e pensei :
Sir, your checkout was... Just move me to another room! It doesn't matter!
- Ponha-me noutro quarto.
There's a slot available, and it was just built for me.
Havia uma vaga e tinha a minha cara.
And I'm sorry, you know, it's that you just got out of a... 15 year relationship, I know, I was there.
Desculpa-me, é que acabaste de sair de um... Relacionamento de 15 anos. Eu sei, eu estava presente.
You know, ever since I realized I was a prophet it's just hard to believe this is actually my life.
Desde que soube que era profeta que me custa a crer que isto é a minha vida.
It just sort of felt like the universe was pushing me out there, you know?
Foi como se sentisse que... o universo me estava a empurrar dali para fora, percebes?
No, it's just getting late, and I wanted to make sure Jake was back for dinner.
- Há algum problema? - Não, é só que está a anoitecer e queria certificar-me que o Jake voltava para a hora do jantar.
'cause that was just me. I mean, I barely get by, so it's Just, like... it has to... it has to.
Mal consegui passar por isso, portanto é...
Oh, well, I... I was just hoping you could tell me if it was valuable.
Eu só estava esperando que me dissesse se era valioso.
I wish I was one of those young women who could just wave their hands in front of their eyes and not cry, because it doesn't work for me.
Gostava de ser uma daquelas mulheres que podem acenar as mãos em frente dos olhos e não chorar, porque para mim não funciona.
It's just that something you said was so- - so reminded me of my- -
É só uma coisa que tu disseste que era tão... que me recordou da minha...
Well, it seems to me, the person who got the job over you was just more qualified.
- naquele dia. - O que me parece, é que quem ficou com o emprego, era apenas mais qualificada.
It was just... beyond me.
Eu é que... estava fora do meu alcance.
I mean, I know what I did was wrong, but just saying it out loud, I feel so... relieved.
Sei que o que fiz foi errado, mas dizer alto e a bom som faz-me sentir aliviado.
Is it just me or was that like, really bizarre?
Fui só eu ou aquilo foi muito estranho?
This whole time working for Constantine and, like, joking around with me, it was just a big lie?
Este tempo todo a trabalhar para o Constantine e comigo, era tudo mentira?
Listen, it was fine when we were friends. You know, but now that we're engaged, it's just the things that you do, they say something about me.
Ouve, não havia problema quando éramos amigos, mas agora que estamos noivos, as coisas que fazes dizem alguma coisa sobre mim.
The doctors told me it was just a coping mechanism to live with her death.
Disseram que foi só um mecanismo para eu viver com a sua morte. Mas foi real.
It just- - I let it get too far sitting at the same table. That was... that was stupid.
Eu sei que abusei sentar-me na mesma mesa, isso foi foi estupidez.
Well, he, uh, was parking it out back, but just called to tell me he's gone up the road to Mill creek for a few days.
Bem, ele tinha-a estacianada lá atrás mas ele telefonou a dizer que ia para Mill Creek por alguns dias.
Just before it happened. I sensed something, like there was someone there, watching me.
- Mesmo antes de ter acontecido, senti algo, como se estivesse alguém lá, a observar-me.
I'm sure it was just my mind playing tricks on me.
Decerto era só a minha mente a pregar-me partidas.
Well, it meant a lot to me when I finally got it, but I had no family to share it with, and over the years, it was just collecting dust on a shelf.
Bem, significou muito para mim quando finalmente a recebi, mas não tinha família com quem compartilhar e com os anos, ficou a ganhar pó em cima de uma prateleira.
It just... it was never me.
É que... Eu nunca quis.

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