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It was just us translate Portuguese

587 parallel translation
If it was just us....
Se fôssemos apenas nós...
It was just us.
Só nós.
I thought it was just us guys.
Pensei que só aqui estivéssemos os dois.
The whole business was laughable to us and proved to us that it was just a show going on.
Tudo aquilo nos deu vontade de rir e provou o espectáculo que estava a ser montado.
Just what was it that made us to change our way of living overnight?
O que foi que nos levou a mudar o nosso modo de vida da noite para o dia?
I liked it better when it was a swamp and there was just the two of us.
Eu gostava mais quando era um pântano e estávamos os dois sózinhos.
How about them fellas tellin'us it was dangerous... for just the three of us to ride in this country
Os do forte disseram que era perigoso... que os três andássemos sozinhos neste território.
The message was sent at an accelerated speed so it just sounded like gibberish to us.
A mensagem foi enviada em velocidade acelerada por isso parecia jargão.
It may just be that some person was born to do tremendous things for us, and for the world.
Deve ser a mesma pessoa, nascida para isso. Tremendas coisas para nós, e para o mundo.
You told us it was all right just as long as we could see the top of her head.
Disse que não tinha problema, contanto que víssemos o topo da sua cabeça.
It was just like home for lots of us.
Claro que, nos domingos, era como um lar para muitos de nós.
It was just by accident that he was staying there but it didn't take him long to figure out what was going on between us.
Ele estava lá por mero acaso. Mas não demorou a aperceber-se do que havia entre nós.
Look, it's all very well us talking like this, you know, like it was a game, but I wish you'd tell me what it's all about, because, honest to God, I just got out of bed,
Olhe, está muito bom isso de falar assim, sabe, como se fosse um jogo.
That was just to remind us it's time we left for our board meeting.
Isso foi apenas para nos lembrar que é hora de sairmos para a nossa reunião do conselho.
Yes, and he was probably trying to relay it to us just before he died.
Sim, e provavelmente estava a tentar transmitir a descoberta antes de morrer.
No, this was paid for by all the people that brought it... By all the people that had the thoughts that put it to the point, to get us in a position to just be a tool, like a vehicle like everybody else. Just to get it to this point.
Isto foi pago... por todos os que tiveram a ideia... de nos possibilitar ficar na posição... de ser um instrumento, um veículo para realizar isto.
My colleague has just handed me a weather report, and it looks as if the possibility of rain- - which was previously forecast- - will shortly be upon us.
Meu colega há pouco me deu um boletim meteorológico, que mostra que a possibilidade de chuva que era só uma previsão agora falta pouco para chegar.
When Duncan found out the mine was on government property... it was just a technicality, really, but he was determined to turn us in.
Quando o Duncan descobriu que a mina estava num terreno do governo... era apenas uma questão técnica, mas ele estava decidido a denunciar-nos.
So, we're all just fine, but whatever was on that ship used our transporter beam to come aboard with us, and now it's here.
Entao, está tudo bem... mas o que estava na nave usou nosso raio de teletransporte... para vir a bordo e agora está aqui.
Everything around us looked like it was just made that minute.
E tudo ao nosso redor era lindo.
When Reavis hit me with that first installment of $ 10,000 to keep quiet about a murder I had absolutely nothing to do with tried to implicate me in it well, let's just say I was not unhappy when he met with that most unfortunate accident.
Quando o Reavis exigiu US $ 10.000... para ficar quieto sobre um crime com o qual não tive nada a ver... e tentou me implicar na história... digamos que não fiquei muito aborrecido... quando ele sofreu aquele acidente infeliz.
Don't let her just get off. I think she was going to say something. You just overdramatized it, she was going to give us what we want.
Ela ia dizer qualquer coisa, estava quase a dar-nos o que lhe pedimos.
Excuse us if we're not dressed but it was just so hot outside that we felt we just had to take a dip in the pool.
Pedimos desculpa por não estarmos prontas, mas estava tanto calor lá fora, que nos apeteceu dar um mergulho na piscina.
Just like it was expedient to send us on that POW raid?
Tal como foi oportuno mandar-nos resgatar aqueles prisioneiros de guerra?
And for a long time I thought it was just the two of us that had "the shine" to us.
E por muito tempo, pensei ser um atributo só nosso.
Well, when I say a house, it was just a hole in the ground, covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us!
Bem, quando eu digo casa, refiro-me a um buraco no chão, coberto por um pano de oleado, mas era uma casa para nós!
I was thinking maybe we could make it a wedding trip and have you join us not just as our best friend,
Pensei que, quem sabe, poderíamos considerá-la uma viagem de lua-de-mel... E que tu nos acompanhasses como nosso melhor amigo... ou então, como padrinho de bodas.
Oh. I... - I just was wondering if you wanted us to park it.
Queria saber se quer que eu o estacione.
I was pretty insulted when it just shrugged us off in less than a minute.
Senti-me insultado por nos repelir em menos de um minuto.
Estive a pensar, se os boches nos encontram á civil, temos muitas explicações a dar.
Maybe if we would have done what they told us to do... maybe everything would be just like it was.
Talvez se tivéssemos feito o que eles disseram para nós fazermos tudo estaria como dantes.
It was a perfect illusion. They had us seeing Just what we wanted to see- - Humans beings who survived with dignity and bravery.
Foi uma ilusão perfeita, fizeram-nos ver aquilo que queríamos ver, seres humanos que tinham sobrevivido com dignidade e valor.
And... it was plain that this house was meant just for us.
Ficou claro que a casa tinha sido feita para nós.
When I was a student trying to qualify for the jobs you people will let us have, I suddenly realized it wasn't just good jobs that were white.
Quando era estudante, a formar-me para os empregos que vocês nos deixam ter, de repente percebi que não eram só os bons empregos que eram para os brancos.
It was just great that Coronation Street let us do it, really.
Como é que te consegues lembrar dos pontos que tiraste, num jogo que jogaste quando tinhas 17 anos?
I thought Craig would smash all the glass when he ran through it but he just made a Craig-shaped hole, so there was this big sheet right in front of us.
Agora aqueles corpos podem jazer ali, sabendo que morreram em nome da paz, e podem agora decompor em paz na terra da liberdade... cabeçudo.
Maybe it was just to get close to us.
Para se aproximar de nós.
Mrs. Universe, your husband was just about to tell us what it was like to be the main course at an Amazon love feast.
Ou, posso sentar-me.
That wasn't just another night for either of us, was it?
Não foi mais uma noite para nenhum de nós, pois não?
It was just the two of us, it was a lonely way to grow up.
Estávamos sozinhos. Fui um solitário e o pai também.
Besides, the Sheriff told us we're just in here for fighting and it was self-defence.
E o Xerife disse-nos que estamos aqui só pela briga e foi auto-defesa.
But if I'm gonna sing to her, doc, I'd rather it was just the two of us.
Mas se vou cantar, prefiro que estejamos sozinhos.
It got to where I was proud that I had the kind of husband... who was willing to risk his neck just to get us the little extras.
Até já tinha orgulho no tipo de marido que tinha por querer arriscar a vida para termos mais algum dinheiro.
It's not as strong as it thought it was, or IT could of killed us just then. We have to resist!
A Coisa não é tão forte como pensávamos, ou já nos teria morto.
You said it was just the three of us.
Disseste que éramos só nós as três.
Did you blow the gaff on us or did you just fuck up? What was it, Fergus?
Porquê, Fergus?
For us, like the war, it was just a matter of time.
Para nós, como a guerra, era só uma questão de tempo.
Just between us, you see... he's never had a girlfriend. It was nice meeting you.
Isto cá entre nós ele nunca teve namorada.
She's just posing as a nun. It was a great shock to us- -
Está a fingir ser freira.
I was soon to learn just how much more, but even in that moment I had to admire his faith, wherever it might lead us.
Em breve eu iria descobrir o quanto mais. Mesmo nesse momento, tive de admirar a sua fé... seja lá onde nos levasse.
It was just the two of us and we were talking.
Éramos só nós os dois e estávamos a conversar.

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