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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ M ] / Maybe one day

Maybe one day translate Portuguese

746 parallel translation
Maybe one day I'll tell her the same thing.
Pode ser que um dia eu lhe diga o mesmo.
Maybe one day she'll find her happiness.
Talvez um dia ela encontre a felicidade.
Maybe one day.
Talvez um dia.
Maybe one day do business.
Possivelmente um dia faremos negócios.
I dreamed that maybe one day Maxie and I end up, you find out there and we would run away.
Sonhava que possivelmente um dia Maxie e eu terminaríamos, encontraria-te por aí e nos escaparíamos.
Maybe one day..... I'II wonder what became of him.
Talvez um dia... ... me venha a interessar pelo que ele se torna.
It's better to be his friend and who knows, maybe one day, he falls for me.
É melhor ser seu amigo, e um dia talvez, ele venha a gostar de mim.
Maybe one day I find a present for you, too.
Talvez um dia encontre um presente para você.
Dear Gerry, you said you wanted me to fall in love again and maybe one day I will, but there are all kinds of love out there.
Querido Gerry, Disseste para eu me apaixonar novamente. Talvez um dia.
Maybe one day someone will think about it and you know.
Apunhalar. Quem sabe se um dia alguém pense nisso e então...
Maybe one day it'll happen, and what if it doesn't?
Talvez algum dia aconteça... mas se nunca acontecer?
Maybe one day Jerry Lewis would go on television, and instead of getting hung up with muscular dystrophy, he'd have a clapathon!
Que um dia o Jerry Lewis fosse à televisão, e em vez de se preocupar com a distrofia muscular, fizesse uma esquentatona.
Maybe one day you'll have to "count your bullets".
- Talvez um dia contarás as tuas balas.
"... and that maybe one day you'll discover. "
"... e que talvez um dia tu irás descobrir ".
Maybe one day...
Talvez um dia...
"Maybe one day I can give him a baby."
"Talvez um dia lhe possa dar um bebé."
Maybe one day you have to kill her, Fatima.
Talvez um dia tenha que matá-la, Fatima.
He's going to try. Maybe one day I'll be able to try too, what do you think?
Mais tarde irei experimentar, também eu...
Maybe one day you won't even remember my name.
E um dia, não te recordarás nem do meu nome.
If you work hard enough, maybe you can wear one of those some day.
Se trabalhares muito, talvez um dia possas vir a usar um desses.
One day, maybe two... then I have to go again.
Um dia, talvez dois depois... tenho de ir de novo.
Maybe you will one day.
Talvez venhas a compreender.
One day maybe a smarter man than me will ride by this way, and relieve you of that gold.
Pode ser que algum dia apareça alguém mais inteligente que eu... e consiga libertá-las da preocupação desse ouro.
Maybe two days. Oh-ho! Well, maybe one day.
Talvez um dia.
You know... I wish some day I could win maybe one fight.
Sabes... gostava de um dia poder ficar talvez a ganhar numa rixa.
Maybe this is the day we'll catch one.
Talvez hoje logremos pegar um.
And Mr Finnegan, I'd love to have golf. Maybe one saccharine day we could have lunch, you and I, sweetie. What do you say?
Sr. Finnegan, adorava jogar golfe e almoçar num dia sacarino, tu e eu, querido.
Maybe even one day...
Talvez um...
And I think one day, if there is someone who could analyse us, you and me, maybe he would know.
E acho que, um dia, se alguém conseguir analisar-nos, a si e a mim, talvez soubesse.
One day soon... man is going to be able to harness... incredible energies. Maybe even the atom. Energies that could ultimately hurl us to other worlds in..
Um dia em breve... o homem será capaz de controlar energias incríveis, talvez até o átomo, energias que poderão finalmente levar-nos para outros mundos em... nalgum tipo de nave espacial.
Mr. Rubalcaba, maybe one day we'll accept that..
You knew I was only gonna stay one day, maybe two.
Te disse que ficaria apenas um ou dois dias, talvez.
One day maybe.
Talvez um dia.
One day you pick up a newspaper, you read a little story in there. Maybe the feds pick up 220 pounds of shit at the docks. Nobody reads about it.
Um dia, vemos no jornal que a polícia apanhou 100 quilos de heroína no cais.
Or maybe first one of the day it would be all right.
Ou talvez seja por matar o primeiro hoje.
I said maybe we'd divorce one day.
Eu disse que talvez um dia nos divorciaríamos.
One day maybe we'll meet again.
Se Deus quiser, havemos ainda de nos ver.
One day, when you have a Rolls Royce, maybe I will.
Um dia, quando tiveres um Rolls Royce logo se vê.
Maybe he'll be in his class one day.
Talvez fique na aula dele, um dia.
For a moment there was a chance, just a chance, maybe one more day.
Por um momento houve uma chance... Talvez mais um dia.
I'm afraid to commit suicide, and one day maybe God will have a use for me.
Estou com medo de cometer suicídio e, talvez, um dia, Deus queira usar-me.
Maybe I didn't say it right, but you been down hard on me since day one.
Talvez não me tenha entendido, mas é dura desde o início!
An ounce of cognac will not hurt him too much maybe it will make him weaker the next time he is ill then one day some little thing will carry him away.
Agora, o conhaque não lhe fará muito mal, mas talvez o enfraqueça da próxima vez que adoecer. Um dia, qualquer pequena coisa acabará com ele.
It doesn't mean that a part of me won't always love him and, Maybe we'll find our way back to each other, one day.
Não significa que uma parte de mim não o ame para sempre, e, talvez um dia, consigamos voltar um para o outro.
One day Aleppo, two days Iran Bogotá, maybe four or five days.
Aleppo, um dia. irão, dois dias. Bogotá, talvez quatro ou cinco dias.
Hey, the Cardinal ever go to the track? Maybe he'll be my guest one day.
O cardeal vai às corridas de cavalos?
Maybe the day, when by chance, my universe unravelled... when I learnt I was no one's son.
Talvez do dia em que, por acaso, o meu universo se desfez quando soube que era filho de ninguém.
Oh, you might get to Berlin or Constantinople, maybe even Hong Kong, wherever you're going, but one day you'll turn the wrong corner and :
Podes chegar a Berlim, Constantinopla ou a Hong Kong, mas um dia viras a esquina errada e pronto!
Well, maybe we'll get lucky and one day modern medicine will find a cure.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e um dia a medicina encontrará uma cura.
Or maybe she just tells everybody she knows... not to get on planes, and then one day... one crashes and that's her lucky day.
Ou talvez ela diga apenas todo mundo que sabe... para não apanhar aviões, e, em seguida, um dia... uma falha e esse é o seu dia de sorte.
One day, maybe she come back to you.
Um dia talvez acabe por voltar para ti.

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