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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ M ] / Must have been

Must have been translate Portuguese

7,312 parallel translation
John and Lucy Coombes - they must have been those two kids.
John e Lucy Coombes, deviam ser aquelas dois miúdos.
You must have been a saint in your past life Bapu.
Você deve ter sido um santo em sua vida passada Bapu.
Well, it must have been a very difficult time.
Bem, devem ter sido momentos muito dificeis.
Whoever killed the professor must have been very strong.
Quem matou o Professor devia ser muito forte.
Some dream you must have been having.
Deves ter tido um belo sonho.
You must have been with Dad.
Devias estar com o pai.
You must have been starving.
- O bebé nasce antes de chegarem. - Diga-me onde estão os aquecedores.
By the time I knew it hadn't worked, must have been four months gone.
Fui a uma mulher que tratava dessas coisas.
Possibly, although she must have been angry when she found out what her father had done.
Possivelmente, embora deva ter ficado zangada quando descobriu o que o pai tinha feito.
It is so beautiful, that it must have been made by dwarves.
Diz que é tão lindo, que deve ter sido feito por anões.
You must have been 8, 10 at the time.
Devias ter uns 8 ou 10 anos na altura.
It must have been some kind of a technical malfunction.
Deve ter havido alguma espécie de avaria técnica.
I know it must have been a disappointment, to say the least.
Sei que deve estar desapontada, para não dizer mais.
It must have been somebody else.
Se calhar era outra pessoa.
It must have been a Mycotic.
Deve ter sido um micótico.
Must have been hiding inside the building.
Devia estar escondido no interior do edifício.
And whoever gave you that name must have been clueless, since the US dollar has been free fall for ages.
E quem deu esse nome a você não sabe nada, já que o dólar americano está em queda há tempos.
He must have been pretty awful to hold your attention for that long.
Ele deve ter sido muito mau para ter a tua atenção durante tanto tempo.
He must have been calling the robbers.
Ele devia estar a ligar para os ladrões.
Must have been scared of something when you were young. No. I was fearless.
Devia ter medo de alguma coisa, quando era nova.
This must have been how the world was created.
Deve ter sido assim que o mundo foi criado.
I know you must have been worried.
Sei que devias estar preocupado.
I must have been asleep when he got back.
Eu já devia estar a dormir quando ele regressou.
He must have been mistaken.
Deve ter-se enganado...
It must have been obvious that he was dead, so the second one was for show.
Deve ter sido óbvio que ele estava morto por isso, a segunda foi só para encenar.
Must have been, like, 10 or so.
Devia ter uns dez anos ou assim.
Stay with him must have been a horror.
O cara tem a cara Piccollo verde, mas é muito bom.
I wanted you to wake up smelling them, but you must have been really tired.
Queria que acordasses com o cheiro, mas devias estar muito cansada.
Bush's trainer said that must have been a mistake.
O treinador de Bush disse que deve ter sido um erro.
The detective said that the... t-the gun must have been right in the front of his face.
O detective disse que devem tê-lo alvejado mesmo na face.
It must have been so hard.
Deve ter sido tão difícil.
- Must have been...
- Deve ter sido...
Well, in that case, must have been almost two years.
Nesse caso, deve ter sido há quase dois anos.
This must have been what the view from Olympus was like.
Seria esta a vista do Olimpo.
That must have been really neat to see firsthand.
- Deve ter sido bonito de ver.
I don't know what you did to piss them off but it must have been good.
Não sei o fizeste para os chatear, mas deve ter sido algo bom.
How difficult it must have been for you to hold all this inside.
Como deve ter sido difícil guardares isso dentro de ti.
He must have been showing some restraint.
- Deve ter mostrado alguma contenção.
You must have been what... 13? 14? When they took you from your parents?
Devia ter o quê, 13, 14 anos, quando a tiraram da sua família?
They must have been lying in wait, watching.
Eles deviam estar à espreita, a observá-lo.
Must have been...
Deve ter sido...
I'm trying to think when it would've been. You must have had your finger on the lens.
Estou a tentar pensar no que seria.
I think her Bert must've been like you, cos she can't forget him. Well, does she have to?
O Lightning Chance pode sair-se bem amanhã.
But I must tell you both, I have been much about the city.
Mas devo dizer-vos aos dois, que passei muito tempo na cidade.
- They must have been evacuated.
Foram todos evacuados, menina.
She must have just been interrupted.
Ela deve ter sido interrompida.
Well, that must have been very frustrating.
Isso deve ter sido bastante frustrante.
You must have been young when You had Liam.
Devia ser jovem quando teve o Liam.
I must have been dialing the wrong number.
I mean, you must have been very confused.
Deves ter ficado muito confusa.
I must not have been clear.
Eu talvez não devo ter sido claro.

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