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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ B ] / Been looking for you

Been looking for you translate Portuguese

2,527 parallel translation
I've been looking for you.
Tenho andado à sua procura.
I've been looking for you all day. Did you...?
- Procurei-te o dia todo.
I've been looking for you.
Tenho andado à tua procura.
Been looking for you.
Estava à tua procura.
Too far? Hey, for your information, I've been looking for you.
Para tua informação, estive à tua procura.
Mom, you have any idea how long I've been looking for you these last couple of months?
Mãe, fazes ideia do quanto te tenho procurado nestes últimos dois meses?
We've been looking for you for a long time.
Andamos à tua procura.
- Hey, Beezus, I've been looking for you.
Ei, Beezus, andei à tua procura. Olá.
There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere!
Procurei-te por toda a parte!
I've been looking for you since you left.
Tenho andado à tua procura desde que te foste embora.
Epps, I've been looking for your ass. How you doing?
Como estás?
In fact, I think I've been looking for you for a very long time.
De facto, tenho andado à sua procura há muito tempo.
He's been looking for you.
Há dias que anda à tua procura.
- There you are, darling. I've been looking for you.
Aí estás tu, querida, eu andava à tua procura.
Marcus, I've been looking for you.
Marcus, tenho andado à tua procura.
Pinto, I've been looking for you everywhere.
Pinto estive à sua procura em todo o lado.
I've been looking for you everywhere.
Estive à sua procura em todo lado.
We've been looking for you,
Temos andado à tua procura,
I've been looking for you for 10 minutes.
Ando à tua procura há 10 minutos.
Actually, I've been looking for you.
Por acaso, tenho andado à tua procura.
I've been looking for you.
Eu vim para encontrá-la.
Been looking all over for you.
Procurei-te por todo o lado.
You've been looking for me.
Parece que andam à minha procura.
And I believe you've been looking for this.
Creio que esteja à procura disto.
I've been looking everywhere for you.
Procurei-te por toda parte.
I'm the one you've been looking for.
Eu sou quem estiveste à procura.
You're exactly what I've been looking for.
És exactamente aquilo que estava à procura.
I've been looking for someone like you for a long, long time.
Procuro alguém como tu há muito, muito tempo.
It only made sense when you realized they already knew what they were looking for, and what they were looking for was the same woman whose picture we've been staring at for the last eight weeks.
Só fez sentido quando vocês concluíram que eles já sabiam o que procuravam. E o que eles procuravam era a mesma mulher cuja foto temos fixado, nas últimas 8 semanas.
I know that you've been looking for answers about your mom for a long time, and we're going to find some, okay?
Eu sei que andas à procura de respostas sobre a tua mãe há muito tempo, e vamos encontrar algumas, está bem?
And we've been looking all over town for you.
E temos estado à vossa procura por toda a cidade.
I've been looking for a new hobby, and taking you down is as good as any. But you know what?
Mas sabes que mais?
I've been looking for a new hobby, and taking you down - is as good as any.
Tenho procurado um novo passatempo, e deitar-te abaixo é o melhor de todos.
I should've been looking for a man who was kind and gentle, The kind of man you'd actually wanna raise a family with.
Devia ter procurado um homem que fosse bom e gentil, o tipo de homem com quem quisesse criar uma família.
She said that she can give you the Russians we've been looking for. They're the ones that ordered the grocery store murders.
Foram eles que mataram o dono da loja.
She said that she can give you the Russians we've been looking for.
Ele disse que pode nos dar os russos que eles procuram.
I've been looking all over for you.
Tenho estado à tua procura.
Please. You're everything that I've been looking for.
Tu és tudo o que eu procurava.
You went in hunting a male disgruntled employee randomly shooting people when you should have been looking for a woman on a mission.
- Foste à caça, de um funcionário descontente que estava a disparar nas pessoas, quando devias ter ido à procura de uma mulher.
I've been looking all over for you.
Estava à vossa procura!
Been looking all over for you.
Procurei-o por todo o lado.
We've been looking all over for you.
Procurámos-te por toda a parte.
I've been looking all over for you.
Tenho procurado por todo o lado.
Been looking all over for you.
Andei à tua procura por toda a parte.
We've been looking all over for you!
- Nós estávamos à tua procura!
Then it's exactly what you've been looking for.
Então, é precisamente o que pretendes.
Okay, I understand, you've been looking for me?
Muito bem, se bem percebi, andavam à minha procura?
I have been looking everywhere for you.
Procurei-te por toda a parte.
- The one you've been looking for.
Aquela que procuras.
You thought the first thing you should do was looking to my client's job application and resume even though he'd already been working for the department for four years.
Pensou que a primeira coisa que devia fazer seria analisar a candidatura e o CV do meu cliente, apesar de ele já trabalhar para o departamento há quatro anos.
You've been looking for answers your whole life. You just didn't know what questions to ask.
Procuraste a resposta durante toda a tua vida, só não sabias o que perguntar.

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