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Pitched voice translate Portuguese

80 parallel translation
Right... He's a small man about this high With a high - pitched voice.
É um homem pequeno, desta altura, com uma voz muito aguda.
Because then, when he sang, it was in this real high-pitched voice.
Porque, quando ele cantava, era numa voz de falsete mesmo aguda.
( High-pitched voice ) I am not a eunuch.
Eu não sou eunuco.
( In high-pitched voice ) Hello. Goodness me.
Valha-nos Deus.
[High-pitched Voice] " He's so dreamy.
É um sonhador.
( em falseto ) Olá, Papá.
[High-pitched Voice] Oh, my God. It's Kevin Sorbo.
Oh, meu Deus.
When summer arrives in the hamlet, the baby partrige chirps with its high-pitched voice.
Quando o Verão chega à aldeia, a cria da perdiz canta com a sua voz aguda.
( HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Let me out!
"O Fugitivo Mais Pequeno do Mundo"
[High-pitched Voice] Welcome to the secret land of the jockeys.
Bem-vindo à terra secreta dos jóqueis.
[High-pitched Voice] These are our real voices.
Estas são as nossas vozes verdadeiras.
[Stairs Squeaking ] [ High-pitched Voice ] Well, I'm off to market. [ Burps]
Bem, vou ao mercado.
[High-pitched voice] And he--he didn't--I didn't- -
E ele não.. eu não... ele não...
[In high-pitched voice] This means war.
Isto significa guerra.
E há lotes de chupa-chupas e arco-íris lá fora, também!
Remember the kind That whinnies like a cute little high-Pitched voice?
lembra o jeito que relincha com aquela vozinha alta?
( in high-pitched voice ) hello, jeffrey, you're home at last.
" Olá, Jeffrey, finalmente chegaste.
( IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Trevor Moorehouse!
- obrigado.muito obrigado. Trevor Moorehouse!
[Low-pitched Voice] Would they be looking for a couple of queens?
Estarão eles à procura de um par de travestis?
( High-pitched voice ) okay, nearly there.
Muito bem, estou quase lá.
- [High-pitched Voice] I love you, baby.
Amo-te, querida.
Okay, you sometimes talk in a weird high-pitched voice.
Às vezes, falas com uma voz esquisita e aguda.
High-pitched voice or low?
Voz aguda ou grave?
[High-pitched Voice] It's not Geraldo.
- Não é o Geraldo.
[High-pitched voice] Why not?
- Porque não?
Ai que quente, que calor.
( IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) All right, the oracle is open.
Bom, o Oráculo vai responder.
[High-pitched voice] Roger should have located the No-Goods'hideout by now.
O Roger já devia ter localizado o esconderijo dos No-Goods.
( high-pitched voice ) that's right, bitch.
Talvez o Andy devesse dizer-lhe.
( high-pitched voice ) Penny can!
( high-pitched voice ) what up?
Durante, tipo, oito segundos.
Firstly, in my normal voice, then in a kind of silly high-pitched whine.
Primeiro, com a minha voz formal e depois com um queixume irritante.
And thus I discovered that my voice was capable of a scream so high-pitched that no one dared take my drum away.
E então descobri que a minha voz... era capaz de um grito tão agudo, que ninguém ousava tirar-me o tambor.
That dumb chick with her high-pitched mongoloid-voice?
Joëlle é feia, ordinária e atrasada mental.
A business-like voice yet high pitched
Uma voz estilo "negócios", e também firme
[High-pitched Voice ] Oh, that would be delight- - [ Normal Voice] Quiet, boy.
Cala-te miúdo!
( high-pitched, altered voice ) : Who are you?
Quem é a senhora?
Hello. ( high-pitched altered voice ) :
Siga pela estrada de Boulder para sul, até ao cruzamento da 93.
( high-pitched, altered voice ) : The briefcase.
A mala.
The old haymaker, when the yelling starts and the voice gets high-pitched.
Quando a gritaria começa e o tom de voz começa a subir.
The voice is more high-pitched than I might have imagined.
A tua voz é mais aguda do que eu imaginava
But what to do with your high pitched voice?
Acha que isto é alguma piada?
And oh my God, do not talk in that high-pitched girly voice of yours.
Meu Deus, não fales com essa voz tão aguda.
You're talking in the high-pitched lying voice.
Estás a falar num tom agudo com voz mentirosa.
I think his voice is higher pitched here.
Acho que a voz dele aqui está mais alta.
All I can hear is claire's voice in my head - - [high-pitched] " he's not responsible.
Só consigo ouvir a voz da Claire na minha cabeça, " Ele é irresponsável.
[High-pitched voice] What?
O quê?
It was the voice of a child. High-pitched, excited.
Parecia infantil, de tom alto... agitada.
( high-pitched voice ) it's a lite ridiculous.
É um bocado ridículo.

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