Protecting you translate Portuguese
2,297 parallel translation
Did it ever occur to you that part of my job is deciding what is and what is not part of your job, and the reason I'm not telling you something may just be because I am protecting you?
Já lhe ocorreu que é o meu trabalho é decidir o que é ou não o seu trabalho, e a razão de não dizer alguma coisa pode ser para protegê-la?
How about a clause protecting you from having to engage in a three-way with her and whatever's on basic cable?
Que tal uma cláusula que te proteja de teres de fazer sexo a três com ela e com quem estiver no pacote básico da TV Cabo? Sim?
I was protecting you.
Estava a proteger-te.
But if you run there is no protecting you.
Mas se fugires ninguém te vai proteger.
I grow poor protecting you. Poor?
- Empobreço a proteger-vos.
You've given me a taste for the finer things. And if you want me protecting you, you'll need to pay more.
Ganhei o gosto a coisas requintadas e se quereis que continue a proteger-vos tendes de pagar mais.
- I was protecting you from the shame I brought on the family.
Estava a proteger-te da vergonha que trouxe à família.
Well, we know the killer is all about protecting James, you know, making the world safe for him.
Nós sabemos que o assassino protege James, fazendo o mundo mais seguro pra ele.
Did it mayhaps occur to you that we don't need protecting?
E lhe ocorreu - que não precisamos de proteção?
Stop protecting Viktor Baskov. I told you...
- Parar de proteger o Viktor Baskov.
In fact, he's probably got the place stacked with bodyguards right now, protecting her so that when you do show up, they'll pounce on you both.
Deve ter a casa cheia de guardas a protegê-la para que, quando apareceres, apanhem os dois.
I think you're protecting her.
Acho que estás a protegê-la.
Why are you protecting her?
- Ruby! - Por que a protegem?
Why are you protecting him?
Por que estás a protegê-lo?
Why are you protecting him?
Porque é que estás a protegê-lo? !
I believed you when you said you were protecting me from Lily.
Acreditei quando me disseste que me protegerias da Lily.
What are you protecting Jeremy from, Carson?
Estás a proteger o Jeremy de quê, Carson?
Who are you protecting?
Quem estás a proteger?
The man in the ambulance, the one you're protecting, we think he did this to Sonny.
O homem na ambulância, o que estás a proteger, achamos que ele fez isto com o Sonny.
I was protecting you!
Eu estou a proteger-te!
Why are you protecting her?
- Porque estás a protegê-la?
But you didn't even know what you were protecting me from.
- Eu queria proteger-te. - Mas nem sabias do que me estavas a proteger.
You're protecting her.
Está a protegê-la.
You're protecting those people.
Estás a proteger essas pessoas.
If only audiences could fully comprehend... how tirelessly you work to help us entertain them... while protecting them from filth and indecency, well...
Se ao menos as audiências compreendessem perfeitamente como trabalha incansavelmente para nos ajudar a diverti-los enquanto os protege de imundícies e indecências, bem...
You know, I think the angels are here protecting me.
Acho que os anjos estão cá para me proteger.
You almost got yourself blown to bits protecting that woman.
Quase ficaste desfeito em pedaços ao tentar proteger aquela mulher.
You tried to kill me and now you're protecting me?
Tentas-me matar, e agora proteges-me?
No, if you think for a second... that I might have killed her, then why are you protecting me?
Se acham por instantes... de que eu fui capaz de a matar, então porque é que me protegem?
He's been protecting Junior from the truth of the situation. Why... did you lie to me?
Sim, ainda não temos notícias do pessoal da Câmara, mas devo ser capaz de aguentar com isto.
Do you feel, in retrospect, that you were protecting that too assiduously?
Olhando para trás, acha que a defendeu demasiado?
And all this time I thought you were protecting me.
E durante todo este tempo pensava que me estavas a proteger.
You're protecting a city of two million people. You will not risk those lives for a boat that holds ten.
Vão proteger uma cidade com 2 milhões de pessoas... e não um barco com 10.
You're not protecting her now.
Não a está a proteger agora.
You're protecting the jam.
Estás a proteger a missão.
You were just protecting me.
Estavas a proteger-me.
You know, you talk about protecting the integrity of the department.
Sabes, falas sobre proteger a integridade do departamento.
Do you grow bored protecting me?
- Aborrece-vos proteger-me?
They tell you about honor, pardoning crimes, and protecting the realm, but shoveling really is most of it.
Falam-te de honra, perdão dos crimes de proteger o reino, mas a pá é o temos mais.
Are you protecting him?
Está a protegê-lo?
That piece of filth that you are protecting exists only to serve our need to Purge!
Esse monte de esterco que estão a proteger só existe para servir a nossa necessidade de Purgar!
You're going to try to kill us for protecting the reputation of our mistress?
Vão tentar matar-nos por protegermos a reputação da nossa senhora?
Because I knew you felt like you were protecting me... watching over me.
Porque sei que sentias que me estavas a proteger... a velar por mim.
I've spent my entire afterlife protecting that boy for just the right girl, and you waltz in here and throw it at him.
Passei toda a minha além vida a proteger aquele rapaz para a rapariga certa e tu apareces por aqui e tiras-lhe isso.
I'm tire of you protecting me.
Estou cansada de me protegeres!
So why were you protecting this spirit?
Então, porque é que estás a proteger esse espírito?
Dear Lord, thank you so much for bringing our daughter Faith home to us and watching over her while she's been out whoring with the devil's children and protecting her and keeping her from harm and keeping her from sexually transmitted diseases.
Meu Senhor, muito obrigado por trazer a nossa filha Faith, a nossa casa e ter olhado por ela, enquanto andou na vadiagem com o filho do Diabo, e a teres protegido para que não contraísse DST's.
What are you doing, protecting this psycho?
Por que é que proteges esse psicopata?
And you're protecting that person.
E estás a proteger essa pessoa.
And [snaps fingers] let me tell you - - if you want to talk About a mother bear protecting her cub, This woman came unglued.
E vou dizer-vos, se quiserem falar sobre a mãe urso protegendo o seu filhote, essa mulher revelou-se.
I understand, you... you were just protecting me.
Eu entendo, tu... tu estavas apenas a proteger me.
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
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your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
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you know that 5741
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you tell 24
younger 104
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you well 16