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Shake it up translate Portuguese

183 parallel translation
Come on. Shake it up! Shake it up!
Toca a despacharem-se!
Come on, shake it up!
Vá lá, a mexer!
Shake it up!
A mexer!
Shake it up, it's got a little oil on it.
Agita, tem um pouco de pé.
Shake it up!
♪ Well, shake it up, baby, now ♪ ♪ Shake it up, baby ♪
# Well, shake it up, baby, now # # Shake it up, baby #
♪ Well, shake it, shake it shake it, baby, now ♪ ♪ Shake it up, baby ♪
# Well, shake it, shake it shake it, baby, now # # Shake it up, baby #
♪ Well, shake it, shake it shake it, baby, now ♪ ♪ ♪ Shake it up, baby ♪ ♪
# Well, shake it, shake it shake it, baby, now # # # Shake it up, baby # #
I didn't mean to shake it up like that.
Não queria tê-la agitado assim.
You guys shake it up over there. We're runnin'late.
Despachem-se, temos de ir andando.
Shake it up? What do you think I'm doin'?
Que pensas que estou a fazer?
Shake it up!
Shake it up!
Toca a mexer!
Round up all suspected VC and shake it up!
Juntem todos os suspeitos de serem vietcongs e saiam!
You shake it up, and we'll be scraping bodies off the street.
Sacode e vai ficar cheio de corpos espalhados pelas ruas.
Shake it up!
Vamos a sacudir!
Okay, shake it up.
Pronto, vamos sacudir.
Shake it up! It ain't much of a hold! An undelayed miracle of movement!
Entrem e vejam, milagres em movimento!
You shake it up and it tells the future.
Tu agita-la e ela prevê o futuro.
Come on and let me, ah let me shake it up, baby
Come on and let me, ah let me shake it up, baby
- Come on baby, shake it up now!
- Anda querida, toca uma mexida!
Shake it up, Charlie.
Abana-o, Charlie.
- Did you shake it up?
- Agitaste antes?
- You gotta shake it up. - No.
- Tens de o agitar.
- Did you shake it up?
- Agitaste antes? - Não.
- You gotta shake it up.
- Tens de o agitar.
Shake it up £ ¬ come on £ ¡
Mexam-se, depressa!
- Shake it up
- Agita-a.
Let's go. Shake it up.
Vá lá, mexam-se.
Shake it up in your friendly neighborhood singularity, and reassemble quark by quark. Serves one.
Agitas na singularidade vizinha, e juntas tudo peça por peça.
How about I'll just tell him to go home, and then you and I can go upstairs and shake it up.
E se lhe disser para ir para casa, e tu e eu podemos ir lá para cima divertir-nos?
# Shake it up, baby Twist and shout, Twist and shout #
Pronto. - R-U-P-E-R-T. Estás quase lá.
Ali right, kid, shake it up.
Vamos rapaz!
Shake it up.
- Across the road. - Shake it up, boys!
- Em toda a estrada.
It would shake'em up for an hour anyway.
De qualquer forma, poderia abalar as coisas, durante uma hora.
That engine's rated at 2,000 horsepower and if I was ever fool enough to let it get started, it'd shake your patched-up pile of junk into 1,000 pieces and cut us up into mincemeat with the propeller.
Esse motor tem dois mil cavalos de força... e se fosse suficientemente tonto para acendê-lo... converteria seu pedaço de sucata em mil pedaços... e a hélice nos faria carne moida.
But it doesn't shake me up.
Isso não me surpreende.
Vibrate and shake the thing to such a degree... that I used to have to stand behind the columns... holding it up, whilst he fucked it around the front.
Mas o amplificador vibrava e tremia tanto... que eu tinha de segurar as colunas por trás, enquanto ele as fornicava pela frente.
Pick it up and shake it
Levante isto e agite isto
It's dangerous to shake up the government with group appearances.
É perigoso absolutismo.
I'll shake the hand of the guys who does it. Order up!
Se for, agradeço a quem o fizer.
When you're cleaning bathrooms, you pick up the towel... give it a good shake and look, and you say to yourself... "would I dry myself on this towel?"
Quando estiver a limpar as casas de banho, o que faz é pegar numa toalha, dá uma sacudida, e uma olhadela, e diz a si mesma, "Será que me secaria com esta toalha?"
And if anyone can shake those boys up, it's you.
E se há alguém capaz de fazer tremer esses rapazes, esse alguém é você.
It'd shake a person up.
Uma pessoa agitada.
It's time to shake things up.
Está na hora de mudar as coisas.
No, I wa : I was thinking of cutting my hair ust to shake things up but it's a big decision.
Não, estava a pensar em cortar o cabelo para mudar mas é uma grande decisão.
God. You don't need that thing. Just pick up the house and shake it.
Não precisas daquilo, pega só na casa e sacode-a.
- You shake things up. That's good. - When it works.
Gostas de agitar o ambiente e isso está bem.
It's a shake-up kind of American cinema.
É um cinema americano de choque.
- # Well, shake it up, baby # - [Screaming]
- M-E-R.

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