Take them off translate Portuguese
841 parallel translation
Take them off the plough.
Tirem-nos do arado.
If I put them all on the scale and then take them off one by one.
Se eu os pusesse todos na balança e os tirasse um por um.
- Then take them off.
- Despe-te.
All right, don't take them off.
Então não te dispas.
My shoes and stockings are soaked. I'll take them off.
Tenho os sapatos e as meias encharcados, vou tirá-los.
Take them off.
Tire as duas.
You be sure to take them off now and come home soon.
Despe o pijama e anda para casa.
When I get ready to take my shoes off, I'll take them off myself.
Quando estou pronto para me descalçar, faço-o sozinho.
If you ain't committed to no shipper, I'll take them off your hands.
Se não tiveres comprador, eu compro a manada.
All right, take them off my hands.
Que raiva, levem-nos da minha vista.
- Then take them off.
- Então tira-os.
To look at something close, I take them off.
Para ver ao perto, tiro-os.
Didn't you take them off to the crime lab?
Não a levou para o laboratório criminal?
All right, take them off.
Certo, podem tirá. Ios.
- Take them off before you get locked up.
. Na loja do Exército e da Marinha. .
- Take them off.
- Tire-as.
Had to get my sister to help me take them off the hook.
Tinha de pedir à minha irmã para os tirar do anzol.
Well, don't you worry about it, because I'm gonna take them off for you.
Não se preocupe, porque vou tirá-las por si.
I'll take them off myself.
Eu tiro-os eu mesma.
Take them off right now and drop them.
Saque-as e deite-as no chão.
Take them off the plough.
Tira-os do arado.
We'll have your skis. Take them off.
Tire os skys.
- Maybe you should take them off.
- Talvez devesse tirá-los.
I never take them off.
Nunca o tiro.
Take all these coats off me! Take them off, please.
Leve todos estes casacos de cima de mim por favor.
When did I take them off?
Quando é que eu a tirei?
- Take them off.
- Dispa o pijama!
Take them off. At once, sir. Shortsighted.
O maior flagrante de roubo organizado de animais que houve... na história de crimes de Puddleby.
Quickly, take them off!
Rápido, tira-os!
Take them off!
But we can't take a chance on them tipping off his wife and having her bang in.
Mas não podemos correr o risco de irem dizer à mulher e ela vir para cá.
- Take off them pants.
Despe essas calças.
Take off them pants.
Despe já essas calças.
You ain't goin'around. Take off them pants.
Não vais andar por aí.
Take your hands off them.
Tire as mãos de cima deles.
She wants you to take off " 5 pounds and send them parcel post.
Ela quer que pegues em 11 kg e que os envies numa encomenda.
Wash the stink off them and take them below.
Lavem-nos para tirar este cheiro e levem-nos para baixo.
Take these off of me and I'll put them on the party you're looking for.
Tire-me isso. E o ajudarei no que está procurando.
You think these crims would kill the president and then take off, leavin'us behind to identify them?
Achas que matariam o presidente e se iriam embora deixando-nos vivos?
You'll soon take it off... Where the high mountains approach And almost give God trees in them large and green.
Em breve você vai tirá-la... onde as montanhas altas se aproximam e quase dão a Deus nelas árvores grandes e verdes.
Wasn't that the place where the Federals was all lined up in a row and when they seen the first man in gray uniform charging up to them didn't they take off like rabbits?
Não foi o lugar onde os Federais estavam alinhados numa fila... e quando viram carregando o primeiro homem vestido de cinza... saíram fugindo como coelhos?
Take them before ajury of trembling fools that would let them off?
Levava-os a tribunal onde um grupo de jurados assustados ilibavam o McQuown?
We're going to take the same 611 off the island and land them in Palestine.
Vamos evacuar os mesmos 611 da ilha e levá-los para a Palestina.
One good thing about that, them shootin at him will take George's mind off Jenny.
Uma coisa positiva é que enquanto disparam nele... George não pensará na Jenny.
I baptise them, christen them, confirm them, hear their confessions, give absolution, last rites, bless their remains, fill the tank, check the oil and water, take off again and pray.
Eu os batizo, faço a crisma, a confirmação... ouço suas confissões, dou absolvição... faço a extrema unção, abençÔo os restos mortais... encho tanque, verifico a água e o óleo, dou a partida de novo e rezo.
Take her clothes off and burn them and order some new ones.
Tire-lhe as roupas, queime-as e encomende umas novas.
I'll even help you to take them all off to jail.
Se quiser, ajudo a levá-los para a cadeia.
So we decided to take them over to the livery stable... got about a block or so... and there was this Indian riding toward us... and then, all of a sudden, there was a whole bunch of shooting... and the next thing I knew the Indian was off his horse... and lying there, dead.
Então resolvemos levá-los para o estábulo de aluguer... e depois de mais ou menos um quarteirão... lá estava o índio vindo na nossa direção... e então, de repente, houve um grande tiroteio... e logo a seguir o índio tinha caído do cavalo... e estava lá estirado, morto.
- Taking them off here, Boss? - All right, take it off.
- Vou tirar os óculos, Chefe.
Take off those pyjamas or I'll tear them off.
Dispa o pijama ou terei de arrancar-lho.
Doesn't take much to drive them off.
Uma vez que eles souberem que nós não nos podemos mexer, nem mesmo gritar.
take them 308
take them out 78
take them all 26
take them away 101
take them back 16
take them down 41
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
take them out 78
take them all 26
take them away 101
take them back 16
take them down 41
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28
off i go 35
official business 23
off you go then 21
officer reagan 31
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28
off i go 35
official business 23
off you go then 21
officer reagan 31
off you go now 22
off to bed 51
off and on 34
officer peck 20
off point 28
off with you 62
off the books 53
off to bed 51
off and on 34
officer peck 20
off point 28
off with you 62
off the books 53