Was that a lie translate Portuguese
574 parallel translation
Was that a lie?
Foi uma mentira?
You know, I wonder if you're even dying, or was that a lie too?
Será que estás mesmo a morrer ou também era mentira?
You know, I wonder if you're even dying, or was that a lie too?
Tenho um plano. Aposto que sim.
The amicable divorce, was that a lie too?
O divórcio amigável também é mentira?
Was that a lie or "truth-bending"?
Isso foi mentira ou uma distorção?
Or was that a lie too?
Ou também isso era mentira?
But seriously, you know that story of Penelope's was all a lie, don't you?
A sério, sabia que a história de Penélope era uma mentira?
And then, someday, when he's an old man and his grandchildren ask him about Mata Hari he must tell a great lie, say that she was a wonderfully good woman.
E então, algum dia, quando ele se tornar um ancião e seus netos lhe perguntarem sobre Mata Hari ele deve dizer uma grande mentira, que era uma mulher maravilhosamente boa.
I can't carry on any longer with a lie, a lie I made up so as not to destroy a dream that was very dear to me.
Não devo prolongar por mais tempo uma mentira que alimentei só para não desfazer um sonho que me era muito querido.
She made love to him... In spite of that he threatened to expose the lie she was living.
Mesmo assim ele ameaçava revelar a mentira em que ela vivia.
It wasn't all a lie because she did take a steamer. It was just that it went north instead of south.
Ela realmente apanhou um barco, mas seguia para Norte e não Sul.
And then Meacham here was sent by the Indian ring. That's a lie. I been...
Queriam viver em paz, e fizera-no durante dois anos.
If I said it wasn't true about the Kellerson that it was all a lie, then I'll be doing
Eu sei. Então por que não nos tentas ajudar, comportando-te?
That was not only a lie, it was an insult to dead heroes and the women who loved them.
Foi mais uma mentira e um insulto aos heróis mortos e às esposas que os amavam.
That was a stupid lie, easy to expose, not worthy of you.
Essa foi uma mentira parva, fácil de detectar e indigna de si.
They have spread the lie that it was Nero who burnt Rome.
Foram eles que espalharam a mentira que foi Nero que incendiou Roma.
That was a lie. Yes, it was.
Vou beber só por um copo, obrigado.
Huh, that was a lie.
Não era verdade.
- that too was a lie?
- isso também foi uma mentira?
- and now you say that that was a lie?
- e agora diz que aquilo foi uma mentira?
- That's a lie. Norton was dead.
Norton estava morto.
I'd show Brick that their deep, true friendship was a big lie.
La mostrar ao Brick, que aquela profunda amizade, não passava de uma mentira.
Just so you know, everything in that notice was a bald-faced lie.
Já agora, o aviso é todo mentira.
It will prove that the crowning moment of your life... was no lie.
Será a prova de que o momento culminante da tua vida não foi uma mentira.
Only a lie that his mother was clean and good.
Apenas uma mentira de que sua mãe era honesta e boa.
Wordsworth saying that he would give his life for the Church of England, or Goethe that it was better to support a lie than to admit political confusion in the state.
Wordsworth dizendo que ele daria sua vida pela Igreja da Inglaterra, ou Goethe para quem era melhor sustentar uma mentira do que admitir a baderna no estado.
- Well, that was a mistake, not a lie! - Yeah!
- Isso.
He will now tell you that this was all a lie.
Agora vai dizer-lhes que era tudo mentira.
- That was a lie!
- Era mentira!
He told us there was a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow and that was a lie.
Disse-nos que havia um pote de ouro no fim de cada arco-íris... e isso era mentira.
I was saying, what I like best about trees is that, on a moonlit night you can lie under them, - with the leaves gently blowing...
Estava a dizer que o que gosto mais nas árvores é que numa noite de luar, podemos ficar deitadas por baixo delas, com a brisa a tocar-nos...
I was forced to lie awake all night with the knowledge that I had cost Diana her career as a world famous concert pianist.
Fui forçada a ficar acordada toda a noite sabendo que tinha tirado de Diana sua carreira de famosa pianista mundial.
Finally, the People will prove that John C. Forrester was, in fact, living a lie.
Finalmente, o Povo irá provar que John C. Forrester vivia uma mentira.
Well, I did tell her I was the bank president, but I will be some day, so that's not really a lie, is it?
Bem, disse-lhe que era presidente do banco, mas hei-de ser, um dia, pelo que não é bem uma mentira, pois não?
That was a lie!
Foi mentira!
That was a lie, Jim.
Foi uma mentira, Jim.
That was a lie!
Foi uma mentira!
- Why? He said that was a lie.
O Raghu devolveu-o.
Well, that was just a lie.
Isso era tudo mentira...
That was a lie, Jim.
Fui tão egoísta. Foi uma mentira, Jim.
- That was a lie.
- Era mentira.
well, if it's any help to you, I know that that weather balloon thing was a lie.
Bom, se lhe serve de alguma coisa, eu sabia que aquilo do balão era mentira.
He made the man lie down and he jumped on him, kissed him on the neck, but in seconds some doctors appeared on the walk dressed in white, embarrassed, he waved that he was going but he started
Obrigou o homem a deitar-se, saltou-lhe em cima e beijou-o no pescoço, mas, segundos depois, apareceram uns médicos vestidos de branco.
All I saw was a life that might lie down the road for me.
Todos o que vi foi que minha vida ia costa abaixo.
What the cops never figured out, and what I know now was that these men would never break, never lie down.
O que a polícia nunca imaginou, e que agora sei, foi que estes homens nunca se iriam quebrar.
That was a lie.
Aonde ele foi?
He never said it to me directly, but... I think he was in love with her, and then he found out that everything he knew about her was a lie.
Ele nunca disse isso para mim directamente, mas... eu acho que ele estava apaixonado por ela, e então ele descobriu que tudo que ele sabia sobre ela era mentira.
- That was a lie.
I ask that for the ease of my father's soul, if he has offended Saint Winifred, which was never his intent, he may be allowed to lie these three nights of your vigil before her altar,
Peço que seja dada paz á alma de meu pai, caso tenha ofendido a Santa, o que nunca foi sua intenção. Peço que o deixe passar estas três noites perante o seu altar, aos cuidados dos Irmãos.
When I said I had somebody else, you knew that was a lie, didn't you?
Eu disse-te que havia outra pessoa. Não era verdade. Sabias?
And my brother was forever lost in a maze of illusions that lie had created.
E o meu irmão perdeu-se no labirinto criado por essa mentira.
was that really necessary 35
was that so hard 56
was that necessary 32
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that wrong 21
was that okay 22
was that me 23
was that so hard 56
was that necessary 32
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that wrong 21
was that okay 22
was that me 23