Which translate Portuguese
118,984 parallel translation
In which case, you'd be throwing out decades of disarmament progress.
Nesse caso, estaria a deitar fora décadas de progresso no desarmamento.
Which is apparently whenever it hits CNN.
Que pelos vistos é quando chegar à CNN.
Which is why the White House was one of the first wheelchair-accessible government buildings.
Por isso, a Casa Branca foi um dos primeiros edifícios governamentais com acesso para cadeiras de rodas.
I could come here today and talk about... federal sentencing disparities between crack and cocaine, which obviously are racially motivated.
Eu podia vir aqui hoje e falar sobre as disparidades nas penas federais sobre crack e cocaína que são obviamente raciais.
And you're a steady hand, which, again, the country needs.
E tem uma mão firme. É por isso que o país precisa de si.
Nobody's on it because she's a junkie, and everything she said to me is in the Lucas Goodwin manifesto, which has been picked apart by every message board and conspiracy theorist on the Internet.
Ninguém a investiga porque ela é uma drogada. E tudo o que ela me disse está no manifesto Lucas Goodwin, que foi destroçado por todos os fóruns e adeptos da teoria da conspiração da Internet.
I agreed with Usher because he will sacrifice everything to get Brockhart into office, which makes Conway weak, ready to lose.
Concordei com o Usher porque ele sacrificará tudo para pôr o Brockhart no cargo. Isso torna o Conway fraco, pronto para perder.
Your face... which tells me how much you don't want to be here.
A sua cara. Que me diz o quanto não quer estar aqui.
Which is why I'm surprised you won't agree to my terms.
É por isso que me surpreende que não aceite as minhas condições.
Which I will never understand.
Coisa que nunca vou entender.
Probably about the same as you and me, which is why we need to keep him out of any serious trouble.
Provavelmente, o mesmo que a senhora e eu. E é por isso que temos de o livrar de quaisquer sarilhos.
Which administration?
Em que administração?
Which you will not be able to win with another so-called October surprise.
Que não poderá ganhar com mais uma "surpresa de outubro".
Which is the only reason anyone testifies.
Que é o único motivo pelo qual alguém testemunha.
The body is remarkably well-preserved, except for the extremities, which frostbite took care of. But dental is intact.
O corpo está muito bem conservado, tirando as extremidades, que o gelo destruiu, mas os dentes estão intactos.
Which has made me think of Tom... who doesn't really have a reason to be here anymore, does he?
O que me fez pensar no Tom que já não tem nenhuma razão para continuar cá, pois não?
And he says that Doug forced then Secretary of Health and Human Services to put the president at the top of the list, which resulted in Moretti's death.
E diz que o Doug forçou a secretária dos Serviços Humanos e de Saúde a pôr o Presidente no cimo da lista, o que levou à morte do Moretti.
Which makes sense.
O que faz sentido.
Which is a question I'm sure the Judiciary Committee will ask once it's up and going.
Uma pergunta que o Comité Judiciário fará quando estiver a funcionar.
"A source deep within the White House... confirms President Underwood used questionable intelligence to justify voting center closures, which threw the election into chaos."
"Uma fonte bem no interior da Casa Branca confirma que o Presidente Underwood usou informações questionáveis para justificar o encerramento de mesas de voto, o que provocou o caos na eleição."
After a tumultuous election, the likes of which have never been seen, America faces more questions...
Depois de uma eleição tumultuosa, como nunca se tinha visto, a América enfrenta questões...
President Garrett Walker's bombshell testimony, which...
O testemunho bombástico de Walker...
My focus is to remain doing my job, which is to ensure prosperity for the American people, and to try to achieve...
Estou concentrado em continuar a fazer o meu trabalho, que é assegurar a prosperidade para o povo americano e tentar alcançar...
You need to be fully committed, which means being fully transparent, which means handing over what you have.
Tens de estar totalmente empenhada, ou seja, transparente. Ou seja, tens de contar o que sabes.
Ms. Harvey, there was a FISA ruling issued, which the Underwood administration used to spy on American citizens for the sake of swaying an election.
Menina Harvey, houve uma decisão da FISA, que o executivo de Underwood usou para espiar cidadãos americanos para manipular as eleições.
And in their struggles to be truly free, in their triumphs and defeats, through long years to come, I see the evil of this time and of the previous time of which this is the natural birth, gradually making expiation for itself and wearing out.
Nas suas batalhas para serem verdadeiramente livres, nos seus triunfos e derrotas, pelos longos anos que virão, vejo o mal desta época e da época anterior, que foi o seu berço natural, a expiar-se gradualmente e a desvanecer.
Experience tells me this will resonate for about three to five days... which gives us our window.
A experiência diz-me que isto terá impacto durante três a cinco dias, - o que nos dá a nossa janela.
I was shocked to realize the degree to which you and your husband stole this election.
Fiquei chocada com o grau a que a Claire e o seu marido roubaram estas eleições.
We have our generals, which is good.
Temos os nossos generais, o que é bom.
Which is better than somewhere else.
É bom que não se esconda numa sanita.
Which is why I brought you this.
Foi por isso que lhe trouxe isto!
Two people doing really hard work and sometimes one person working a little bit harder than the other, which leads to an exciting new feeling...
Duas pessoas trabalhando a sério e por vezes alguém a trabalhar mais do que o outro, que leva a um sentimento novo...
Well, that can be a real problem, because, soon, he's gonna feel insecure and then start being needy, which is super attractive.
Bem, pode se tornar um problema real, porque brevemente ele vai ficar inseguro e depois fica carente, que é super atrativo.
Look, we... we can't help but notice that you two are a lot more affectionate lately, which is, um...
Olhem, nós... nós não conseguimos deixar de reparar que ambos estão mais afeituosos ultimamente, o que é...
Except to God, which isn't really my problem.
Apenas a Deus, e isso não é problema meu.
Kind of excited to see which one it is.
Um pouco exitada para ver o que será primeiro.
Which means working for you, registering new Inhumans and fitting them with a tracking disk?
O que significa, trabalhar para ti, a registar os novos Inumanos e a colocar-lhes um disco localizador?
People won't go down without a fight, which is what I am now ready to have.
As pessoas não desistem sem lutar, o que me apetece fazer agora.
He doesn't even like me, which is disturbing.
Ele nem sequer gosta de mim, o que é perturbador.
Which newspaper?
- Que jornal?
Winning is about which facts you focus on and which you choose to ignore.
A vitória é a respeito de quais fatos focar e quais deve-se ignorar.
Which is air-gapped and externally booted.
que está isolado e iniciado externamente.
- Yes, it is, which is why I have a new strategy.
- Sim, é e tenho uma nova estratégia.
Well, let me ask you. Which facts do you like better :
Deixe-me perguntar, quais fatos acha melhor :
The intrusion started a cascading overload of our hacked systems, which eventually began to malfunction.
A invasão iniciou uma sobrecarga nos nossos sistemas, que começaram a parar de funcionar.
Manolo and McNamara are our most important jurors, which means eye contact.
Manolo e McNamara são nossos jurados mais importantes, então deverá fazer contato visual.
It's built on taking a risk for a good reason, which was to tell a story and to also make a better product.
É correr um risco por um bom motivo, contar uma história e fazer um produto melhor.
They really needed a special shoe design that would fit into the year 2015, which was 25 years in the future.
Precisavam de um desenho especial enquadrado com o ano 2015, 25 anos no futuro.
[Tinker] It was a new kind of style of tennis, which was basically just get at the baseline and just hit the ball hard as you can.
Era um novo estilo de ténis, jogar do fundo do court e bater a bola com a máxima força.
He not only designed the shoes, which were quite outrageous, they were kind of hot pink, and the outfit was wild.
Não só projetou os sapatos que eram extravagantes, eram em rosa choque e a roupa era espampanante.
Often it's perceived as being a man's name, so I do get reviews in Germany, which say, "Herr Devlin's incredibly masculine work would have benefited from reading the feminine aspects of the text."
Muitas vezes é visto como sendo um nome masculino. Na Alemanha já escreveram : "A obra ultra masculina de Herr Devlin teria melhorado com uma leitura do lado feminino do texto."
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which i did 99
which is ridiculous 24
which one do you want 65
which is why you're here 18
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ironic 37
which is ridiculous 24
which one do you want 65
which is why you're here 18
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ironic 37
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which part 185
which is funny 28
which ones 133
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which i don't 84
which is cool 36
which means 914
which is weird 83
which part 185
which is funny 28
which ones 133
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which i don't 84
which is cool 36
which means 914