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Who i was translate Portuguese

12,493 parallel translation
I was fighting everyone who found out who I was.
Lutava contra os que descobriam quem eu era.
I don't really remember who I was before him.
Nem me lembro bem de quem era antes dele.
How did you figure out who I was?
Como é que descobriste quem eu era?
Because you knew who I was.
Porque sabia quem eu era.
I'm sorry, but I was afraid that you would refuse to talk to me if you knew who I was.
Desculpe, mas tive medo que recusasse falar comigo - se soubesse quem eu era.
Just like... I didn't know who I was, but I suddenly had a lot more friends, that's for sure.
Não sabia quem era, mas de repente tinha muito mais amigos, isso é certo.
Not who I was expecting, but you'll be a nice warm-up.
Não quem eu esperava. Mas serás um bom aquecimento.
I think we tried to talk about who I was and who Tom was.
Acho que tentamos conversar sobre quem eu era, e quem era o Tom.
The last thing I wanted was to hurt any of the talented people who keep this place running.
A última coisa que eu queria era prejudicar as pessoas talentosas que mantêm este lugar a funcionar.
♪ But I think that you're wild... ♪ Don't you want to know who the crew member was?
Não quer saber quem era o membro da tripulação?
A minute ago you was busting my balls about me not trusting you, but now I'm getting the sense that you're the one who don't trust me.
Ainda há pouco me criticavas por não confiar em ti. Mas agora estou com a sensação de que tu é que não confias em mim.
And tell him, as I recall, there was one sailor who was even more stubborn.
E diga-lhe que, se bem me lembro, houve uma marinheira que era ainda mais teimosa...
I believe it was a young Mickey Rourke who once said- -
Acho que foi o jovem Mickey Rourke que disse...
When the Roman general Sulla, who was about the same age I am now, marched on Rome to purge the city of usurpers, it was a bloodbath.
Quando o general romano Sulla, que tinha a mesma idade que eu, marchou em Roma para purgar a cidade dos usurpadores, foi um banho de sangue.
He'll be fine. Who'd you think I was talking about?
- De quem pensas que estava a falar?
Only time I knew who you was was when I took your yellow ass out to the spot where I stood and named you.
A única altura em que soube quem eras foi quando peguei no teu traseiro amarelo, no local onde estava e te dei um nome.
A sergeant who took a walk when he saw I didn't have any stripes, a narco I'm pretty sure was hopped up, a bunch of rookies, and a traffic cop.
Um sargento que se pirou quando viu a minha posição na hierarquia policial, um "narco" que tenho a certeza que é corrupto, um grupo de novatos e um polícia de trânsito.
I wanted so bad to believe that there was someone out there who loved me.
Queria tanto acreditar que havia alguém lá fora que me amava.
You know, your dad, who I'm pretty sure is one of the smartest people to live on either of our Earths, told me the only person smarter than him was you.
Sabes, o teu pai, que é uma das pessoas mais inteligentes das nossas Terras, disse-me que a única pessoa que é mais inteligente que ele és tu. Ele disse isso?
I think most bitcoin companies at the time knew that a big part of the market for bitcoins was people buying drugs on silk road who needed bitcoins to do that.
Acho que a maioria das empresas de Bitcoin, na altura, sabiam que grande parte do mercado para as Bitcoins eram pessoas que compravam drogas no Silk Road.
I was always the one who figured out a new technique a better way of getting things done.
Eu sempre era aquela que descobria uma nova técnica, uma maneira melhor de fazer as coisas.
What I see is simply a doctor who broke her oath a doctor who was found in a building with four dead bodies...
Eu simplesmente vi uma médica que quebrou o seu juramento, uma médica que foi encontrada num prédio com mais quatro cadáveres...
I think it was FDR who said it best- -
Acho que foi o FDR que disse que é melhor...
And then there was my mother, who I can never, never forget the look on your face.
E, depois, havia a minha mãe, E nunca, nunca esquecerei o teu olhar.
Yep. Even though I proved at trial it was another kid who threw the fatal brick.
- Sim, apesar de eu ter provado em julgamento que foi outro miúdo que atirou o tijolo fatal.
I mean, for God's sakes, it was my mom who was drunk.
Quer dizer, pelo amor de Deus, era a minha mãe que estava bêbada.
I went back through the old sign-in ledgers to see if I could figure out who he was.
Fui verificar os antigos registos diários de entradas para ver se conseguia descobrir quem é que ele era.
I was the one who was supposed to die,
Eu é que era suposto de ter morrido,
Now, I was a gardener who happened to fall in love.
E era um jardineiro. Apaixonei-me.
Yes, I was on my way to Eparcy, looking for work when I came across some bored soldiers who saw a cripple and an afternoon's amusement.
Sim, ia a caminho de Eparcy, à procura de trabalho quando me cruzei com alguns soldados entediados que viram um deficiente e o divertimento para uma tarde.
I was thinking... shouldn't I be the one who goes undercover as a maid? Wouldn't that be better?
Não seria melhor se eu me disfarçasse de criada?
But my husband, I first met him at this wedding and, uh, he's- - he's much better looking than me, he's way out of my league, and I saw him and I was like, "Oh, my God, who is that?"
Conheci o meu marido num casamento. Ele é muito mais bonito do que eu, está fora do meu alcance. Eu vi-o e pensei :
I just want to know what. Who was there, somebody got hurt...
Quero saber o que aconteceu, quem estava lá e se alguém se magoou.
I didn't know who he was then.
Não sabia quem ele era.
But I was drugged by someone and I remember who that is now.
- Mas fui drogada por alguém e agora lembro-me por quem.
Tell me who Charles Mahoney is, and then I'll tell you what our fight was about.
Conta-me quem é o Charles Mahoney - e eu conto o motivo da discussão.
It was someone who was perfect Until I decide to break.
Ele era perfeito, até eu decidir terminar a nossa relação.
I was stabbed, woman, I'm gonna find the motherfucker who...
Fui esfaqueado, mulher, e vou encontrar o cabrão que...
I can understand you're confused and uncertain about who we are and who Emir was.
Consigo perceber, estás confusa e sem certeza quem somos e sobre quem era o Emir.
Okay, well, Zoom must've lied to fake-Dante and told him I was the one who killed Reverb,'cause dude wants me dead.
Zoom deve ter mentido ao Dante falso e dito que eu mataria Reverb, porque o tipo quer-me morto.
I'm the one who was married to her.
Eu sei, eu é que fui casado com ela.
You know who I wish was here right now?
Sabes quem gostava que estivesse aqui?
- I wasn't thinking about everyone else who had gone through that fear and pain, who had to sit where I was sitting because a loved one was shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun.
Não estava a pensar nas outras pessoas que passaram por aquele medo e dor. Que tiveram de se sentar onde me sentei porque um ente querido foi baleado por alguém que não devia ter uma arma.
Told him I was the one who whipped the votes for impeachment.
Disse-lhe que fui eu que reuni os votos para o afastamento.
And that is why, Alex, I believe that you are the only trainee here who can do what I was never able to do... shatter the glass ceiling.
E é por isso, Alex, que acredito que serás a única recruta daqui que pode fazer o que eu nunca consegui. Ultrapassar barreiras.
And if I told you that the white male who was charged with stabbing and killing the black male had once belonged to a militia group?
E se vos dissesse que o homem branco que foi acusado de esfaquear e matar o homem preto tinha pertencido a um grupo de milícias?
That being said, I was impressed, especially with our winners, who displayed great determination.
Dito isto, fiquei impressionado, especialmente com os nossos vencedores, que mostraram grande determinação.
I need you to figure out who Hill was wiring that money to.
Preciso que descubras para quem é que o Hill estava a transferir aquele dinheiro.
I never knew who Artly was.
Nunca soube quem era o Artly.
I just think of him when he was that three-year-old who would have been sitting in my lap, you know.
Só consigo pensar nele com aqueles três anos de idade, quando estaria sentado no meu colo, sabe.
I was the one who kept saying we gotta go down there.
Fui eu quem insistiu que devíamos ir lá a baixo.

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