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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You should come

You should come translate Portuguese

3,360 parallel translation
You should come visit us then.
Então tens de visitar-nos!
It is. You should come.
- E é, devia vir.
You should come over here and help me finish this bottle of wine.
- Vem ajudar-me a beber o vinho.
If you ever need a change of scene, you should come by the Rub of Sugar Land.
Se quiseres uma mudança de cenário, passa no spa The Rub of Sugar Land.
You should come.
Devias aparecer.
Maybe you should come with me.
Talvez devesses vir comigo.
You should come by!
Vocês deviam aparecer!
Maybe you should come with us.
Talvez devesses vir connosco.
We wouldn't steer you wrong. You should come.
Não, não te levaríamos ao engano.
And you're, sorry, but you've obviously had some kind of psychotic break, so I think you should come with us, and -
E, desculpe, mas você sofreu um surto psicótico, acho que devia vir connosco, e...
Anyway, you should come to yoga more often.
Vejo quão tensa andas desde que começaste o novo emprego.
- Still mad. You should come back though.
- A loucura de sempre, tu devias voltar.
But if you're free, you should come down.
Mas se tiveres livre podes aparecer.
Dad, you should come with me.
Pai, devias vir comigo.
So, listen, some of us are hanging out at the beach by the pier, Saturday night, you should come.
Ouve, alguns de nós vão para a praia, no sábado à noite, devias de ir.
You should come, get a sitter.
Devias vir, arranja uma ama.
You should come.
You should have come and told me what you were planning to do.
Devias ter-me informado do que estavas a planear fazer.
Escrow's going to close very soon, so if you have anything at the house, you should probably come by and get it out as soon as possible.
Já pensei e está decidido. O depósito de garantia será feito em breve, por isso se queres algo de lá deves ir buscá-lo logo que possas.
- Well, you should have come to me. - It wouldn't have been any use.
- Devia ter falado comigo!
I never should have let you come here, let you fight.
Nunca te devia ter deixado vir para cá, deixar-te combater.
So you should give thought to where you want to be come the dawn.
Então, devias pensar onde queres estar quando amanhecer.
For a home delivery we shall want to see you at home, make sure everything's as it should be for baby. You're very kind, but I shall come to you when my time comes.
Pode contar com a Enfermeira Miller todos os dias, duas vezes ao dia.
I should've come clean with you guys about everything.
Deveria vos ter dito a verdade sobre tudo.
I mean, if she hasn't come around yet, then... maybe you should let it go.
Digo, se ela ainda não apareceu, então... talvez devesses deixá-la de lado.
And remember how you told me that I should have them both come in?
Lembras-te que disseste para chamar os dois?
Some new information has come to light that you should be aware of.
Novas informações surgiram, e tu devias saber.
Well, if he's expecting any special guests, you should let us know because he had someone come yesterday and you weren't here.
Se ele estiver a contar ter convidados especiais, devias avisar-nos porque ontem veio aqui alguém e tu não estavas aqui.
You should not have come back.
Não devias ter voltado para aqui.
You tried to tell me that you should never have come to this country.
Tentou dizer-me que nunca deveria ter vindo para cá.
You should come quickly.
Pensamos que devia vir cá rapidamente.
And should that come to pass, I hope you'll allow me to thank you later.
E, caso isso venha a acontecer, espero que me permitas agradecer-te mais tarde.
Yeah, I just... I just feel like I should come with you.
Acho que deveria ir contigo.
You guys should come to my impromptu tonight.
Deviam vir à minha festa hoje à noite.
You should really come in, Sam.
Devias vir, Sam.
You know, I knew I should not have come
Eu não deveria ter vindo. O quê?
- I should come with you.
- Devia ir contigo.
You know what? We should come and do one of these tactical simulations sometime.
Devíamos vir e fazer estas simulações tácticas um dia.
Thanks. You know, you really should come back and dig through our archives.
Devias voltar e estudar os nossos arquivos.
I've come across some information and... being as we know each other I thought I should come to you before it gets out.
Deparei-me com certas informações e... Visto que nos conhecemos, pensei trazer-lhas antes de se saberem.
- Well, you should have come to me earlier.
Devias ter vindo ter comigo mais cedo. Talvez.
Well, if you do, can you just tell her that I was looking and that she should come home?
Se a vires, podes dizer-lhe que eu a procuro? Para ela voltar para casa?
And should you meet a charming... ( Sniffs ) physically fit, what- - I don't know, whatever kind of fish gefilte fish come from...
E se conheceres um charmoso, e fisicamente em forma...
Oh, man, you guys should come with me sometime.
Caramba, deviam vir comigo um dia destes.
You should really come and see for yourself once in a while.
Realmente devias lá ir e ver por ti mesmo de vez em quando.
Promoting you to my research assistant should not come at the expense of my practice falling to ruins.
Promover-te a assistente de pesquisa não devia fazer o meu consultório, ficar mal.
And, you know, if Nick doesn't come home tonight... maybe we should clean up.
E se o Nick não voltar para casa... Acho melhor limparmos isto. Então, só vou...
Come on. This little boy here, I mean, he should really hate you, shouldn't he?
Este rapazinho aqui deve mesmo odiá-lo, não?
I should never have let him come to you.
Eu nunca devia tê-lo deixado ir até ti.
I never should've asked you to come here.
Eu nunca devia ter perguntado se querias vir aqui.
If you needed a piece, you should've come directly to me.
Se precisavas de uma arma, devias-me ter pedido.

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