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You think about it translate Portuguese

5,309 parallel translation
It makes sense, if you think about it.
Faz sentido, se pensares nisso.
You know, when you think about it, there is no more important part of a lesbian than her fingers.
Sabes, pensando bem, a parte mais importante de uma lésbica são os dedos.
Can I make a suggestion which, if you think about it, makes a lot of sense?
Posso fazer uma sugestão, a qual, se tu pensares nisso, faz imenso sentido?
'So when you think about it like that...' 'Yes.
Por isso, quando pensamos nisso nesses termos...
You think about it. We kind of have the same job.
Se pensares nisso, temos mais ou menos o mesmo trabalho.
I know you're iffy about trusting your gut when it comes to men, but your professional instincts are spot on, and I think what you said about the irony about Chelsea's death, that could actually be the key to this case.
Sei que te custa confiar no teu instinto, quando se trata de homens, mas o teu instinto profissional, está correto, e acho que o que disseste sobre a ironia da morte da Chelsea, na verdade, pode ser a chave deste caso.
Think that's why I told him, hoping deep down, he'd tell you about it so I didn't have to.
Penso que foi por isso que o repreendi. À espera de que no fundo, ele lhes contasse.
I'll think about it. I hear you guys got potential.
Ouvi dizer que tem potencial.
It's the way you think about me.
É a maneira como pensas sobre mim.
I think it would be better if you came out to Clinton Hill, talked about it there with him.
Era melhor se fosse a Clinton Hill, falar com ele.
It's just... If you have a gift, just, you know, think about it.
É que se tens um dom, apenas, pensa nisso.
Think about it, you put me back in prison, you're putting Bo somewhere a lot worse.
Reflecte, pões-me de volta na prisão, estás a pôr a Bo algures muito pior.
I think it might be better I do not talk about this, do not you think?
Penso que talvez seja melhor não falar disto, não achas?
Why would you think that we could do... Don't worry about it.
- Acha que podemos...
Look, I can't change how you think about me, but I am not gonna change what I am doing or why I am doing it.
Não consigo mudar a tua ideia de mim, mas não vou mudar o que faço ou o motivo pelo qual o faço.
Well, Peggy, I don't know if this makes you feel better, but I don't think they thought about it at all.
Peggy, não sei se isto faz com que te sintas melhor, mas acho que nem pensaram nisso.
- What do you think it's about?
- Sobre o que é que tu achas que é?
And I didn't want you to think anything about how it's gonna be after the race.
E não queria que pensasses em como seria a seguir à corrida.
How long do you have to think about it?
Quanto tempo tens para pensar nisso?
You think the law might have anything to say about it?
Achas que a justiça vai fazer alguma coisa?
I know it's something you'd rather not think about, but...
Sei que prefere não pensar nisso, mas...
You'll think about it?
Você vai pensar nisso?
You know, the more I think about it, maybe it wasn't completely not not not funny.
Quanto mais penso nisto, talvez até tivesse alguma piada.
They want to discredit you, and if she won't back you up, it makes me think there's something I don't know about.
Eles querem desacreditar-te, e, se ela não te quer apoiar, isso faz-me pensar que há alguma coisa que eu não sei.
And so I think there's a universal curiosity about this game. You know, something did happen those couple of nights in 1983 that I think it merits serious investigation.
Algo aconteceu naquelas duas noites de 1983, que acho que merece uma séria investigação.
I never really thought about it before, but I think you're right.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso, mas acho que tens razão.
It's just... maybe you should think about heading back to Atlanta by yourself for a while.
Talvez devas pensar em voltar para Atlanta sozinha por uns tempos.
I know you'll have a lot of other things to think about - when it happens... - Of course I will, Kevin.
Sei que terás outras coisas em que pensar quando isso acontecer...
I think you need to whine about it some more to me first.
Acho que antes, tens de reclamar isso de mim.
Anyway, do you think that maybe I should talk to him gently about taking it down a notch?
Achas que devia dizer-lhe cuidadosamente para abrandar?
- Think about it, you start dating someone.
- Imagina que começas a sair com alguém.
I'm sorry if this was because of what you told me about Mona which I think it was.
Desculpa se foi por causa do que me disseste da Mona. Eu acho que foi.
But, anyway, you seem like a nice guy. I just- - I think I was so dazzled by the costume, that I didn't even think about what you looked like without it.
Tu pareces ser um bom tipo, mas acho que fiquei tão deslumbrada com o fato, que nem sequer pensei em como eras sem ele.
I did the thing, you said you'd think about it.
Fui o responsável, disse que ia pensar.
It's all you think about.
É tudo em que pensas.
I get it. Anyway, I wanna talk to you guys about some ways... that I think we can have better cooperation... between the ER and the Surgical departments.
De qualquer maneira quero falar convosco sobre alguns aspetos e acho que podemos ter uma melhor cooperação, entre as Urgências e o Dept.
People see that kind of posture, and they decide that you belong there before their conscious brain can even think about it.
As pessoas reparam nessa postura e partem logo do principio que pertencem ali ainda antes que o seu cérebro consiga pensar sobre isso.
You can think about it, if you want.
- Pode pensar, se quiser.
I think there was definitely a-a... maybe not a day, but definitely a week when the fight changed from nobody knowing about it to, you know, the population of England realizing that something was happening.
Creio que houve definitivamente... ARTISTA... talvez não um dia, mas sem dúvida uma semana em que a luta passou de ninguém saber da situação, para a população de Inglaterra ter consciência do que estava a acontecer.
You think it was fun for me with you back out, waiting to see what kind of pain you'd bring to me or the people I care about?
Achas que foi divertido para mim ver-te em liberdade, esperar para ver que dor me trarias ou às pessoas que amo?
Once you found out about the book... the only thing that I could think of was how to make it up to you.
Quando descobriste do livro, a única coisa que me vinha à cabeça era como poderia compensar-te.
And when I read it, I think about how brilliant you are.
E quando os leio, penso o quão brilhante tu és.
I need you to think about it, sweetheart.
Pensa bem, querida.
It turned you on just to think about lila - -
Excitavas-te só de pensar na Lila.
You still think about it, don't you?
Ainda pensas nisso, não é?
You know, the more I think about it, the more intrigued I am about having our own store.
Sabes, quanto mais penso sobre isso, mais interessado fico em ter a minha própria loja.
Tell you what, the surgery's not for a week. I'll think about it.
Digo-te mais... a cirurgia é só daqui a uma semana, vou pensar nisso.
I don't think that every problem has to have a democratic solution but what's happening is that you're upset instead of talking to me about it, you'll bottle that up and live in denial.
Sou culpado! Acho que cada problema, não tem de ter uma solução democrática, mas agora estás irritada. Ao contrário de falares comigo, vais guardar para ti e vais viver em negação.
You know I can't talk about it. But a lot of very smart and important people seem to think that Charlie is going to help end the war.
Sabes que não posso dizer, mas, muitas pessoas inteligentes e importantes acham que o Charlie vai ajudar a acabar com a guerra.
Pensas que podes ir à nossa floresta, lutar connosco e esquecer tudo?
How do you think Colum will feel about you helping Dougal to steal money from him to line his own pockets and using his nephew Jamie to do it?
Como acha que o Colum irá sentir-se por ajudar o Dougal a roubar dinheiro dele para se enriquecer e usar o sobrinho dele, o Jamie, para o fazer?

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