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You think too much translate Portuguese

717 parallel translation
Byam, you think too much.
Byam, tu pensar muito.
You think too much, you get mixed up.
Se pensar demais fica baralhado.
Oh, friends, you think too much about the future.
Pensam demasiado no futuro, meus amigos.
You think too much.
Pensas demais.
Lieutenant, you think too much.
Tenente, você pensa demais.
You think too much.
Raciocina muito para ser uma faxineira.
Hey, you know, I think you give him one snoop too much.
Sabes, acho que deste uma aparadela a mais.
If you think you're paying too much now just wait'til I get through with it
Se acham que agora pagam muitos impostos então esperem até eu acabar com isto.
Oh, you think too much.
- Você pensa demasiado.
I think too much of you to help do something you'll regret.
Respeito-a demasiado para a ajudar a fazer algo de que vai arrepender-se.
- Don't you think that's too much?
- Não acha que é demasiado?
Hey, Charlie, I think our friend has had a little bit too much to drink. Don't you?
Charlie, acho que o nosso amigo já bebeu de mais.
I think you rely too much on Mr Davenport.
Come o ovo. Acho que confias demasiado no Sr. Davenport.
I think that perhaps if you try to drive yourself... all the way up to Petropolis, it might be too much for you.
Acho que conduzires sozinho até Petrópolis, pode ser demasiado para ti.
I think you have let yourself fall into thinking too much of Mr Dean.
acho que se deixou cair... e pensa demasiado no Sr. Dean.
I know nothing of the history to which you refer, but I have often felt that the attitude of my husband's family has failed to move with the times, that they think too much of the rights of nobility
Nada sei sobre a história que refere, mas a atitude da família do meu marido não evoluiu com os tempos. Dão demasiada importância aos direitos da nobreza e pouca aos seus deveres.
Do you think I talk too much?
Acha que falo de mais?
I don't think you'll be seeing too much of them.
Acho que nâo vai ter oportunidade.
I think you gave me too much.
Acho que me deu dinheiro a mais.
I always used to think there was too much of me in you... for us to hit it off... but I know now that that was wrong.
Sempre achei que havia muito de mim em si... para nos entendermos. Mas sei agora que estava errado.
I think you talk too much.
Acho que fala demais.
If you think I spend too much time with Deborra, don't blame her.
Se achas que passo muito tempo com a Debora, não a culpes.
I think you've got much too much fill light.
Acho que há demasiada luz.
Don't you think that might be a little too much for one little baby?
Não achas que pode ser demais para um bebé?
You think too much.
Pensas em demasia.
You know, come to think of it you're really much too young for me.
Sabes, chego a pensar que és demasiado jovem para mim.
Yeah, I think you have been thinking too much.
Sim, pois tens.
It's too much to get rid of, do not you think?
É demais para se livrar dele, você não acha?
You think about things too much.
Tu pensas demais nas coisas.
Yes. But if you think it's too much responsibility...
Mas se acha que é muita responsabilidade...
I don't mean to criticise because... his story was so much better than mine... but don't you think the first part is too long getting to the point?
Não quero criticar, pois... o artigo dele era muito melhor que o meu, mas não acha que a primeira parte é muito demorada?
As a matter of fact, I don't think anybody will blame you too much.
Na verdade, não acho que alguém te vá culpar.
And don't think too much about you know what, Casanova.
E não pensas demasiado "nisso", Casanova.
I don't think it'll bother you too much in the morning, captain.
Acho que isso não o vai preocupar muito na parte da manhã, capitão.
Do you think it would be too much an infraction of the rules... if you were to call me Judge, or Dan, or something?
Você acha que seria uma infração às regras... se você me chamasse de Juiz, Dan, ou algo assim?
You talk too much, think too much.
Falas demasiado. Pensas demasiado.
I think you ask too much of her, and yourself.
Acho que você exigiu demais dela, e de você mesma também.
I don't think you have to worry too much about that.
Não precisam se preocupar com isso.
- It's true. - You know, the majority of women... they have half a glass too much and let down the barriers a little... then they wake up in the morning riddled with guilt... and think they can reclaim their virtue by saying, "I don't remember."
As mulheres bebem meio copo a mais, baixam as defesas depois acordam culpabilizadas e tentam repor a virtude com : "Não me lembro".
But I think you ask too much of it.
Mas acho que exige demais dela!
I understand. You're worried. But I don't think it'll be too much longer.
Mais oito circuitos e vamos decolar ou explodimos.
I'm beginning to think you talk too much.
Eu acho que falas demais.
You don't think it's too much, huh?
Não acha que esteja exagerado?
I don't think that you know too much about Batopilas.
Acho que não sabe muito sobre Batopillas.
Do you think we put too much in?
Achas que estamos pondo muito?
It's just that Brutus is a sweet, clumsy ox, and I don't think you should expect too much from him, that's all.
É que o Brutus é um doce de boi desajeitado... e não acho que deves esperar muito dele... só isso.
I don't think it will cause you too much trouble.
Acho que não será difícil.
Don't think too much or you'll end up nuts.
Não pense muito que vá a ficar louca.
Don't you think you are demanding too much?
Não achas que estás a exigir demais?
I don't think too much of you either.
- Não muito. Não ligo pra você também.
You think too much of me, kid.
Pensas demasiado de mim, rapaz.

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