Maybe it was translate Russian
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Maybe it was ringing too much.
Наверное, слишком много звенел.
Maybe it was Anibal's people.
Может, это люди Анибала.
Maybe it was Rolla.
Может, это был Ролла.
Okay, maybe it was break-up sex.
Ладно, может, это был прощальный секс.
Thought maybe it was the same man there for me, looking to bury me beside my uncle.
У меня мелькнула мысль, что теперь этот человек пришёл за мной, чтобы меня похоронили рядом с дядей.
Or maybe it was ten days- - I was taking a walk up the cliff path Out by osprey point,
Или, может быть, дней десять я гулял вверх по дороге вдоль обрыва к пику Оспри, около 7 : 30 утра.
Maybe it was personal.
Может, это что-то личное.
Maybe it was just my own idea of what I was to be.
Может быть, это лишь мои догадки о том, кем я хочу быть.
Well, maybe it was a promise to try, or maybe it was a suggestion.
Тогда это могло быть обещание попытаться или просто предложение.
I thought maybe it was time we do a little negotiating.
Я подумал, пора обсудить условия.
Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part, but she sounded happier, stronger.
Может, мне хотелось так думать, но она казалась счастливее, сильнее.
Maybe it was because he was blind or because she was having a midlife teenage awkward phase, but even divorced, mom and dad would always be in each other's inner circle.
Может, потому, что он был слеп или потому что у неё был молодёжный период средних лет, но даже после развода мама с папой всегда будут в узком круге друг друга.
Maybe it was a ritualistic killing.
Может, это было ритуальное убийство?
Or maybe it was Detroit.
Или это был Детройт?
Maybe it was a sex crime, drug deal gone wrong, random shooting.
Может быть, это преступление на сексуальной почве, или у дилеров не заладилась сделка, или случайная перестрелка.
Maybe it was just a desperate attempt to save your gallery when you realized that Josephine's lawsuit put the sale of the muses in jeopardy.
Может, это была просто отчаянная попытка сохранить галерею, когда вы поняли, что иск Джозефин поставит под угрозу продажу муз.
Maybe it was symbolic.
Может, это было символично.
Maybe it was sorcery.
Может, это была экстрасенсорика.
Maybe it was you.
Может, это был ты.
Maybe it was the opposite.
Может быть, всё как раз наоборот.
Maybe it was a worker, a museum employee.
Может это был рабочий, сотрудник музея.
She was giving a suitcase to somebody, and I thought maybe it was Ali.
Она передала кому-то чемодан, и я подумала, что это могла быть Эли.
Maybe it was that?
Может быть, это были они?
It's just that Theresa capodiamonte said that I should be bold and courageous, so I decided that maybe it was time to let someone read it.
Тереза Каподиаманте сказала мне, быть смелой и решительной, и я решила, что пришло время дать ее прочитать кому-нибудь.
Maybe it was a cattle brand.
А тавро.
I thought maybe it was a bear, but then I heard a voice.
Подумала, может это медведь, но потом я услышала голос.
Yeah, and maybe it was Lord Lucan on Shergar.
Ага, а может это был Лорд Лукас из Шергар.
Maybe it was the next day.
Может, это было днем позднее.
I don't know, maybe they lost the piece of paper it was written on. Or something.
Я не знаю, может они потеряли клочок бумаги, на котором это было написано или что-то в этом роде
Was it, uh, this fella maybe?
Может, это был он?
She was bringing the tape to you... maybe to give it to your father for safekeeping.
Она принесла кассету вам... может быть, чтобы отдать ее твоему отцу на хранение.
Although, khan was on the show, so maybe it'll be better.
Хотя, Хан был в сериале, поэтому может будет лучше.
It's just that, um, well, you see, that NYADA has been so great dealing with the Funny Girl schedule, so I was just hoping that we could maybe return the favor.
Просто в НЙАДИ с пониманием относились к моему графику подготовки к "Смешной девчонке", поэтому я надеялась, что вы сможете сделать то же самое.
It was late, maybe 2 : 00 A.M.
Было поздно, около 2 ночи.
You know, maybe that's what it was supposed to be.
Может, так и суждено быть.
Or maybe Laura was killed before she could get her hands on it.
Или же Лору убили, прежде чем ей самой удалось её заполучить.
[Tires screech] Sorry. Because I was hoping maybe I could take you out to dinner tomorrow night, you know, before we do it.
( вздохи усталости ) Прости потому что я надеялся, возможно, поужинать с тобой где-нибудь завтра вечером, ну, перед тем, как мы сделаем это
He says he was gonna kill it and eat it. Maybe not even in that order.
Она превратила мой кабинет в строительный магазин.
Maybe he felt he was owed something because of it.
Может, он считал, что ему должны из-за этого.
I don't--maybe- - it was shock, maybe.
Я не... может быть... это был шок.
Maybe, uh, he thought it was working.
Возможно, он думал, что это работает.
It was maybe 10 minutes before they called again.
Прошло наверное 10 минут прежде чем они позвонили снова.
You must, she was your daughter too, maybe it's different for men.
Ты должен понимать. Она ведь была и твоей дочерью. Хотя, может, для мужчин это по-другому.
I was supposed to go to this work conference in Manhattan on Friday, but it's gonna be terrible, and I was thinking maybe Miami instead.
Я должна была поехать на эту конференцию в Манхеттене в пятницу, но она ужасная, и я подумывала поехать в Майами.
Maybe, but I also dumped his phone, and it turns out he was putting in an order for takeout the same time the liver was being stolen.
Возможно, но я также проверила его телефон, и выяснилось, что он заказывал еду на вынос в то же самое время, когда была украдена печень.
All right, maybe not by you, but it was planted.
Ладно, может, это не ты, значит это сделал кто-то другой.
Yeah, maybe if the truck towing it was going a 110.
Ну, если тянуть на эвакуаторе - то вполне может быть.
You know, if the killer knew that Marcella was on an arsenic-based drug, maybe he or she thought that by adding more poison to her diet, it wouldn't have showed up at the autopsy.
Знаете, если убийца знал, что Марселла принимала мышьяк-содержащее лекарство, возможно, этот некто подумал, что некоторая добавка яда к ее диете не выявится при вскрытии.
Maybe mchale knew the killer was coming, hid it someplace else?
Может, МакХейл знал, что кто-то это ищет и перепрятал?
Well, maybe he dropped it when he realized there was a witness.
Может, он выкинул ее, когда понял, что есть свидетель.
it occurred to me that maybe you couldn't speak, and maybe that was your way of telling me, and I wouldn't be doing my job properly if I didn't ask...
не можете говорить и пытаетесь мне намекнуть, и я по долгу службы обязана вас об этом спросить...
maybe it was an accident 21
maybe it was you 19
maybe it was a mistake 17
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it was you 19
maybe it was a mistake 17
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's nothing 22
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's nothing 22
maybe it's not 39
maybe it will 16
maybe it did 17
maybe it should be 20
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
maybe it will 16
maybe it did 17
maybe it should be 20
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
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it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
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it was fun 381
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it was a 305
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it was beautiful 226
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it was nice 232