Wouldn't you agree translate Russian
209 parallel translation
Wouldn't you agree?
Разве это не так?
I knew the garlic in the peppers wouldn't agree with you.
- Что? Я знаю, ты не любишь сладкий перец с чесноком.
I went to see her and I told her that you wouldn't agree to a divorce.
Я сказал ей, что вы не согласны на развод. Очень умно.
But, of course, I wouldn't expect an old Indian fighter, like you, to agree with me.
Но разумеется, я не жду, что такой закоренелый борец против индейцев, как вы, согласится со мной.
Wouldn't you agree, Sergeant?
Вы не против, Сержант?
Wouldn't you agree?
Что, нет?
Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Ascher?
Вы разве не согласны, мистер Эшер?
Otherwise it wouldn't be fair, don't you agree?
A иначе нехорошо получается. Ты не согласен?
Wouldn't you agree, Your Highness?
Вы согласны, Ваше Высочество?
Wouldn't you agree?
Wouldn't you agree?
Ты не согласен?
Wouldn't you agree, Krusty?
Согласен, Красти?
- Wouldn't you agree, Simba?
- Правильно я говорю, Симба?
Wouldn't you agree?
Wouldn't you agree, Number One?
Вы согласны, Первый?
Sir William, wouldn't you agree?
Сэр Уильям, вы не согласны?
That would remove the need for observers from Earth. Wouldn't you agree, captain?
В этом случае, капитан, нужды в наблюдателях с Земли не будет?
You know, the thing about being upset is that... besides it sometimes being a turn-on to women... it's not a state you wanna be in when making important decisions... like going to the press, wouldn't you agree?
Что касается состояний удрученности... кроме того, что они заставляют иногда обращаться к женщинам... то, что это не то состояние, чтобы принимать серьезные решения... такие как обращение в прессу, ты не согласен?
- Wouldn't you agree to that?
- Ты согласен?
"Secure" is such a relative term wouldn't you agree?
"Надежно" это весьма относительный термин, вам не кажется?
Now, if this mechanic guy was, in fact eating a 5th Avenue bar, as he claims wouldn't you agree he would have no problem picking one out from a candy lineup?
Если этот механик на самом деле ел батончик "5-я Авеню", как он утверждает вы согласитесь, что он без труда сможет опознать его в линейке батончиков?
- How about expecting people to be responsible enough... to control themselves to begin with? - Wouldn't you agree?
Ты согласен?
Someone removed it from somewhere else and placed it there recently. Wouldn't you agree, officer? Wouldn't you agree, Officer Donaghy?
Кто-то снял его Откуда-то еще И положил его там недавно.
But wouldn't you agree that sometimes, and I'm not saying all the time, but sometimes Marie can be critical of me?
Но согласны ли вы, что временами, я не говорю, что постоянно, но временами Мари критична по отношению ко мне?
They are a breed unto themselves. Wouldn't you agree?
Это - особое племя, не правда ли?
I think anti-Semitism today is largely a Jewish phenomenon. Wouldn't you agree?
Мне кажется, на современном этапе антисемитизм - это главным образом чисто еврейское явление.
One which has been ignored by both sides, wouldn't you agree?
Которое на самом деле игнорируется обеими сторонами, вы не согласны?
"It's been painful, but I think you also have to agree it has been edifying. Wouldn't you say?"
Всё, что с тобой произошло, было очень неприятно, но и весьма поучительно, и я думаю, ты со мной согласишься.
Wouldn't you agree?
Ты согласна?
Ты согласен, Эм?
He wouldn't write such trivialities. Don't you agree?
Не может быть, чтобы он ей писал такие банальности.
Wouldn't you agree?
А что может быть лучше, чем хорошенько врезать кому-то, не так ли?
Wouldn't you agree?
Не согласитесь?
If one of you would agree to raise my kids, I wouldn't need a job.
Согласитесь вырастить моих детей, и я брошу работу.
Wouldn't you agree, Ben? Oh, I'd be scared not to.
Ты ведь согласен, Бен?
Wouldn't you agree with me, Druot?
Ты согласен, Дрюо?
Did you agree the terms on the loan and make it clear to Mr. Sweeney that you wouldn't be able to repay him for quite some time?
Вы согласились с условиями займа и объяснили мистеру Суинни... что не сможете выплачивать ему некоторое время?
a good story always needs a hook, wouldn't you agree?
В любой истории нужна зацепка, согласен?
Wouldn't you agree with Ms. Levinson that the company exhibits a pattern of disrespect toward its employees?
Разве вы не согласны с мисс Левинсон в том, что компания демонстрирует неуважение по отношению к своим сотрудникам?
Well, the content is a little unsettling, wouldn't you agree?
Ну, содержание, несколько, шокирующее, не согласна?
Wouldn't you agree?
Не согласен?
Wouldn't you agree that it's a totally fair price?
Вам не кажется, что это абсолютно справедливая цена?
He's about as likely to do that as buy shares in Marks and Spencer's, wouldn't you agree?
А он, похоже, скорее скупит акции Маркса и Спенсера, не правда ли?
Wouldn't you agree?
Ну вот!
Wouldn't you agree?
Поэтому я пойду первой и постараюсь поставить её спиной к двери, чтобы она тебя не увидела.
My budgie wouldn't agree with you!
Даже мой попугайчик не согласился бы с тобой!
Wouldn't you agree?
Без сомнения.
If I were you, I wouldn't be so sure I'd agree to it.
Не уверен, что согласился бы, будь я на твоем месте.
Wouldn't you agree with that, Zillah?
Ты согласилась бы, Зила?
Wouldn't you agree?
Вы же согласны?
But even if I stuck around, wouldn't you agree, no matter how great your class, it would still be a very, very small part of the college experience?
Но даже если бы я ходил на занятия разве вы не согласитесь, что как бы ни были хороши занятия они все еще остаются очень малой частью опыта получаемого в колледже?
wouldn't you like to know 93
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you 979
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you think 16
wouldn't you be 37
you agree with me 20
you agree 97
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you 979
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you think 16
wouldn't you be 37
you agree with me 20
you agree 97
you agreed 51
agree 108
agreed 1515
agree to disagree 45
agreement 21
would 251
wouldn't 33
would you like some coffee 97
would you like some 121
would you like a cup of tea 61
agree 108
agreed 1515
agree to disagree 45
agreement 21
would 251
wouldn't 33
would you like some coffee 97
would you like some 121
would you like a cup of tea 61
would you like some tea 119
would i lie to you 18
would you 3241
would you like something to drink 80
would you mind 397
would you do me a favor 67
would you like some water 61
would you like a drink 233
would you like to come 39
would you mind if i 20
would i lie to you 18
would you 3241
would you like something to drink 80
would you mind 397
would you do me a favor 67
would you like some water 61
would you like a drink 233
would you like to come 39
would you mind if i 20