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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ Y ] / You were right

You were right translate Turkish

13,624 parallel translation
You were right, Mr. Ellis.
Haklıydınız Bay Ellis.
Yeah, you were right.
- Evet, haklıydın.
Because, you know something, Sister Mary? You were right, your Pope really is a saint.
Çünkü Rahibe Mary haklıydınız.
And you were right.
Haklıydınız da.
Listen, I think you were right.
Sanırım haklıydın.
This morning, you said that Aurora stole something from me ; you were right.
Bu sabah Aurora'nın benden bir şey çaldığını söylemiştin, haklıydın.
You were right to run.
Kaçmakta haklısın.
You were right, what you said.
Söylediğin şey konusunda haklıydın.
You were right.
Sen haklıydın.
You were right about Sonia.
Sonia konusunda haklı çıktın.
You were right.
Because you were right.
Çünkü haklıydın.
- Well, you were right.
- Haklıymışsın gerçekten de.
You were right, before.
Sen haklıydın.
Well, you were right.
- Haklı çıktın.
You were right, I was...
Haklıydın yani, ben...
So you were right about Linda.
Linda konusunda haklıymışsın.
Alex, you were right, he knows.
- Alex, doğru söylemişsin. Biliyor.
What do you mean, you were right?
Ne demek haklıydın?
What did you mean when you said you were right?
Haklıymışım dediğinde ne demek istedin?
You were right to leave.'
Gitmekle doğrusunu yaptın.
Casey, you were right.
Casey, haklıymışsın.
You were right about everything.
Her dediğinizde haklıydınız.
But I get it now, and actually, you were right.
Ama artık anlıyorum, hatta haklıydın.
You were right.
You were right, Doc.
Haklıydın doktor.
If Angela's the leak, it means you were right about everything.
Sızıntı Angela'yla, bu baştan beri haklı olduğun anlamına gelir.
You were right, Ghost.
Haklıydın, Ghost.
Now, if we'd had that before I went and told you to let it go... you were right.
Şimdi, sana bunu bırakmanı söylediğim zaman geri dönersek haklıymışsın.
And you were right about the admissions director.
Ve kabullerle ilgilenen kişi hakkında da haklıydın.
I'd lay there and I'd think about doing all that, knowing that you, judge... Knowing that you were right there in a cage.
Orada yattım ve tam burada, kafeste olduğunu bilerek bunların hepsini yapmayı düşündüm.
So, if I were the right guy, you would marry me.
Yani doğru adam olsam, benimle evlenirdin.
It seems you were right.
- Haklıymışsın.
Oh, they were right about you.
Sizin hakkında haklıydılar.
Yo... you can tell me things, right, I mean... your mum and I were twins, so... we had a lot in common.
Bana bir şeyler anlatabilirsin, değil mi? Annen benim ikizimdi, o yüzden çok fazla ortak noktamız var.
Okay, look, you were the one whose schedule was up in the air, right?
Pekala, uçak biletlerimizi ayarlayan kişi sendin, değil mi?
Were you always right-handed?
Bıçağı genelde sağ elinle mi kullanırsın?
The two of us were sitting right over there, in those two chairs, and you asked me for my advice.
İkimiz şu iki sandalyede oturuyorduk ve benim tavsiyemi istemiştin.
Are you aware that Frank Castle's wife, son, and daughter were all murdered right in front of him when he sustained the brain injury in question?
Bahsi geçen beyin hasarı gerçekleştiği sırada Frank Castle'ın karısı ve çocuklarının gözünün önünde öldürüldüğünün farkında mısınız?
Because if we were, you'd be dead right now.
Çünkü öyle olsaydık şu ana ölmüş olurdunuz.
You were right.
Junior masum.
Hey, so maybe you were right after all.
Belki de haklısın.
You were so right, Gene.
- Sen haklıymışsın Gene.
You know, you never know if it was good when you were little or you were just little, so you didn't know. Right.
Ben küçükken iyi geçti.
Right. You guys were great.
- Sizler harikaydınız.
If you were a man, there'd be four other knuckleheads sitting right next to you.
Erkek olsaydın tam yanında oturan dört tane daha geri zekâlı olurdu.
Mrs. Johnson and I immediately agreed that you were the right man for the job.
Bayan Johnson'la ben dakikasında sizin iş için doğru adam olduğunuza karar verdik.
I mean, you were there when she said she's not that into cake, right?
Pastayla ilgilenmediğini söylediğinde sen de oradaydın, değil mi?
You were with the SEALs, right?
Deniz komandoları ile beraber çalışıyordun, değil mi?
You know, when I met you at the bar, I didn't need to review your resume to know you were the right man for the job.
Biliyor musun, barda tanıştığımız zaman yaptığın işe uygun olduğuna anlamak için öz geçmişine bakma ihtiyacı duymadım.
When he saw that you couldn't, that you were twisted, that your blood wasn't right for her, he just threw you away.
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