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That ' s translate French

1,417 parallel translation
? But I got your back? ?
♪ But I got your back for each day that s gone by ♪
# And that's just one small fraction of the main attraction #
♪ And that s just one small fraction of the main attraction ♪
It's your presentation that leaves something to be desired.
C'est la manière qui laisse à désirer.
Yeah, that's more than Rosie did.
Ouais, c'est plus que ce que Rosie a fait.
* О, именно так *
♪ Oh, that s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪
* Но сейчас это не страшно, это - нормально *
♪ And now it s all right, that s okay ♪
* ≈ динственное, что тебе не подходит, то это скука *
♪ If that don t suit ya, that s a drag ♪
* Ќа равнине, на равнине * * ј где же эта отвратительна € равнина?
♪ On the plain, on the plain ♪ ♪ And where s that blasted plain? ♪
* Вот ты кто, ха! *
♪ That's what you are, ha... ♪
* Вот кто ты, ха... *
♪ That's what you are, ha... ♪
* Вот кто ты, ха! *
♪ That's what you are, ha. ♪
* Мне нужен мужчина, который считает *
♪ I need a man that thinks it s right ♪
* Что все это возвращается ко мне *
♪ That it s all coming back to me ♪
* Я стал клясться Богом и могилой матери, * * что буду любить тебя до конца времен. *
♪ Started swearing to my God and on my mother s grave ♪ ♪ That I would love you to the end of time ♪
* Это все, что я могу сделать *
♪ That's all I can do ♪
That is, if your imagination's up for it.
Enfin, si ton imagination est partante.
Klaus was right, it's embarrassing playing with that toy car.
Klaus avait raison, c'est embarrassant de jouer avec une voiture miniature.
That's how dumb people live on minimum wage.
Voilà comment les gens idiots vivent avec le SMIC.
That's an odd thing to say.
C'est bizarre ce que vous dites.
You mean young and free, listening to great music, surrounded by a community that's looking out for each other?
Tu veux dire jeune et libre, écoutant de la bonne musique, entourée par une communauté qui compte les uns sur les autres?
No, that's where we live!
Non, c'est là dedans qu'on vit!
That's not true.
C'est pas vrai!
That's the guy, Jonah.
C'est le mec, Jonah.
( grunts ) That's right, Jonah, mush that face.
C'est bien, Jonah, explose lui la tête!
You're thinking that's blood. ( chuckles )
Vous croyez que c'est du sang.
Сегодня с самого утра погода так хороша.
♪ I got a feeling that it s gonna be a wonderful day ♪
So unless it got stuck in your ass on its way to your cunt, it stands to reason that it's gone- - whoa!
Donc, à moins que ça se soit collé dans ton cul sur le chemin de ta chatte, il s'en dire qu'elle est partie...
И я.. я просто чувствую что есть.. есть еще шанс, хорошо?
And I-I just feel in my heart that there-there's still a shot, okay?
Это все, что я смогла найти.
That's all I can find.
If I were to exonerate him, condone his completely reckless, immature, almost misanthropic behavior, I would essentially be sending a message to all the other doctors in this hospital that it's okay to act that way and... извини.
Si je le disculpais, tolérais son comportement complètement inconscient, immature quasiment misanthrope, en gros, j'enverrais le message à tous les autres docteurs de cet hôpital que ce n'est pas grave d'agir comme ça et -
And since there's no way that you're doing her without me knowing, it means you were just doing her shampoo.
Et comme il n'y a aucun moyen que vous vous la fassiez sans que je le sache, ça veut dire que vous utilisiez son shampoing.
Увидимся за ланчем.
Je te verrai au déjeuner. Any way you want it that s the way you need it any way you want it
"Так, как ты захочешь..." Она сказала : " Так, как ты захочешь, Так тебе и нужно,
She said any way you want it that s the way need it any way you want it
# And that's a concrete cold fact
Et ça, c'est la vérité toute nue...
That's true. Are we just gonna let North Park walk away with a victory because we think they know how to be nicer than us?
C'est vrai. parce qu'on les croit plus sympas que nous?
And when that other team tries to come at you, that's when you gotta reach deep down, right down to your creamy center - that place, that place, inside you where all the gooey happy
Puis souriez-leur! là où c'est crémeux.
Well, that's okay, Butters.
C'est rien.
Oh wait, now another official is signaling that's a safety.
un autre signale un safety.
That's good Peyton, but we need to get better.
mais il faut faire mieux.
! That's just what I wanna do.
C'est exactement ce que je voulais!
That's it!
How about last night's nail biter that ended 0 to 0.
Comme celui d'hier soir qui s'est fini sur le score de 0 à 0.
That's a game I wanna watch twice. That's a game I wanna watch four times.
ou quatre fois.
So that's it.
c'est tout.
That's fascinating.
C'est fascinant.
I have a fifty year old Alzheimer's patient out in the waiting room who can't even remember his family, but let's forget about him and focus on how sarcastaball might be damaging people's brains. My son is out there playing that game.
en train d'y jouer.
Well, I've got a better idea, let's get all the funding for cancer research and genetic diseases, let's take all that money and make commercials that say'hey America, sarcasm might not be such a great thing for your brain.
J'ai une meilleure idée. les maladies génétiques. Dépensons plutôt l'argent pour faire des pubs qui disent :
That's when I reach for a bottle of this.
Voilà pourquoi je bois ceci.
Ты был единственно правильным
♪ You've been the only thing that s right ♪
Слова все еще не сказаны сейчас мамы нет рядом
♪ The words are still unspoken ♪ ♪ Now that mama s not around ♪
Затем из шляпы из шляпы наступит та большая первая ночь и увертюра начинается
♪ Then out of the hat ♪ out of the hat ♪ it s that big first night

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