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Sanslisin translate English

40 parallel translation
Cok sanslisin Dan.
You're real lucky, Dan.
Buradan kurtuldugun için sanslisin.
You're lucky to be getting out of this country.
You're lucky.
Sadece cildine zarar verdigi için sanslisin.
You're lucky it just barely broke the skin.
Buradan kurtuldugun için sanslisin.
You're lucky you escaped when you did.
Pekala, o zaman sanslisin çünkü ben bir tane buldum.
Well, you're in luck'cause I found you one.
Sanslisin derse gitmem lazim.
You lucky l gotta go to class.
Son dovusunden sonra domuz yiyecegi olmadigimiz icin sanslisin.
You're lucky we aren't worm food after your last performance.
Sen sanslisin.
You're lucky.
Cidden cok sanslisin. Kismetin iyiye gittigini gördüm
- Bye, take care.
Cok sanslisin
You are very lucky Trust me..
Kullanabilecegin yeni bir yetenegin oldugu icin sanslisin.
Guess you're lucky to have a new skill set you can use.
Ted'e nasil yasanacagini ögretiyorum... ve ne kadar sanslisin ki sinifimda bir ögrenci için daha yer var.
I'm teaching ted how to live, And... lucky you...
You're lucky.
Well, lucky you.
Cok sanslisin, kardesim.
You got lucky, sister.
Cok sanslisin.
Lucky you.
sanslisin, böyle bir derdin olmayacak.
Well, it's lucky for you you'll never have to find out.
Sanslisin, Hashmat.
You are lucky, Hashmat.
Geldigim için çok sanslisin o zaman.
Well, aren't you lucky I came along?
Sandigindan daha sanslisin.
More lucky than you know.
sen çok sanslisin.
Lucky you.
Telefonu annem yerine ben açtigim için sanslisin.
You're lucky I picked up the phone instead of Mom.
Sen cok sanslisin...
You're very lucky to...
Lucky for you.
Mermi sadece yelege temas ettigi için sanslisin kardesim.
You're lucky the bullet only hit your vest, bro.
Bender cok sanslisin sana Robo-kurtarma programi yuklemistim.
It's just lucky Bender had a RoJack installed.
Zirhin dost ateslerine karsi korumali, ki bence sanslisin, cunku,
Your armor doesn't allow for friendly fire, which is lucky, because
Bana dusmez ama, onunla beraber oldugun icin sanslisin.
It's none of my business, but you're lucky to have her.
- Adamim, cok sanslisin. - Evet, biliyorum.
- Oh, man, you're a lucky guy.
And a lucky one.
Silahimi öldürmeye ayarlamadiğim için sanslisin.
Aren't you lucky I didn't have my gun set to "kill"?
O kadar belaya yol açmisken bu kadariyla kurtuldugun için sanslisin.
Please, with all the trouble you made, you're lucky that's all you got.
Sanslisin ki guzel seyleri severim..
I like pretty things.
Çok sanslisin.
You're lucky.
Sanslisin, bunu unutma.
You're lucky.
Well, that's lucky.
Seni disari atmadigimiz için sanslisin.
You're lucky we don't bounce you to the curb.

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