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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ S ] / Seni korurum

Seni korurum translate English

476 parallel translation
O zaman ben seni korurum.
When you do, I'll become your bodyguard.
Başbakan olmasan da seni korurum.
I'll protect you even if you're just a local minor chairman.
Dert etme Joan. Ben seni korurum.
Don't worry, Joan, I'll protect you.
Ben seni korurum.
I'll cover you from here.
Seni korurum.
I keep you covered.
Ben seni korurum, hadi!
Make haste, woman, lest I leave you!
Tamam, seni korurum o zaman, eğer kullandığım kelimeler hoşuna gitmiyorsa.
Well, protect you, then, if you don't like the words I use.
Ben seni korurum.
I'll cover for you.
Ben seni korurum.
I will protect you.
Seni korurum.
I'll guard you.
Seni korurum.
I'll cover you.
Ben seni korurum.
I'll protect you.
Seni korurum. Ne dersin?
I'll take care of you.
Yanıma gel öyleyse, ben seni korurum!
Come on, drink with me, I'll help you
Hadi, ben seni korurum!
Go ahead, I'll cover your back
Ben seni korurum.
I'll cover you.
Seni korurum.
I could keep an eye on you.
Fark etmez. Her şeye rağmen seni korurum.
Doesn't matter, I'll keep you on anyway.
Ben seni korurum.
I'm there to protect you.
Ben seni korurum.
Üstelik ben buradayım, seni korurum.
Besides, I'm there to protect you.
Bir şey olursa seni korurum, ama bu şekilde değil... Sana yalvarıyorum!
If something happens, I can save you, but not this way... I beg you!
Ben seni korurum.
I'll take care of you.
Ben seni korurum.
I'll keep you covered.
Benim evimde uyuyabilirsin, seni korurum.
You can sleep at my house, I'll protect you.
- Seni korurum.
- I'll protect you.
İzin ver de geleyim, seni korurum!
Let me come, I'll protect you!
- Seni korurum!
I'll cover ya!
Ben seni korurum.
i'll cover you.
- Endişelenme, seni korurum.
Don't worry, I'll protect ya.
Korkma Joleen. Ben seni korurum.
don't worry, joleen, I'll protect you.
Seni korurum.
I'll cover foryou.
Ben seni korurum!
I Got You Covered.
Londra'dayken seni korurum ama kıtayı tek başına dolaşmamalısın.
I'll look after you while you're in London... but you mustn't go to the continent on your own.
Ben seni korurum!
I'll cover you!
Seni korurum.
I'll cover for you.
Burdaki birçok kızın bir pezevengi var ama ben seni korurum.
Most girls here have a pimp, but I'll protect you.
Merak etme, Seni korurum.
Don't worry. I got you covered.
- Ben karşıya geçiyorum. - Seni korurum.
- I'm going across.
Pekala. Sen git, ben seni korurum.
You go, I'll cover you.
Herhangi bir sorun olursa ben seni salondan korurum.
I cover you from the saloon, hmm?
Seni ben korurum.
I'll protect you.
Milyon gelse gene korurum seni ben.
I'll buckler thee against a million.
Ayrıca seni cadıdan korurum.
And my protection from the witch.
Korurum ben seni.
I'll protect you.
Seni daima korurum.
I'll always protect you.
Gerekirse seni hayatım pahasına korurum.
I'll protect you with my life if necessary.
Ben seni ondan korurum.
I'll protect you from her.
Bana takıl, seni dertten korurum.
You stick with me, I'll keep you out of trouble.
Hayatımın sonuna kadar korurum seni.
I'll protect you all my life.
Durumunu zorlaştır ben seni korurum.
I'll cover you.

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