A new car traducir español
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That and a new car, a new house.
- Y coche nuevo, casa nueva...
If you buckle down and your grades improve, when the time comes for you to go to college, Grandmommy is going to buy you a new car.
Si te esmeras y tus calificaciones mejoran cuando llegue el momento de ir a la universidad la abuelita te va a comprar un auto nuevo.
Could be as simple as a cashmere robe... or, uh, as extravagant as a new car.
Podría ser tan simple como una bata de cachemir o tan extravagante como un auto nuevo.
Seriously, is that a new car?
En serio, es que un coche nuevo?
You got a new car!
Tienes un coche nuevo
Even Americans need a year for a new car.
Incluso los estadounidenses necesitan un año para un coche nuevo.
Like.. I want to buy a new car.
Como... quiero comprar un coche nuevo.
Anybody that buys a 16-year-old kid a new car...
Creo que cualquiera que le compre un auto a joven de 16 anos...
Ls this a new car?
- Sí. - Qué bonito, felicidades.
Buy everybody a new car.
Comprarle a todos un auto nuevo.
Yes, I want to talk about Aston Martin, brought out a new car, it's the One-77.
Si, quiero hablaros de Aston Martin, a mostrado un nuevo coche, es el Uno-77.
These days it takes many months and many millions to design a new car.
En estos dias toma muchos meses y muchos millones diseñar un nuevo auto
But the insurance will give you a new car, new TV.
Pero el seguro le dará un nuevo auto, nueva TV.
The insurance will not give me a new car.
El seguro no me dará un nuevo auto.
.. owned a new car today, mom.
- ¿ Qué le ha dado de nuevo?
Now, behind one of the doors is a new car.
Tras una de ellas hay un coche nuevo.
A new car, you open the bonnet and you scratch your head.
Con los coches nuevos, abres el capó y te rascas la cabeza.
A new car says, " Hey, don't touch me, I am a computer,
Un coche nuevo dice : "Eh, no me toques, soy un ordenador, yo sólo hablo con ordenadores".
It's a new car.
Es un coche nuevo.
A new car?
¿ Un auto nuevo?
I had bought a new car..
Había comprado un coche nuevo..
.. Kabra sir had bought a new car..
.. El Señor Kabra se había comprado un coche nuevo..
Oh, heck, a new car.
Oh, demonios, un carro nuevo
It's a new car, I can't- -
Es un auto nuevo, no puedo...
Not lately, though, because I really want a new car for my birthday.
Aunque no últimamente, porque realmente quiero un auto nuevo para mi cumpleaños.
You probably drive a new car for what it says about you when what it says about you is how you bow down to the big corporations that made a gravy train.
Tú probablemente conduces un auto nuevo por lo que dice de ti cuando lo que dice de ti es cómo cedes ante las empresas que volvieron perezoso el país.
Orhan had a wife and two kids and a new car.
Orhan tenía una esposa, dos hijos y un coche nuevo.
Buy a new car, "La-di-da, look who's got a new car."
Si compro un auto, "Vean quién tiene un autito nuevo."
My girl needs a new car.
Mi chica necesita un auto nuevo.
New car friend, let's go for a drive some time.
Amigo del auto nuevo, vamos a pasear alguna vez.
- Where's your new car, Si?
- ¿ Donde está tu nuevo auto, Si? - Acá a la vuelta.
Do you seriously think this is such a hot idea, I mean, getting a muscle car for a new driver?
¿ En serio crees que es tan buena idea? es decir, ¿ un auto poderoso para un conductor nuevo?
Plus, the new-car smell is french fries.
Además, el auto nuevo olerá a papas fritas.
suspect was fleeing the scene in a brand-spanking-new car.
El sospechoso salió volando de la escena en un auto nuevo y brillante.
I hate to sell her, but, you know, With my new sports car coming, I don't really need it.
Odio venderlo, pero, tú sabes, con mi nuevo deportivo, no voy a necesitarlo.
If you want a car with no flaws, buy a new one.
Si quieres un coche sin defectos, cómprate uno nuevo.
Today we will have dinner outside and we'll go in our new car.
Hoy vamos a cenar fuera e iremos en nuestro coche nuevo.
And now, there's a new British sports car.
Ahora hay un nuevo deportivo britanico.
To get to this new car, I had to go to Toyota City, which is a whole city owned by Toyota.
Para llegar a este nuevo coche, tuve que ir a Toyota City, que es una ciudad entera, propiedad de Toyota.
What was the first one? SL Mercedes? Yeah, a brand-new car, that was the first one I bought.
You came down here, presumably, utterly bewildered that there's a bleak airstrip in the middle of England with a man who won't take his helmet off called Stig, who takes you out in a not-very-exciting car with the steering wheel
The point about the Cerbera was that it was a kit car in reverse, in as much as you bought a new shiny object and you parked it at home and slowly it, sort of, disassembled itself!
The point about the Cerbera was that it was a kit car in reverse, in as much as you bought a new shiny object and you parked it at home and slowly it, sort of, disassembled itself!
This new car maybe - the biggest Fiesta yet, but it's a whopping 40 kilograms lighter than the last model.
Este puede ser - el Fiesta mas grande hasta ahora. Pero aun así es 40 kilos mas ligero que el viejo modelo.
That on the morning of April 5th, 1989, a high-speed car crash occurred on a rural highway in Upstate New York.
que en la mañana del 5 de abril de 1989, un accidente de trafico, a alta velocidad, ocurrió en un camino rural en el norte de Nueva York.
But Mr. Campbell, he kept emotions aside and let simple math get his ass into a brand-new car!
Pero el Sr. Campbell ha controlado sus emociones y gracias a las matemáticas ¡ va a flipar con un coche nuevo!
A new customer, a Chinese gentleman, very grateful that I'd repaired his car, dirty spark plugs, nothing really, gave me this perfume for my wife and I, not having one, thought of you.
Un nuevo cliente, un caballero chino, muy agradecido de que le reparara el coche, bujías sucias, nada en realidad, me dio este perfume para mi mujer y, como no tengo, pensé en ti.
Ana, I've just bought a new Japonese car :
Ana, compré un coche nuevo :
I've just bought a new Japonese car : four air bags, 1 20 watt stereo system, and a subwoofer.
Compré un coche nuevo : japonés, cuatro " "air bags" ", sonido estéreo de 1 20 " "watts" ", " "sub-woofer" "...
A new gang of car thieves is coming to town.
Va a llegar una nueva banda de ladrones de autos.
We watched him pack up the car that was meant for him and Kate to start their new life.
Lo vimos empacar el auto que estaba destinado a que él y Kate iniciaran su nueva vida.
A used car isn't worth as much as a new one.
Un auto usado no vale tanto como uno nuevo.
Got the whole thing power washed. I even used some of that new car smell stuff.
Huele a nuevo.
a new life 65
a new day 19
a new beginning 46
a new one 48
a new identity 27
a new record 20
a newspaper 17
a new family 16
a new start 18
a new wardrobe 42
a new day 19
a new beginning 46
a new one 48
a new identity 27
a new record 20
a newspaper 17
a new family 16
a new start 18
a new wardrobe 42