Guns down traducir español
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Put those guns down.
Que dejes las pistolas.
One large shot and you'll bring up enough guns down here to start a war.
Dispare y tendrá aquí armas suficientes para emprender una guerra.
Put the guns down! You are within reach!
¡ Baja el arma, estás a tiro!
- Ralph, those guns down there, they're loaded.
- Ralph, las pistolas ahí abajo están cargadas.
Has he been wearing his guns down here?
¿ Acostumbra él llevar sus armas encima, por aquí?
You're carrying these guns down to the jail for us.
Nos ayudará a llevar las armas a la cárcel.
Throw those guns down.
Suelte las pistolas.
Put your guns down.
Bajen las armas.
Why not move the guns down here... stick them in a line from Beachy Head to Dover?
¿ Porque no mueven los antiaereos hasta allá abajo formenlas en línea desde Beachy Head hasta Dover?
Put down those guns.
Tira las pistolas.
80 guns... and 16,000 rounds of linen cartridges... down there in the wagon, and more later.
80 fusiles... y 16.000 cartuchos de lino... ahí en el carro, y después más.
Tirad las armas y bajad en fila india.
You and I and two machine guns... are going down there fishing next month.
Tú, yo y dos ametralladoras... iremos a pescar allá el mes próximo.
Tell'em to drop their guns and come down with their hands up.
Dígales que dejen las armas y que bajen con las manos en alto.
Well, lets see, the last time I was down here, two years ago there were double railway guns east and west two twin concrete embrasures half a mile to the north one four-gun turret of shore-mounted Navys back of Hill 14.
Veamos. La última vez que vine hace dos años había armas de doble vía este y oeste dos aberturas de concreto a menos de 1 km al norte una torrecilla de playa en la colina 14.
You'll find out if it's a joke or not... when we drag these people through their houses, and shoot them down with machine guns!
- ¿ De broma? Los sacaremos a la calle y los ametrallaremos.
Its guns silenced, its ports shattered, it still refused to surrender Even under point blank fire at 800 yards range. It Was an exhibition of Polish valor that Will go down in history
Sus cañones sllenclaron y sus fortificaciones fueron demolidas... y, todavía se negaban a rendirse... mismo sobre el fuego a quema ropa de 80 yardas.
Machine guns on the flanks will cut them down.
Las ametralladoras los detendrán.
And when Boris gets here with the guns, rush him down to the north cornfield.
Y cuando Boris llegue con las armas, envialo al campo del norte.
Get down there and take their guns away from them.
Baja y quítales las armas.
- Lay down your guns.
- Dejen de luchar.
Lay down your guns.
Abandonen las armas.
Instead of standing by his guns, he knelt down like a scared little boy and begged for Her Majesty's forgiveness.
En vez de mantenerse firme, se arrodilló como un niño, y le pidió perdón.
Ever shoot those electric guns that shoot down the airplanes.
Es un horror. - ¿ Has usado armas antiaereas?
Waiting with all their guns, to mow them down.
Esperando con todo el armamento para acabar con ellos.
The gun went off, as guns will, and Geiger fell down dead.
La pistola se disparó, como es normal, y Geiger cayó muerto.
When it comes to guns you're down on my level.
En cuestión de armas, estás un nivel por debajo.
Throw your guns overboard and come down out of there.
Tiren sus armas y bajen.
- Throw down your guns.
Tiren sus pistolas al suelo.
Throw down your guns!
¡ Tiren las armas!
In the interest of being polite I'll run down to the gunnery course of this battlefront and check my guns like the man said.
Seguiré su consejo e iré a revisar mis ametralladoras como me ordenaron en vez de quedarme aquí aburrido.
They've laid down their guns for good.
- Dejaron las armas definitivamente.
We have put down our guns for good.
Dejamos las armas definitivamente.
Throw down your guns.
Arrojen sus armas.
Now put those guns away, and let's get down to business.
Deja esas armas y hablemos de negocios.
Unbuckle your guns, boys, and come on down to the calaboose with me.
Suelten sus armas, chicos, y acompañenme al calabozo.
They'll all be watching me while Faro guns him down.
Todos me estarán observando mientras Faro le dispara.
Lay down your guns.
¡ Soltad las armas!
You there, all of you, put down your guns.
¡ Los de ahí abajo! ¡ Soltad las armas!
You all drop your guns and come on down.
Tiren las armas y salgan.
Now, you just put down your guns because I'm coming up there.
Ahora dejad vuestras armas porque voy a subir allí.
Now both sides lay down their guns.
Ahora los dos bandos deponen armas.
If you want to ride up and down the city streets, take your guns off.
Si quieren cabalgar por la calle, dejen sus armas.
He'll listen better lookin'down the muzzles of a dozen guns.
Escuchará mejor con una docena de rifles delante.
Rifle squad... when the big guns open up, keep your heads down!
¡ Pelotón de fusileros- - cuando disparen los cañones, agachen sus cabezas!
At this gate, you shot down hundreds of people with machine guns.
En esta valla mató a cientos de personas con ametralladoras.
No guns, he said, so I put down mine.
Dijo que sin armas, así que bajé la mía.
They come down from Texas to stock up on guns and liquor.
Ellos bajan de Texas para acumular armas y alcohol.
Once we get down there, and if we can't brings those guns back.. we'll destroy them.
Cuando recuperemos las armas, las destruiremos.
How many murderers had to be raised to shoot at point-blank range, to gas, to burn alive or gun down with machine guns millions and millions of women and children?
¿ Cuántos de estos asesinos sería necesario crear para matar a bocajarro,... para asfixiar con gases, quemar vivos o ametrallar a millones,... a millones, ... a millones de mujeres y niños?
Throw down your guns and come out.
Suelten las armas y salgan.
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26