Have you seen these traducir español
461 traducción paralela
Have you seen these little angels? Think they'd look good in my room?
¿ Te gusta este ángel para mi habitación?
- Have you seen these men?
- ¿ Usted ha visto a esos hombres?
Have you seen these pictures?
¿ Has visto esos cuadros?
Have you seen these yet?
¿ Has visto éstas?
Have you seen these two birds?
¿ Has visto a esos dos pájaros?
Have you seen these?
¿ Has visto?
Have you seen these figures, the breakdown?
¿ Has visto estas cifras?
Where have you seen these signs?
¿ Dônde has visto esas señales?
Have you seen these specific forts, mountains, camels etc, of which he speaks?
¿ Has visto alguna vez éstas fortalezas en concreto, montañas, camellos acerca de los que habla?
Have you seen these artificial limbs?
Has visto esos miembros aritficiales?
Jerome, have you seen these guns?
¿ Viste esto?
Have you seen these applications?
¿ Ha visto estas solicitudes?
Have you seen these photos Stone took?
¿ Viste las fotos que tomó Stone?
- Have you ever seen these men before?
- ¿ Ha visto a estos hombres antes?
By the same token, I would have gladly given my life to have earned just one of the ribbons you've seen on these brave men.
Por esa misma razón, hubiera dado mi vida... para ganar sólo una de las cintas que tienen estos hombres en el pecho.
I had hoped that we would have seen rather more enemy aircraft round here, so you could have kept up with your aircraft recognition without using these models.
Tenía la esperanza de que viesen aviones enemigos aquí. Para que no se olviden de las formas de identificarlos.
Take these and get ahold of yourself. If you'd let me keep the light on, I would have seen it.
Tienes que tranquilizarte, si hubiera dado la luz la habría visto.
- If you have seen any of these buildings...
- Si ha visto alguno de estos edificios...
You know, I never have seen myself on one of these things before.
Saben, es la primera vez que aparezco en televisión.
Since the beginning of the atomic age, we have had 143 explosions, such as these you've just seen here on the screen.
Desde el comienzo de la era atómica hemos tenido 143 explosiones... como la que han visto aquí en la pantalla.
Steve, have you ever seen footprints like these?
Steve, ¿ alguna vez ha visto una huella como ésta?
Have you seen anything of Ram Das during these last few days?
¿ Has sabido algo de Ram Das durante estos últimos días?
Have you seen the figures on some of these earth tremors?
¿ Has visto los números en algunos de estos terremotos?
Have you seen anyone passing through these parts?
¿ Has visto pasar a alguien por este camino?
Well, have any of you ever seen any of these so-called phantoms?
¿ Pero alguno de ustedes vio a los supuestos fantasmas?
Tell me, have either of you ever met any of these creatures or seen them?
Dígame ¿ alguno de ustedes ya se ha reunido o ha visto una de estas criaturas?
Have you ever seen these before?
¿ Ha visto esto antes?
Have you ever seen these boys playing poker?
¿ Ha visto a esos chicos jugando a póquer?
Have you ever seen these things anywhere else?
¡ Miradme! ¿ Habíais visto alguna vez algo así?
Now these creatures - have you seen them clearly?
Ahora estas criaturas - ¿ Ha visto con claridad?
Even if there's no poverty to be seen, because the poverty's been hidden even if you got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods and even if it seemed to you that you never had so much that is only the slogan of those who have that much more than you.
Aún si no se ve la pobreza porque ha sido escondida aún si tienen más dinero y pueden comprar más cosas nuevas e inútiles aún si parece que nunca han tenido tanto es sólo el lema de aquellos que tienen mucho más que ustedes.
That explains why I haven't seen anything of you for these last few months. And why you appear to have forgotten our reunion tonight.
Por eso no nos vemos hace meses, y has olvidado nuestra reunión de esta noche.
Have you ever seen tiles like these?
¿ Has visto alguna vez baldosas como éstas?
These veiled are the nicest, Have you ever seen them before?
Los más bonitos son Ios carpines dorados. ¿ Sabes cuáles son?
You have seen these humans... show us how to stop the rain from washing the hills away, And you have seen them create cropland from dry fields.
Has visto a estos humanos... mostrarnos cómo evitar que la lluvia arrastre la tierra... y los viste crear cultivos en tierras áridas.
You should have seen it, though. These new microphones are just incredible.
Deberías haberlo visto, estos nuevos micrófonos son realmente increíbles.
Mr. Lyndon these are a matched pair of pistols, and as you have seen your second has loaded one, and I have loaded the other.
Señor Lyndon... Estas dos pistolas son gemelas, como habéis visto... vuestro testigo ha cargado una, y yo he cargado la otra.
This is our electroencephalography have you seen one of these things?
Este es nuestro electroencefalógrafo ¿ alguna idea de cómo funciona?
Would you be good enough, sir, though, to explain to my audience that I have never seen these cuffs before, and this is the first time we've ever attempted this?
¿ Tendría la amabilidad de explicar al público que nunca... había visto estas esposas y que es la primera vez que lo intento? Desde luego.
Those that you have seen on these hills and on the plains are like a handful of beads.
Esos que viste en esas alturas y planicies, son sólo una parte ;
What you have seen, during all these years.
Lo has podido ver, durante todos estos años.
You know, I've read about these in a cookbook, but I have never actually seen one.
Sabe, He leido sobre esto en libros de cocina Pero nunca había visto una de verdad
Now, those of you who have already seen this morning's paper... might suspect that I am prompted to these comments... by what took place in our town last night... at the roller rink.
Para aquellos que ya leyeron Los periódicos hoy, Deben sospechar que porque estoy forzado para hacer estos comentarios, Para el que ocurrió anoche en la pista de patinaje sobre ruedas...
What you have seen are merely some of the ideas these paintings have inspired in me over the years.
Lo que ustedes han visto es sólo parte de las reflexiones que me han inspirado estos cuadros en el curso de los años.
You may not have seen these gentlemen before... but they have at one time or another worked for you.
Puede que no haya visto antes a estos caballeros, pero en algún momento trabajaron para usted.
You've seen the depth of feeling these people have.
Usted sabe que la gente de aquí se toma sus creencias muy en serio.
To increase wages... / have no time for you now... your mother hasn't seen you for ages... wait a bit longer until you grow up... and we'll tell of these events.
Que suban los sueldos... Ahora no tengo tiempo para ti, tu madre lleva tiempo sin verte, espera un poco, crece más, te hablaremos de aquellos acontecimientos.
You have finally seen the light and decided to take a hard line... with these degenerative little sociopaths.
Finalmente viste la luz y decidiste tener mano dura... con esos sociópatas degenerados.
I've only been with the company two weeks, but I have to tell you, these things are real. I have seen shit that'll turn you white.
soy Winston Zeddemore excelencia, he estado en la compañia por unas semanas pero dejeme decirle que estas cosas son reales. desde que estoy con estos hombres he visto cosas que lo pondrian palido.
These three gentlemen sitting with us now are the Zentradi soldiers you have just seen.
Por medio de este avanzado proceso, ellos pueden cambiar su tamaño al de un ser humano.
Remember, you're the first coloured officer most of these men have ever seen.
Recuerde que es usted el primer oficial de color que muchos han visto nunca.
have you eaten yet 24
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you been there 61
have you seen my 26
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you been there 61
have you seen my 26
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you got that 66
have you seen him 259
have you 2570
have you been drinking 218
have you ever tried it 24
have you seen my keys 18
have you been working out 25
have you seen it 165
have you seen this 158
have you been well 68
have you seen him 259
have you 2570
have you been drinking 218
have you ever tried it 24
have you seen my keys 18
have you been working out 25
have you seen it 165
have you seen this 158
have you been well 68