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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I said shut up

I said shut up traducir español

641 traducción paralela
I said shut up.
- He dicho que te calles.
- I said shut up!
- ¡ Dije que te callaras!
I said shut up.
- ¡ Es un tonto!
I said shut up, both of you.
Dije que se callaran, los dos.
I said shut up!
¡ Vas a ver...! ¡ Le digo que se calle!
- I said shut up!
- Dije : "¡ Cállate!"
I said shut up!
¡ Te he dicho que te calles!
I said shut up, didn't I?
Te dije que te calles, ¿ no es así?
- I said shut up.
- Te he dicho que te calles.
I said shut up!
¡ Dije que te calles!
I said shut up.
Te dije que te callaras.
- Shut up. I said shut up!
- Calla. ¡ He dicho que te calles!
Horrible are the nights without your lovely body next to me. - Without your mouth, your kisses. - I said shut up.
"La horrible noche de insomnio... sin la bendita presencia de tu querido cuerpo cerca de mí,... sin tu boca, tan besada..." - ¡ Que te calles!
I said shut up about the girl!
¡ Les dije que no hablasen sobre la chica!
I said shut up!
¡ Cállate!
- I said shut up!
- ¡ He dicho que te calles!
- I said shut up!
- Dije que se calle!
- I said shut up.
- Dije que te calles.
I said shut up!
¡ Dije silencio!
I said shut up!
¡ Le dije que se calle!
Shut up! I'll shut up when I've said...
Me callaré cuando te haya dicho que te ha tomado le pelo.
Shut up, Rosita, you do not hear Ms. MURST. I said I would.
Cállate, Rosita, que no te oiga la Srta. Murst.
I said, shut up!
¡ Dije que te callaras!
I said sit down and shut up!
¡ He dicho que te sientes y te calles!
Shut up, I said, by the way.
¡ Ya te he dicho que cierres el pico, por cierto!
- I said, shut up.
- He dicho que te calles.
You called me a guttersnipe. You told me to shut up. And when I quietly suggested that we should go upstairs to bed... you said, with the most disgusting leer, it was an immoral suggestion.
Tú me llamaste golfilla, me dijiste que me callara... y cuando te sugerí que subiéramos a acostaros... me dijiste que eso era una sugerencia inmoral.
I said, shut up!
- Silencio, dije.
Silence, I said. Shut up.
¡ Silencio, dije!
I said shut up.
¡ Te digo que te calles!
But you said that if we wouldn't find it... That if you turn up this time again... I shut the door and that's it. Shut up!
Había dicho que si no lo encontrábamos...
Shut up I said!
¡ Cállate he dicho!
- I said stop that, stop it. - Why don't you shut up, idiot!
- He dicho que basta, no me molestes. - ¡ Quieta, cretina!
I said, shut up.
¡ He dicho que te calles!
'I beg your pardon? ''I said shut up!
¿ Pedirle perdón?
Shut up, I said!
¡ He dicho que se calle!
- I said, shut up.
- Dije que te calles.
Shut up, I said!
¡ He dicho que te calles!
- Shut up, I said.
- Cállese, dije.
I said, "Shut up!"
¡ He dicho que se calle!
Like I said, shut up.
Ya te lo he dicho, cállate.
Shut up, you two! I won't hear a word said against him.
Cállense, no aguantaré una palabra en su contra.
- I said shut up, please.
Te pedí que te callaras, por favor.
I said shut up!
¡ Parad ya!
I said, shut up, Victoria!
¡ Que te calles te digo, Victoria!
You know, an hour ago if he'd said that, i'd have laughed at him or shut him up, but now i don't know.
Ya sabes, si hace una hora alguien lo hubiera dicho, nos habríamos reido de él o lo hubieramos encerrado, pero ahora no sé.
But I said nothing, I shut up like a dead man.
Pero no dije nada, callé como un muerto.
- Yes, and I said, shut up.
Sí, y he dicho que se calle.
I said, "What are you doing, Coigne?" "Shut up," he says.
"¿ Qué haces, Colin?" "¡ Calla!" Dice.
I said, shut up!
¡ Te dije que te callaras!
- Shut up, I said!
- ¡ Cállate! .

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