I said to myself traducir español
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"Got to beat traffic," I said to myself.
"Debo evitar los atascos", me dije.
The first time a good-looking Italian pinched my bottom, I said to myself :
La primera vez que un italiano buenmozo Me pellizcó la nalga..
I said to myself, "She'll be happier if she doesn't know."
No lo hice Me dije a mi mismo Ella será mas felíz si no sabe nada.
I said to myself, "he's not completely stupid. Must have taught him something."
Me dije : "No es completamente idiota, algo habrá aprendido".
Took a look around and I said to myself :
Di un vistazo por aquí y me dije :
Try to understand, I said to myself : " Who knows?
Pero le ruego que comprenda, me he dicho : ¿ Quién sabe?
The minute I saw you, I said to myself, "Angel, my boy..."
En cuanto le vi, me dije...
Well, uh, Desiree was back in town, and I said to myself, "Shelby, how about a grand reunion?"
Desiree estaba de visita y decidí organizar una gran reunión.
I said to myself, "It can't be... she's all by herself up in the north..."
Decía, "¿ Te parece posible... que esté siempre sola, allí en el norte...?"
I said to myself, "A stone thrown to the sky returns to the earth."
Yo me dije : "La piedra que se tira para el cielo, vuelve para la tierra".
She has got a bronchial catarrh and a brother-in-law who came out of prison, so I said to myself :
Tiene un catarro bronquial y un cuñado que ha salido de la cárcel, así que me dije :
You know the moment I clapped eyes on her I said to myself :
Sabe en cuanto le puse los ojos encima, me dije :
But when I saw you, I said to myself, " My goodness, there's Jake Armitage.
Pero al verte, he pensado, " Cielos, si es Jake Armitage.
You know how it is... I said to myself :
Ud. sabe como es esto... Y me dije a mi mismo :
I said to myself : "Ecco, I take a real artistic photograph make plenty of money and travel to Rome first-class and dining car." But what happens?
Me dije a mi mismo "Ecco, haré una fotografía artística y real ganaré mucho dinero y viajaré a Roma en primera clase y en el vagón restaurante".
You see, I said to myself, I said, "Chester, what does this ship need that you could contribute?"
Verá, me he dicho a mí mismo : "Chester, ¿ qué necesita este buque que yo pueda aportar?"
I said to myself : "it's Sabbath today, there's plenty of time."
Me dije : "Hoy es Shabat, sobra el tiempo."
Finally I said to myself, "Striker, you've done a lot of fool things."
Al final, me dije : " Striker, has hecho muchas tonterías, pero últimamente ninguna.
I didn't get any Belomor delivered this morning. "Oh well", I said to myself.
No he recibido ningún Belomor esta mañana. "Bueno", me dije a mí mismo.
I said to myself I wonder if my brother remembers his brother.
Y me dije me pregunto si mi hermano recuerda a su hermano.
The minute I saw you, I said to myself :
Cuando te vi, me dije a mi mismo :
And I said to myself :
Y, me dije :
I said to myself : "Luis, since you know never did anything for anyone, except for yourself."
Me dije : "Luis, desde que te conozco, no has hecho nada por nadie, excepto por ti mismo".
I said to myself, "That's it, that's the end."
Me dije : "Ya está, se acabó".
Calm down, I said to myself.
Tranquilo, tranquilo, me dije a mí mismo.
And I, I pulled up outside there and I saw them laws and I said to myself, I said, "Bonnie could get hurt here."
Salí con el coche, vi a la poli... y pensé : "Bonnie podría salir malherida."
Well, I said to myself Now, brash young man Don't get any ideas
Cuando me dije, mira joven impetuoso, no te hagas ninguna idea
I said to myself, "Man, he`s asking for it."
Me dije : "Vaya, se lo está buscando".
Yeah, I was about to break it up but I said to myself wait...
Quería ponerle fin a esta historia. Pero me dije
I said to myself : What's the good of talking to them?
Yo me decía : ¿ De qué sirve hablar con ellos?
You know, when I woked up and seen that gun pointing right at my mouth and you standing at the other end of it, I said to myself, "Miller, you move one inch and you're a dead man."
Cuando desperté y vi esa pistola apuntando a mi boca y a usted detrás de ella, me dije : " Miller, si te mueves un centímetro, eres hombre muerto.
"You'll be sorry when I'm dead, Bernard," I said to myself.
"Lo lamentarás cuando esté muerta, Bernard," me dije a mi misma.
I said to myself.
me dije a mi misma.
You know what I said to myself the first time I saw you? - What?
¿ Sabes qué me dije a mí mismo la primera vez qué te vi?
- I said to myself, "Now, there's a real lady."
¿ Qué? Me dije, "Esta sí que es una dama de verdad".
I said to myself : "What is this?"
entonces me dije, ¡ cojoyo y esto que cosa e'!
Well, what I mean is the line was always engaged so I said to myself "you must go there".
Lo que quiero decir es que el teléfono siempre comunicaba. por esto pensé "tienes que ir allí".
I said to myself, "What is the window doing open?"
Me dije "¿ por qué está abierta?", yo no la abrí.
No. No, I didn't go to the bar, because I said to myself, "No, tonight I'm not gonna have a drink because things are too upset."
No, no fui al bar, porque me dije "No voy a tomar nada, porque todo está muy alterado".
The first moment I saw you, I said to myself, " Now, there's a woman who'd understand.
La primera vez que la vi, me dije, "Esa es una mujer comprensiva."
Then one day, I said to myself...
Y un buen día, me dije :
I said to myself, " Julian, thank God, at last you're out of it.
Me dije a mí mismo : " Julian, gracias a Dios, al fin te has librado.
I got ill last winter, but I said to myself, you can't yet die.
EI invierno pasado me enfermé, pero pensé que no podía morirme.
Todavía no le digo a él, pero así me lo dije a mí misma.
To celebrate the day I treated myself to an aperitif, browsed some newspapers and tried to imagine what Schnomm, were he still alive, would have said when reading these papers.
Tomando el aperitivo, ojeaba unos periódicos, y trataba de imaginar lo que Schnomm hubiera dicho leyéndolos.
I just said that in order to make myself seem important, you know.
Sólo lo digo para darme importancia, ¿ sabe?
But it won't be necessary, I'll take you to her myself after you've said goodbye to Dan.
No será necesario, yo les llevaré hasta ella. Cuando se hayan despedido de Dan.
I said to myself this is crazy.
Me dije a mí mismo :
I said that six years ago, and I can't seem to stop repeating myself.
Dije eso hace seis años parece que no puedo dejar de repetirlo.
I said to myself, if Rosemary's going out,
Me dije esta mañana :
- I've said it to myself.
- Me lo he dicho a mí misma.
i said 6904
i said yes 136
i said okay 48
i said no 690
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said i would 56
i said wait 33
i said enough 36
i said yes 136
i said okay 48
i said no 690
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said i would 56
i said wait 33
i said enough 36
i said stop 168
i said i'm sorry 104
i said nothing 76
i said to him 70
i said go 69
i said stop it 59
i said shut up 121
i said i'm fine 68
i said it 310
i said go away 28
i said i'm sorry 104
i said nothing 76
i said to him 70
i said go 69
i said stop it 59
i said shut up 121
i said i'm fine 68
i said it 310
i said go away 28