I told you before traducir español
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So, you know, like I told you before, I explained how the numbers can affect... can affect our judgment of what real health is.
Por lo tanto, como le expliqué, los números pueden afectar nuestro criterio de lo que la salud es realmente.
I told you before it became obvious.
Se lo dije antes de que se volviera evidente.
I told you before, my lover is going to be a blind man.
Ya te lo he dicho antes, mi amante será un hombre ciego.
Like I told you before, not you!
¡ Como te dije antes, tú no!
I told you before, I'm opposed to violence.
- Ya se lo dije, estoy en contra de la violencia.
Like I told you before, the CIA...
Como le dije antes, la CIA...
I told you before. I can't.
Te lo he dicho, no puedo.
As I told you before, my father put us all in boxes and I'm in the one marked "knows nothing".
Como le he dicho antes, mi padre nos ha mantenido al margen y yo simplemente no sé nada.
- I told you before
- Te lo dije antes
I told you before, I want you to go.
Ya te lo dije, ¡ quiero que te vayas!
I've been an agent like I told you before and what I learned throughout my career is you ask questions.
He estado en todo, he sido un agente como te dije antes. Y lo que he aprendido a lo largo de mi carrera es que preguntas y luego haces preguntas.
Alex, what I told you before about not getting close to anyone?
Álex, ¿ qué te dije antes acerca de no acercarse a nadie?
When I told you before... that I was pregnant, I'd only taken a home test.
Cuando antes te he dicho que estaba embarazada, sólo me había hecho una prueba casera.
I told you before, you filthy little fucker, lick my boots clean.
Te lo dije antes, asqueroso, lame mis botas.
As I told you before, I was expecting a massage from a friend.
Como os dije antes, yo esperaba un masaje de una amiga.
I told you to go before climbing but you had to hold it!
¡ Te dije que fueras antes de escalar pero tenias que aguantarte!
And the only reason... That I reported it stolen is because you folks told me that I had to wait 72 hours before my daughter could be considered legally missing.
Y la única razón... por la que informé de su robo es porque ustedes me dijeron que tenía que esperar 72 horas para que a mi hija se la considerara legalmente desaparecida.
I told you about that before.
Te hablé de esto antes.
Have I told you about miss piggy before?
¿ Os he hablado antes de la Srta cerdita?
How often have I told you to knock before entering?
¿ Cuántas veces te he dicho que llames antes de entrar?
Emily told me she saw you guys making out on the back porch, which she decided to tell me right before my big audition, which I then proceeded to screw up royally.
Emily me dijo que os vio besándoos en el porche trasero, cosa que decidió contarme justo antes de mi gran audición, la cual arruiné soberanamente.
Emily told me she saw you guys making out on the back porch, right before my big audition... Which I then proceeded to screw up royally!
Emily me dijo que los vio besándose en el patio justo antes de mi gran audición y luego procedí a meter la pata completamente.
Gareth, stop doing that to Darcy! I've told you before, he doesn't like it!
¡ Gareth, no le hagas eso a Darcy porque no le gusta!
"I told you so, asshole," and I'm gonna laugh just before I let the coroner take slices of your head.
"Te lo dije, idiota", y me voy a reír justo antes de dejar que el juez tome las rebanadas de tu cabeza.
Cutter and Elrod told me it was you right before I killed them.
Cutter y Elrod dijeron que fueron ustedes antes de matarlos.
I told you fools to stand down before you shot that spot up.
Les dije tontos que se retiraran antes de disparar ese punto.
When I called, they told me That you had spoken to her just before she died.
Cuando llamé, me dijeron que habías hablado con ella justo antes de morir.
At least you told me before I bought the house.
Por lo menos me lo dijiste antes de que comprara la casa.
I'm so sorry. I should have told you before I left, but...
Lo siento, debí decírtelo antes de marcharme, pero...
Kinda wish you would have told me that, before I took an ass-kickin'.
Como que hubiese preferido me dijeras eso, antes darme por el culo.
Before you continue, I would like to know who told you this.
Antes de continuar, querría saber quién te dijo esto.
Oh, I should've told you before.
- Debí haberlo dicho antes.
Arthur, I should've told you before.
Arthur, debí habértelo dicho antes.
I've told you before, I'm not interested in serving Uther.
Ya te lo he dicho. No estoy interesado en servir a Uther.
I'm gonna tell you something I've never told anybody before.
Te voy a contar algo que nunca le dije a nadie.
Have I told you that before I started acting, I really wanted to be a singer?
¿ Alguna vez te he contado que antes de empezar a actuar realmente quería ser cantante?
Then I want you to find out if Danny Quinn told anyone else about Helen Carter before he left.
Quiero que averigües si Danny Quinn le habló a alguien más sobre Helen Carter. antes de que se fuera.
When you told me that thing before, i'm sorry that I didn't handle it better.
Antes cuando me has hablado de esa cosa, siento no haber podido manejarlo mejor.
Um... I should've told you before, but I didn't.
Debería habértelo contado antes, pero no lo hice.
I'd told you before, he's not to be trusted.
Le había dicho antes, él no es de confianza.
I told you I was doing a fite before I left.
Te dije que estaba haciendo una de las partes antes de irme.
Like I told you yesterday and the day before that, and the day before that, I got it covered.
Como te dije ayer y antes de ayer, y el día anterior, lo tengo controlado.
I should have told you about before.
Debería haberle hablado antes.
I should've told you before.
Debí habértelo dicho antes.
I told you, I've never seen that guy before.
Les dije que nunca había visto a ese tipo.
And I told you I'd start smoking again before this voyage was over.
Y yo te dije que empezaría a fumar de nuevo antes de que se terminase este viaje.
Yeah. Well, after Callen told me about how he found you puking your guts out in the bathroom before you went on your first undercover assignment, I figured, I could do this, no sweat.
Bueno, después de que Callen me dijese que te encontró vomitándolo todo en el baño antes de ir a tu primera misión de incógnito, me imaginé que podría hacer esto, sin sudar.
I told them that I miss you and that I love caressing your belly and our child would understand Suaheli even before birth.
Les dije... "que te extraño, y cómo me gusta acariciarte la panza " Y que nuestro hijo entenderá swahili aun antes de nacer.
I've told you before.
Te he dicho esto antes.
And watch how I'm not going to say, "I told you so!" Whoops. I'm sorry I was dismissive before.
Y mira como no voy a decirte, "¡ Te lo dije!" Lo siento, antes te falté al respeto.
Yeah, and I told you I've never used one of these before.
Sí, y yo te dije que nunca había usado uno de esos antes.
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23
i told you already 105
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23
i told you already 105