I told you traducir español
106,362 traducción paralela
Like I told you, kid.
Como te dije, niña.
I told you not to underestimate her.
Te dije que no la subestimaras.
I told you to block Ishida and Truffault.
Te dije que bloquearas a Ishida y a Truffault.
I told you you had to choose.
Te dije que tenías que elegir.
Like I told you, I... I had a family.
Como os dije, tenía una familia.
I told you.
Te lo dije.
I told you to stay away from her!
¡ Te dije que te alejaras de ella!
I told you it would take time.
Ya te dije que necesitaría tiempo.
Well, what if I told you Wait, wait, wait.
¿ Y si te dijera...? Espera. Espera.
What if I told you that you could feel that freedom again, all right, that you used to feel?
¿ Y si te dijera que puedes volver a sentir esa libertad que sentías antes?
I told you to use the cue cards.
Te he dicho que utilizases las chuletas.
I told you I'd be your guardian angel.
Te dije que sería tu ángel de la guarda.
I told you I would be your guardian angel.
Te dije que sería tu ángel de la guarda.
I told your dad I'd get you to bed by 9 : 00 PM and he's coming back soon, so...
Le dije a tu papá que irías a dormir a las 21 h y va a regresar pronto, así que...
Ralph, I told you that we were not going to play this game anymore.
Ralph, te dije que ya no vamos a seguir con este juego.
I told you on the phone she's not here.
- Te dije, no está aquí. - Sé qué dijiste.
Anna, I told you there's nothing I can do...
Anna, te he dicho que no puedo hacer nada...
I told you, I don't care about your money. No?
Ya te lo he dicho, no me importa tu dinero.
I told you to keep him distracted.
Te dije que lo mantuvieras distraído.
I told you, I wanted to broker a deal with Dante.
Te lo dije, quería negociar un trato con Dante.
I told you that, right?
Te lo dije, ¿ cierto?
- I told you this was Jake's show.
- Te dije que esto le correspondía a Jake.
- I told you when we met.
- Te lo dije cuando nos conocimos.
That's why I told you not to tell anybody.
¡ Sí! Por eso te pedí discreción.
Oh, God, I told you that was expired lube.
Era un lubricante expirado. Te lo dije.
I told you not to push your sister!
- ¡ Te dije que no empujaras a tu hermana!
How many times have I told you not to enter here?
¿ Cuántas veces les dije que no entraran aquí?
"Did you try to escape?" "I told you not to go out at night!"
- ¿ Intentaste escapar? - ¡ Te dije que no salieras por la noche!
I told you to be more careful.
Le dije que tuviera más cuidado.
I told you about my father being in prison.
Yo te conté lo de que mi padre está en la cárcel.
I already told you, in the alternate universe, the crew of the "Raza" never lost their memories.
Ya te lo dije. En el universo alterno, la tripulación de la Raza nunca perdió la memoria.
Look, I guess I would've told you eventually, but at the time, I figured you had enough on your plate.
Mira, supongo que al final te lo habría dicho, pero entonces, supuse que ya tenías demasiado encima.
No, you would have told me when I showed you the photo.
No, me lo habrían dicho cuando aparecí.
I told them not to tell you.
Les dije que no te lo contaran.
I already told you.
Ya te lo dije.
I told her to get as far away from you as she could.
Le dije que se alejara de ti tanto como pudiera.
You know, I used to think he told that story to make me look good.
¿ Sabe? Solía pensar que contaba esa historia para hacerme quedar bien.
I should have told you about Wendy before I even spoke to her.
Debí mencionarte lo de Wendy antes de hablar con ella.
I should've told you about Wendy before I even spoke to her.
Debí decirte lo de Wendy antes de ir a hablar con ella.
I'd have told you if I'd thought that...
Te lo habría dicho si hubiera pensado que...
Look, I would've told you it came from him, but the last time I mentioned his name...
Debí decirte que la información era suya pero la última vez que te lo mencioné...
If you hadn't told me, could've ended your campaign, but I know how to spin it as a strong anti-bullying stance.
Si no me lo hubieras dicho, pudo haber terminado tu campaña pero puedo convertirlo en una postura contra el hostigamiento.
But he told you I was, and he told you what's going on between us.
Pero te dijo dónde estaba yo y te dijo lo que pasa entre nosotros.
- You told him I'm here?
- ¿ Le has dicho que estoy aquí? - ¿ Qué?
If I told Wakefield about your friends, I'd be turning you in as well.
Si le hubiera hablado a Wakefield de tus amigos, también te estaría entregando a ti.
I'm gonna tell you something that I haven't told anybody but Mama.
Solo mamá sabe esto.
Mmm. You've got to admit I told it better, though.
- Admite que lo conté mejor.
You did. So, I just told the senator that that is a non-denial denial like in "All the President's Men."
Le dije al senador que es el mismo negacionismo de All The President's Men en el que...
- I told them you didn't want cake.
Les dije que no la querías.
I'm gonna tell you what I always told my mom :
Voy a decirte lo que siempre le decía a mi madre :
Like I told that guy in sweatpants last week, you can't just sit here and watch.
Como le dije a ese tío en pantalones de chándal la semana pasada, no puedes sentarte aquí y observar.
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23
i told you already 105
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23
i told you already 105