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Not that i care traducir español

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Captain, not that I care about you, or you, Cabot, or this gal.
Capitán, no me importan ni usted, ni tú, Cabot, ni la chica.
Not that I care much.
No me importa demasiado.
Not that I care.
No es que me importe.
Not that I care if you have.
No es que me importe.
Not that I care.
No me importa.
Not that I care for him.
No es que a mí me interese.
The biggest idiots are old. And pulled my bag to disguise! Not that I care, but I wonder.
no hay peor tonto que un tonto viejo luego me besa el culo para disimular a mí no me importa pero me gustaría saber quién es mientras no estén delante de mis narices todo el tiempo
A very close total stranger. Now, it's not that I care what he would think of me.
- Alan McCarthy, un "absoluto desconocido"
It is not fair that I have to take care of his duties, while he's out there... fooling around.
No es justo que me deja a mi, el baquete de cuidar a su gallina mientras él anda bor ahí de gavilán bollero.
I care not for a reluctant wife, rather that you would want me willingly.
Yo no quiero una esposa que no me quiera, prefiero que me desees por tu propia voluntad.
That's what I want let me know, I do not care how.
Eso es lo que quiero que me haga saber, me da igual cómo.
You don't care whether I'm with you or not, it's just that if I'm not there, you won't have anything to complain about.
A ti no te importa si estoy a tu lado o no, es sólo que si no estoy ahí no tienes a quien quejarte.
Did it occur to you that I might not care if I ever saw you again?
¿ Se te ocurrió que a lo mejor no me importaba no volverte a ver?
Now that I'm taken care of, I'm not your responsibility anymore.
Ahora que no estare sola ya no tienes que sentirte responsable.
I don't care if I killed him or not, for all that matters.
No me importa si he sido yo o no.
I do not care about the bag, are the documents that interest me!
El bolso no me importa, me interesan los documentos.
Not that I really care about such things... As long as I have a big, handsome, intelligent brute like you.
No, la verdad que no quiero eso... mientras tenga un grande, guapo, e inteligente bruto como tú.
I do not care who you are or what you are or what they may say about you, but I want to hear from your own lips that you are not a traitor, that you would not lead these people in revolt against me.
No me importa quién seas o lo que eres, pero... quiero escuchar de tus labios, que no eres un traidor, y que no harás que esa gente se rebele contra mí.
Maybe I can earn money to go to other island, where they will not care that I am an outcast.
Y tal vez pueda casarme.
I only care, with the newbies, Who do not know if they are men or not. That hurts!
Sólo me preocupan los novatos que no saben si son hombres o no.
I do not care to see you fight, but we all know that the struggles are always rigged.
No me importa veros luchar, pero todos sabemos que las luchas siempre están amañadas.
I don't care if you hate me or not, that's beside the point.
No me importa si me odias o no, eso no viene al caso.
I know that due to our humble condition human justice will not care for us.
Ya sé que por nuestra humilde condición la justicia humana no cuidará mucho de nosotros.
But that's not really why I care.
Pero ésa no es realmente la razón por la que me importa.
I have the premises, but not the vehicles, but I'm sure the adjutant will take care of that small detail before the night is out.
Tengo el local, pero no los vehículos. Seguro que el oficial se ocupará de ese pequeño detalle antes de que acabe la noche.
Please, Johnny, it doesn't matter. I don't care about that old car, not now.
Por favor Johnny, no pasa nada, ya he olvidado ese viejo coche.
It seems that I'm not qualified to care your business.
Parece que no estoy capacitada para cuidar de tus asuntos.
Tom, I maintain that in order to get the information that you want, we should get somebody that not only nobody knows, but someone that couldn't care less about our problems or anybody else's.
Tom, sigo diciendo que para obtener la información que quieres, debes buscar a alguien que no sólo no conozca nadie, sino alguien que no le importe nada nuestros problemas.
I believe that some convicts must be isolated from the rest of society but in private rooms, with baths, and with rugs on the floor and receiving proper psychiatric care not herded together like a bunch of beasts learning to become more bestial.
Creo que algunos presos deben ser aislados del resto de la sociedad pero en habitaciones privadas, con tinas, alfombras en el suelo y recibir cuidados psiquiátricos adecuados y no ser amontonados como bestias, aprendiendo a ser aun más salvajes.
Well, the thing of it is... it's just that while i don't care much for people it's difficult not having anyone.
La cuestión es que... no me interesa mucho la gente... pero es difícil no tener a nadie.
So is the fact that an unmarried girl... by the name of Holly Jones lives with the Kwimpers... in a relationship that I would not care to explore.
También lo es el hecho de que una muchacha soltera... con el nombre de Holly Jones vive con los Kwimpers.... en una relación que no me interesa explorar.
I don't even care if you're not altogether sincere in that statement, Walter because I think you know what the past 15 years have been like.
No me importa que no seas sincero del todo, Walter porque ya sabes lo que han sido los 15 últimos años.
Maybe it was true that he had come by Sante and I did not care.
Quizá fuese cierto que había venido por Sante y que yo no le importaba nada.
I do not care that we are not married.
No me importa que no estemos casados.
I've thought a lot about it, and though i realize that you are what you are and it's not my place to judge you... oh, look, i don't care please, please.
He pensado mucho en esto, y aunque me doy cuenta de que lo que eres y no soy quien para juzgarte... Oh, mire, no me importa...
Well, I hope I'm never like that, pretending not to care.
Espero que nunca llegue a ser como él. Fingiendo no preocuparme.
Yes, that I'm not capable of taking care of myself, eh?
Sí, que yo no soy capaz de cuidar de mí mismo.
I do not care that you come to bring us fruit as you do not mess with me, But each apple costs me upset.
No me importa que vengas a traernos fruta mientras no te metas conmigo, pero cada manzana me cuesta un disgusto.
With all my heart, and that's why I must care for his happiness and his future, not my feelings.
Con toda mi alma, y es por eso que debo pensar en su felicidad y en su porvenir, no en mis sentimientos.
Fear not, Dimo has promised me not to harm hereafter, and I have promised him that if he met you will care for his livelihood.
No temáis, Dimo me ha prometido no causaros daño alguno de ahora en adelante, y yo le he prometido que si lo cumple vosotros os ocuparéis de su sustento.
Madam, if you do not care to get snowed in... I suggest that you hitch up your wagon and head for Dodge.
Señora, si no quiere quedarse atrapada por la nieve, le sugiero que prepare la carreta y parta hacia Dodge.
Now I don't care what Wyatt Earp said, that man's not Doc Holliday.
No me importa lo que haya dicho Wyatt Earp, ese hombre no es Doc Holliday.
You'll forgive me for not getting up to greet you but you see, my daughter insists that I am an invalid and that I must take care not to injure my heart.
Pónganse cómodos. Disculpen que no me levante pero mi médico insiste en decir que soy inválido y que debo proteger mi corazón.
I do not care that your entrepreneur.
Me da igual el gerente.
I do not care what others say, but it would be much better for the world if women were ruling, because we would not see women killing and slaughtering each other. Well, is a sad case to those they have a beautiful son, like that and are not happy.
el mundo sería mucho mejor si fuera gobernado por mujeres a las mujeres no se las vería yendo y viniendo matándose entre ellas es triste que las que tienen un buen hijo no estén contentas
I would say, captain, that M-5 is not only capable of taking care of this ship, it is also capable of taking care of itself.
Diría que la M-5 no sólo es capaz de cuidar a la nave sino que puede cuidarse a sí misma.
I'm sorry, 99. I don't care how nice you ask me, I'm not gonna eat all of that food.
No importa cuán amablemente lo pidas no comeré toda esa comida.
I do not care that they sentenced Soramon.
Me da igual que hayan condenado a Soramon.
I shall take care, that the devil does not outwit me again.
Tendré cuidado de que el diablo no se vuelva a burlar de mí.
Please inform him that I do not care to drink with him... or any other Russian son of a bitch.
Dígale que no me importa beber con él ni con otro ruso hijo de perra.
I'm not gonna go cornball on ya or give ya any big speeches or anything like that... but I'll tell you right now, just as sure as God made little green apples... you play like that this coming Friday night... and you're gonna lose if you don't care.
No seré sensiblero con vosotros ni haré un gran discurso, ni nada de eso... pero os diré que, tan seguro como que Dios hizo manzanitas verdes... si juegáis así el próximo viernes por la noche... vais a perder, si no tenéis cuidado.

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