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Not that i mind traducir español

878 traducción paralela
It's pretty late, not that I mind you and Kurt staying out late.
Es muy tarde... Aunque no me importa que hayas regresado tan tarde.
- Oh, not that I mind.
- No es que me moleste.
Not that I mind splitting rails... but I do mind very much losing the beauty of that life I loved.
No es que me importe trabajar duro. Pero me importa mucho perder la belleza de la vida que amaba.
Oh, it's not that I mind your doing card tricks, Hopsie.
No es que me importe que tú hagas trucos de cartas, Hopsie.
Well, not that I mind him coming here, you know, if fair Sarah doesn't.
A mí tampoco me importa, si Sarah está de acuerdo.
Not that I mind you in here, but I never can tell when I'll want some privacy.
No me importa que estés aquí, pero no sé cuando querré mi intimidad.
Not that I mind chaperones, not in the least.
No es eso. Me refiero a las carabinas, cuando menos.
Not that I mind.
A mí me da igual.
It's not that I mind you calling me a mummy... because that's exactly right.
No estoy ofendido porque me haya llamado momia... Porque tiene toda la razón.
- It's not that I mind...
- No es que no...
It's not that I mind being stared at.
No es que me importe que me miren.
# Bear in mind I'm refined # # And I'm not that way inclined #
Recuerda que soy refinada, y no me atraen esas cosas.
I'll give you my reasons for not guilty. The evidence for the defense by the doctor is to my mind conclusive. Anyone who's followed the modern trend of pscyhological investigations must be aware that any person suffering from severe mental strain, such as the prisoner may have been following on so many rehearsals and things, may bring about a sudden condition
Cualquiera que siga el giro de las investigaciones psicológicas sabe que quien sufra de una severa tensión mental... como la acusada pudo haberlo hecho, el hecho de tantos ensayos... puede causar cierta condición en la cual la paciente... ya no está consciente de o responsable por sus actos.
In the talk I had with him the other day, he said some things that absolutely convinced me he's not in his right mind.
En la charla que tuve con él el otro día, dijo cosas... que me convencieron de que no está en sus cabales.
It's not you liking sweet sake that I mind.
No me importa si te gusta el licor dulce o no.
well, he was dying not my uncle, mind you, the bull, so I saw him and I thought that maybe, you know.
Por no llevar libros por no recibir la visita de los inspectores. - Pues fue una injusticia.
Then I will tell you again, I did not bring sin into that home since that is in your mind.
Entonces volveré a decirle que no traje el pecado a esa casa que es lo que está pensando.
Not that I got anybody in particular in mind -
No es que tenga a nadie en particular en mente.
He might change his mind about everything else, but not that. I know.
Podría cambiar de opinión sobre todo, menos de eso.
Not that I care a curse for her, mind that.
Y no porque ella me importe nada, cuidado.
While you men figure it out scientifically, I'll go and set a few traps. We may not find anything more than a diseased mind, but even that may be interesting. I'll help.
Mientras ustedes piensan científicamente... yo voy a colocar algunas trampas.
I wish he was home, and I wish that ship would get a bit damaged, not so that anyone was hurt, mind you, but just so as he could get a little bit of leave.
Querría que estuviese en casa. Me gustaría que ese buque tuviera un gran daño sin que nadie salga herido... sólo para que él tenga una licencia.
Not that I'm complaining, mind you but in a world where a man is judged by his appearance this is hardly the garment to embark on a new life.
No es que me queje, pero en mundo donde a la gente se la juzga por su apariencia... con estas prendas es complicado embarcarse en una nueva vida.
She said, "Would you mind repeating that?" I said, "Not if I can help it."
"¿ Puede repetirlo?" Y yo : "No, con cinco ya es suficiente."
I know that you went away to make up your mind whether you'd marry Shelby Carpenter or not.
Sé que se fue para decidir si iba a casarse con Shelby Carpenter o... O no.
On the day you give Skvoznik back his mind and Vincent his senses, on the day you restore the use of Canelli's arms and Bayforth's hands, on the day you give Clinton back his voice, on that day, I'll tell you what you want to know, and not one second sooner.
Cuando le devuelva a Skwaznik su mente y a Vincent su juicio... cuando le devuelva el uso de sus brazos a Canelli y de sus manos a Bayforth... cuando le devuelva la voz a Clinton... entonces le diré lo que quiere saber... y ni un segundo antes.
I can't get used to not having that awful weight on me mind all the time.
Me parece extraño no tener que sufrir.
It's not just that I mind giving up our fishing, Holmes, you know that, but hang it all, I want to be of some use.
No me importa perder los salmones pero quiero servir de algo.
But I do not want to, mind. That is quite understood.
Pero no me hace mucha gracia.
Not that I'm saying a word against Danny, mind you.
No estoy diciendo nada contra Danny.
There are not many things that are mine, not really... I mean, to give, so if you wouldn't mind taking it... maybe... maybe it would be like...
En realidad no hay muchas cosas que sean verdaderamente mías, quiero decir, para regalar, así que si no le importa recibirlo, puede... puede que fuera como...
I do not mind losing that case,... Yes... but this blow to the head.
No me importa haber perdido esa caja, pero sí este golpe en la cabeza.
Heavens knows I'm not a snob, but just as a matter of interest I don't mind telling you that on one occasion I had two ex-kings to lunch.
Dios sabe que no soy un esnob, pero sólo como nota curiosa... te diré que en una ocasión, invité a almorzar a dos ex reyes.
Well I'm not telling you, mind you... But that'd be the wrong kind of hat to wear up in the pine country.
No debía decirlo, pero no sería el sombrero adecuado para los bosques.
That's not what I have in mind for you.
No es lo que tengo en mente para ti.
That's not me, that's my mind. A man's mind, I must say.
Lo siento, señorita, no hay ni un taxi libre.
Oh, that's not what I had in mind.
Oh, no piense eso.
Not that I mind particularly.
No es que me moleste.
When you didn't show up last night I thought you might not mind helping me with some of these things that look important.
Como no apareciste anoche creía que no querías ayudarme con esto que parece importante.
Michael, every time you say, "Oh, uh, um" like that I know there's something on your mind and not in your throat.
Michael, cada vez que haces, "Oh, uh, um" o algo así sé que tienes algo en la cabeza que no dices.
Sometimes I do not know that you have three in mind.
A veces me pregunto que tenéis en la cabeza.
Well, it's the truth about you. Mind you, I'm not saying that's bad.
Es la verdad y no es malo.
You do not mind that I am here?
¿ No te importa que esté aquí?
Oh, really? I'm not aware that His Majesty's mind was capable
No creía que el cerebro de Su Majestad estuviese en condiciones de emitir juicios, aunque no estaba seguro.
I know you told me to try and get him out of my mind... but it's not that easy.
Sé que me dijiste que intentara quitármelo de la cabeza, pero no es tan fácil.
That's not true. Anyway, I didn't mind so much then.
De todas formas a mí no me importaba.
My subconscious was battling against my conscious, and the basic intelligence of my mind wouldn't allow myself to comprehend some of the problems that were forethought prior to sleeping, and at the same time, not having any rest, because of no sedation whatsoever to make my rest and dreams any brighter or smarter than they were when I was much younger.
Mi subconsciente peleando contra mi consciencia, y mi pobre inteligencia que no deja asimilar, algunos de los problemas que se suscitan en los sueños, y al mismo tiempo, no descanso nada, porque no hay ningún sedante que pueda hacerme descansar, y poder soñar cosas bonitas como cuando era joven.
But when I think back about it now I realise that, all the time I was talking, the thing that was really in my mind was to remember not to ask what it was her boss Rappalo was so sorry for.
Pero, pensándolo ahora, me doy cuenta de que, mientras hablaba, en realidad estaba pensando que no debería preguntarle por qué se disculpaba su jefe Rappalo.
I was of that mind when I came to the convent to speak to you and you would not see me.
Pensaba lo mismo cuando vine a buscarla al convento para hablar con vos pero no me habéis querido ver.
If she does recover, I'm not so sure that she'll be in her right mind.
En caso de que se recupere, no estoy muy seguro de que sea en buen estado mental.
I have not that alacrity of spirit... nor cheer of mind, that I was wont to have.
No tengo ya la vivacidad de espíritu... ni la alegría de alma que tuve en otro tiempo.

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