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See what he knows traducir español

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Let's go down to Gramps Johnson's store and see what he knows.
Vamos a la tienda de Johnson a ver qué sabe de esto.
Call Swan's attorney and see what he knows about Rook.
Pregunta al abogado de Swan qué sabe de Rook.
See what he knows about this Batman.
Averigua qué sabe sobre el dichoso Batman.
You want me to look into this amnesia question and see what he knows?
¿ Quieres que averigüe eso de la amnesia para ver qué sabe?
You'll go in there and you'll see what he knows.
Irás allí y te enterarás de lo que sabe.
- See what he knows if he's involved.
- Seganlo por si tiene algo que ver.
All right, look, I just wanna find this Sam guy, see what he knows about the demon, vanquish it and get on with our lives.
Vale, sólo quiero encontrar a ese tipo, Sam averiguar qué sabe del demonio, vencerlo y seguir con nuestras vidas.
See what he knows.
Averigua qué sabe.
Let's head to The Faux Ghost find Wickles, and see what he knows.
Vamos hacia el Fantasma Falso buscaremos al Viejo Wickles, a ver qué sabe.
Sydney, when we find the Count, you'll approach him and see what he knows.
Sydney cuando encontremos a "El Conde", te acercarás a él y verás lo que sabe.
See what he knows.
A ver qué sabe.
I'm gonna go talk to him, see what he knows, and, uh... I'll call you. OK?
Hablaré con él, a ver qué sabe y te llamaré, ¿ vale?
Let's go find this asshole and see what he knows.
Busquemos a ese imbécil y veamos qué sabe.
Pick him up, see what he knows.
Deténganlo. Averigüen qué sabe.
I want to talk to this guy and see what he knows.
Voy a hablar con ese tipo para ver que es lo que sabe.
- So let's see what he knows.
- Entonces veamos lo que él sabe.
Look, go shake down the bartender and see what he knows.
Mira, anda a hablar con el barman a ver que es lo que sabe.
I'm going to see the old man, he knows what I'm capable of.
Soy viejo. El sabe que yo soy capaz.
See if he knows what's happened to my missus.
A ver si sabe qué le a pasado a mi mujer.
You see the only way we could do is to find out exactly what he knows.
Le pillaré a solas y hablaré con él.
Mr Lowry had better see me, if he knows what's good for him.
Dígale al señor Lowry que le interesa recibirme.
She thinks she knows what a man needs, and she's going to see that he gets it.
Cree que sabe Io que necesita el hombre y procura que Io tenga.
You see, he knows what I did to Tony.
Sabe lo que le hice a Tony.
I haven't John's... God knows what you see in John... and he's betrayed you too.
No tengo lo que sea que ves en John, pero él también te ha traicionado.
God knows what you see in John... and he's betrayed you too.
No tengo lo que sea que ves en John, pero él también te ha traicionado.
I'll be at Julie Grendel's to see if he knows what a whore thief his ex-piece-of-shit wife is.
Iré a lo de Juli Grendel a ver si sabe cuanto de perra ladrona tiene su ex de mierda.
And once he knows the facts, you'll see what a different person he'll become.
Cuando sepa qué pasó verás qué diferente reacciona.
See? He knows what's going on.
- Ese también lo sabe de que hablo.
We don't see what we don't want to see, but I don't think he knows.
No vemos lo que no queremos ver, pero no pienso que él sepa.
See what he does? He knows no one's gonna say all those names.
Sabe que nadie dirá todos esos nombres.
He doesn't want us disturbing the grave because he knows what we'll find. But it's hard to fault his attitude when you see something like that. Maybe.
Él no quiere que abramos la tumba porque sabe lo que encontraremos.
Pick him up tomorrow. See what he knows.
Sal, Pepe, muchachos,?
I can clean it up. But then you need to see someone who knows what he's doing.
Lo limparé... pero tienes que ir a un médico.
Look, you should find Cole, tell him what happened, and see if he knows anything about this shadow thing, okay?
Mira, encuentra a Cole, dile lo que ha pasado y a ver si sabe algo de esta sombra, ¿ vale?
Every night before I turned out the light I used to look under the bed to see if he was there to capture me and carry me off to God knows what galaxy on the other side of the universe.
Cada noche antes de apagar la luz, solía buscar debajo de la cama para ver si él estaba allí para capturarme y llevarme para Dios sabe qué galaxia en el otro lado del universo.
Look, maybe I can go see Allah, figure out what he really knows.
Mira, quizá pueda ir a ver a Alá a ver qué sabe realmente.
Take down everything he knows about Derevko, and we'll see and decide about what goes on after that.
Averigua todo lo que sabe de Derevko y veremos y decidiremos que pasará luego.
Then the guy knows what he's gotta do, you see?
Y el tipo ya sabe Io que tiene que hacer.
See, he's somebody who knows exactly what she wants, and he's just gonna be here long enough to straighten her out.
Veréis, es alguien que sabe exactamente lo que ella quiere y sólo estará aquí el tiempo suficiente para que ella se recupere.
All right. MIKE : I think my brother definitely knows what he's doing, but, you know, now that he has seven days to go, I believe, so you're going to see a lot of sneaky activity going on.
Esta bien creo que mi hermano definitivamente sabe lo que esta haciendo, pero ya sabes, ahora que le faltan solo siete dias, creo que, asi que vas a ver mucha actividad conspirativa ocurriendo.
See, what I love about God... is that when he asks a question... he already knows the answer.
Verán, lo que amo de Dios es que cuando El hace preguntas, - ya sabe la respuesta. - Sí.
What's he going to see? Who knows what you've written in those papers?
¿ Quién sabe qué has escrito en aquellos papeles?
Give a carrot to a donkey, you'll see if he knows what to do with it.
Dale una zanahoria a un burro, verás que sabe qué hacer con ella.
He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had.
Nunca llega a ver lo que ha comprado. No sabe que lo han timado.
The only reason I wanted to talk to him was to see what he knew, and he knows a lot.
La única razón por la que quería hablarle era para saber qué sabía y sabe demasiado.
Let's see what he's up to now in Hogan Knows Best.
Veamos qué está haciendo en Hogan lo sabe bien.
See if Callister contacted him and what he knows about the virus.
Ve si Calister ha contactado con él. Y qué sabe él acerca del virus.
The governor asked us to come by and see if we could be of any help during what he knows must be a very difficult time for you.
El gobernador me pidió que viniera para ofrecerle mi ayuda en este duro momento.
He won't see me : He knows what'll happen.
Él no me verá, sabe que pasará.
See Vitamin J, he acts like a huge dumbass, but he really knows what he's doing.
Vitamin J actúa como un imbécil, pero realmente sabe lo que hace.
Right. We need to take him inside, see what he really knows.
Tenemos que llevarlo para ver qué sabe realmente.

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